Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 151 I'm not old, but I have a lot of small thoughts

Chapter 151 I'm not old, but I have a lot of small thoughts
However, what she thought of, Han Jing also took into account.Moreover, Han Jing was determined to be a full-time wife.

Although Han Jing is a dry man in some respects, it will not affect her desire to be family-centered.

How many women are really willing to devote a warm heart to dedicating all their efforts to their families at the risk of being eliminated by society?
If it wasn't for the other half, the ultimate love, it wouldn't be like this!
And Han Jing, undoubtedly loves Jiang Xin so much!
As Han Jing's best friend, although she has thoughts in her heart, she can only keep them.

Everyone's happiness is different.

Qiao Ran smiled and said no more. In her heart, she wished Han Jing, a woman, a happy life.

Having not seen the little guy for a few days, Qiao Ran really missed him very much. When he came back yesterday, his mind was confused, so he didn't call the little guy.

I don't want to, it turns out that the little guy has often called Han Jing these days, asking if Mommy is back.

Hearing Han Jing talk about the little guy, Qiao Ran couldn't stand on her feet. She wished she could run to the little guy immediately and hold the little guy tightly in her arms.

Ignoring Han Jing's teasing, Gu Han picked up his cell phone and called the little guy.

The voice picked up at the other end was obviously very excited, and the decibels were much higher.

"Mommy, you finally called me, I miss you!"

Qiao Ran couldn't hold back the smile when she heard Hanhan's voice.

"Mummy also misses Hanhan, where is Hanhan, do you want to go out to play? Mommy can accompany you today~"

"Mum, I'm at home, why don't you come and find me at home, I'll ask the driver uncle to pick you up!"

When Qiao Ran heard that the little guy was at home, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she whispered to the little guy over there.

"Hanhan, why don't you ask the driver uncle to take you out? Or, come to Mommy, your aunt is here too!"

The little guy over there is smart, so he naturally knows why Mommy doesn't come to the house.

"Mommy, Daddy isn't home today!"

Qiao Ran's words were completely blocked by the little guy, feeling a little guilty.

His face was slightly flushed with heat, and for some reason, his first instinct was to deny the ridicule in the little guy's words.

"It's not because of your father~"

The more I spoke, the more guilty I became, until the last two words, my voice was obviously quieter.

"OK, whatever Mommy says is whatever, but Mommy, I haven't eaten yet~"

Hearing what the little guy said, Qiao Ran naturally had to agree to the little guy's request.

Rarely, that person is not at home!
However, it is estimated that whether he is really not at home remains to be verified.

After all, she has suffered from the little guy several times overtly and secretly.

Young, but a lot of small thoughts.

But now, she needs such a chance. Mainly, she can't let people down, can she?
After a few days without her whereabouts, the man felt uneasy in his heart!
Heh, she can be generous and give her a surprise!!
Sure enough, as Qiao Ran expected, as soon as she got in the car, someone followed her all the time.

It wasn't until the car drove through the noisy area of ​​the city that the speed of the car gradually slowed down.

A sneer appeared on Qiao Ran's lips. He Qingge underestimated her ability too much, thinking about it, he also told the driver to drive slowly.

She doesn't mind, spend a little more energy and time with that person.

So, the two cars, one in front and one behind, headed towards the villa area in the city, driving on the wide and boundless road.

(End of this chapter)

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