Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 178 Little Miss Qiao ~ Grandpa Knows ~

Chapter 178 Little Miss Qiao ~ Grandpa Knows ~

As soon as Gu Siling left, He Qingge came back to his senses and quickly caught up with Fu Yunshen.

However, Fu Yunshen walked very quickly. This time, unlike in the past, he didn't care about her behind him at all.

It wasn't until He Qingge got to the parking space, opened the door and got in the car, that He Qingge fastened his seat belt before starting the car.

Naturally, it was impossible for He Qingge not to know why Fu Yunshen was so unhappy and sat quietly in the co-pilot.

He raised his eyes and saw that Fu Yunshen's face gradually softened, and then he spoke, with a hint of coquettishness in his voice.

"Yun Shen, don't be angry, okay? I know what I did was wrong before."

"I'll change everything in the future, okay? You said you would never ignore me! Yun Shen~"

Fu Yunshen listened, his eyes were extremely secretive. After a while, he parked the car on the side of the road, and then spoke slowly, with a hint of helplessness.

"Qing Ge, Gu Siling's attitude towards you is completely different from before. How come you haven't reflected on yourself?"

"As long as a sincere man, who can bear to give others his whole heart, it is perfunctory for others to return half of his heart."

"You are already very popular now, except that you never got the actress, can't you be satisfied with the resources in your hand?"

"Sometimes I wonder why I am so despised by you, so distrusted by you, why I indulge you in everything..."

"Qing Ge, if it weren't for the feelings we had when we were in trouble, I wouldn't care about you now!"

He Qingge's hand was originally on Fu Yunshen's arm, but when he heard this, he suddenly retracted, his red lips parted slightly in surprise.

"Yun Shen, what do you mean? You don't want to talk to me anymore, do you?"

As she spoke, two lines of clear tears were already streaming down her face, and the pear blossoms were raining.

"You clearly promised before that you would never leave me alone! You clearly said that as long as I turn around, you will always stand there and wait for me."

"Yun Shen, do you regret it now? Tell me, do you regret what you said to me?"

Fu Yunshen raised his eyes and looked at He Qingge's tear-stained face, a dull pain flashed in his heart, he turned his eyes away, looked forward, and opened and closed his lips.

"I have never regretted it!! But Qing Ge, you have to remember that once people's feelings are not treated fairly, there will always be a day of exhaustion."

He Qingge's mind exploded with a bang!

Gu Siling said similar things to her not long ago, and then, not long after, Gu Siling really changed his mind towards her.

Now, no matter how the words came out of Fu Yunshen's mouth, she didn't dare to think about it further.

Could it be that if she gets entangled with Gu Siling again, Fu Yunshen will really let her go, just like Gu Siling.

He Qingge couldn't help clenching his hands on his lap, something flashed in his mind, he rushed over, hugged Fu Yunshen, put his head on his shoulder, closed his eyes tightly, and she heard that she was determined to speak to him.

"Yun Shen, I can't live without you. I will treat you wholeheartedly in the future. Don't leave me, okay? I really can't lose you, Yun Shen."

Fu Yunshen stared ahead, with red bloodshot eyes faintly in his eyes. After a while, he closed his eyes, put his hand on He Qingge's back, and replied in a low voice, "Okay!"

He Qingge felt uneasy, after all, Fu Yunshen was the last driftwood she could grab.

Hearing Fu Yunshen's answer, he was relieved immediately, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as Gu Siling sat down, Hanhan and Qiao Ran came back. Qiao Ran's clothes had been dried in the dryer, and she pulled Hanhan to sit down.

Gu Siling glanced at Qiao Ran's clothes and asked, "It's been taken care of."

"Fortunately, it's plain water, the clothes are dry and there are no stains."

"Sorry. Next time we have dinner together, I must be more careful."

Qiao Ran smiled. Hearing Gu Siling's tone, she found it funny for no reason. It didn't fit his style, okay?

"It's okay, you didn't mean to."

Gu Siling just smiled and said nothing, he had no appetite, so he just took care of the little guy and let Qiao Ran eat with peace of mind.

The atmosphere of the three of them seemed to have changed inexplicably because of this episode, or maybe it was because of the previous advertisement. In short, Qiao Ran and Gu Siling's hearts were not as relaxed as they appeared on the surface.

The driver sent Qiao Ran back to her residence, and then drove Gu Siling and Hanhan back to the south of Tingshui.

Qiao Ran took out the key from her bag and opened the door. She thought that the room would be filled with darkness to greet her, but unexpectedly, Han Jing did not go to work in the bar today.

Instead, he bought a lot of snacks and piled them in front of him, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, watching TV.

Seeing her coming back, he immediately shifted his gaze over, put on his shoes indiscriminately, and ran towards Qiao Ran to give her a big hug.

"Miss Qiao, you're finally back, sir, I've been waiting until all the flowers withered."

As she said that, she bent down and put Qiao Ran's shoes at Qiao Ran's feet.

He stood up, put his waist in and said, "I went to the supermarket this afternoon to buy a big pack of snacks, and I'm waiting for you to come back!"

Qiao Ran changed her shoes and put down her bag, "Quiet, you need to eat less snacks. I'm not at home during the day, but there is a kitchen, so you can cook by yourself. Eating too many snacks is bad for your stomach!"

Han Jing stretched her arms around Qiao Ran's shoulders, and said quickly, "Chick Qiao~ Master knows~"

Qiao Ran lifted Han Jing's hand angrily, and sat down by the sofa.

"When did you not respond to me like this? I haven't seen you cooking, okay?"

Han Jing BJ lay paralyzed on the sofa, with her thin legs crossed, "Hey~ I'm the uncle~ Don't the uncles always stretch out their clothes and open their mouths to be served? Why do you need to do it yourself! It's so out of style ?"

When Qiao Ran heard this, she pressed her temples. Han Jing had a reason to keep her speechless every time.

Standing up and looking at Han Jing, "You haven't eaten yet, have you? What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

Han Jing quickly pulled Qiao Ran to sit down, "What are you doing, sit here and eat snacks with the uncle!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

I had no choice but to sit down next to Han Jing, with my legs crossed, picked up the snacks on the table, and asked in confusion while eating, "Why don't you go to work today?"

When Han Jing heard this, her pretty eyebrows furrowed immediately, she swallowed the snacks in her mouth, took a sip of her drink, and then said, "I encountered a little trouble last night, today the boss gave me a holiday!"

"Boss? Mr. Shen?"

"Mr. Shen is a fart, a dude like him, do you have the nerve to call him Mr.?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Do you want to do this?The last time she called him Mr. Shen in front of Shen Qingjue, what did Shen Qingjue say?
Mr. Shen, sounds like a gentle scum! !

She remembers it clearly, okay?

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, "Is that really him?"

"So what? If I hadn't been implicated by him, I would have been in trouble. Does he deserve me?"

Qiao Ran: "..." There is a story!
(End of this chapter)

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