Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 183 Who Has Such a Unique Vision?

Chapter 183 Who Has Such a Unique Vision?

"Qing Ge and I have already broken up! Do you have any questions?"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran froze suddenly, and raised her eyes to look at Gu Siling.

Although she didn't know how long He Qingge and Gu Siling had been together, since Hanhan called He Qingge's aunt to come and see her, it must have had a lot to do with it.

It's only been a few days since He Qingge hit her with a car two days ago?I didn't expect it to be so sudden.

But looking at Gu Siling's expression, it seemed that there was no ups and downs, and he didn't know how to speak for a moment.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, his lips moved slightly, and the words he squeezed out made people laugh and cry.

"Mr. Gu, please forgive me!"

Gu Siling raised his eyebrows and looked at Qiao Ran, with a slightly teasing tone, "Do you still want to say that there is no grass anywhere in the world?"

Qiao Ran knew that Gu Siling's tone was joking with her, so she pursed her lips and said, "After all, it is a wise saying that is more authoritative than Gu's, and tens of thousands of people love to talk about it, and there are endless reasons for it. Say yes, Mr. Gu!"

"Why didn't I realize before that you can speak so well with your mouth?"

Qiao Ran raised her chin slightly when she heard this, "So Mr. Gu, you should get to know me again. After all, some people praised me before, saying that I have the potential to be a lawyer!"

Gu Siling laughed softly, and seeing Qiao Ran's smug expression, he stretched out his hand to pinch her nose.

He asked, "Have the potential to be a lawyer? Who has such a unique vision?"

Qiao Ran was in pain, so she had to follow Gu Siling's hand, and sat a little closer in Gu Siling's direction, saving her nose, depressed, and covered it tightly.

Looking at Gu Siling quite sadly, "Mr. Gu, a gentleman uses his words but not his hands, please pay attention to your image?"

When Gu Siling withdrew his hands, he put his arms around Qiao Ran's waist.Qiao Ran is petite, with such strength, she almost sat on Gu Siling's lap.

Gu Siling looked at the little face close at hand, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked patiently, "I asked you a question, why didn't you answer it?"

Qiao Ran: "..."

After thinking about it for a while, I recalled what Gu Siling said just now, but seeing Gu Siling's eyes locked on her, the corner of his mouth moved slightly and he turned his head away, his narrow eyes dodged, and his white fingers hooked the thin fluffy hair by his ear .

"It's just an old friend."

Gu Siling watched Qiao Ran's expression, his eyes were filled with secrets for a moment, so he stopped asking further questions, and let go of the arms around Qiao Ran's waist.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran quickly moved to the side.

Gu Siling's eyes couldn't help but deepened. He stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and watched Qiao Ran speak.

"I've already given you the answer you want. I'll come up to cook every day in the future. Do you have any questions?"

Qiao Ran shook her head subconsciously.

The main reason is that the expression on Gu Siling's face is suddenly depressed. Although she feels puzzled, she dare not say wrong words.

In case one is not careful and makes him unhappy again, do you still need her to coax him?
She was coaxed by others before, and she has no experience in coaxing others, okay?

Seeing Qiao Ran nodding, Gu Siling walked towards the door, not forgetting to tell her as she walked.

"Let's pick up Hanhan in the afternoon, pack up early."

"Okay, Mr. Gu."

Qiao Ran stared at Gu Siling's back and responded until Gu Siling's figure disappeared at the door, then she looked away.

Sitting there alone, it is inevitable to think wildly.At this moment, I even felt that Gu Siling and He Qingge's breakup was simply too unexpected.

This is much faster than she imagined! !

In fact, how did Qiao Ran know that Gu Siling's decisions were always made quickly.

Give him a cuckold, if that person wasn't He Qingge, and hadn't been in love for so many years, he wouldn't have lived well to this day, let alone a big breakup fee.

All of this, including allowing He Qingge to be adopted by his grandfather, was all because there was a special and important existence in his heart.

But the bottom line has been broken again and again, and anyone will lose patience one day.

What Qiao Ran didn't even know was that her appearance was also a special existence to Gu Siling, not only because of her identity as Gu Han's mother, but also because of her many mistakes with him.

Some people, once there is an intersection and entanglement, they will involuntarily recognize people physically and emotionally. This kind of argument is completely reasonable for Gu Siling.

Qiao Ran didn't stay on the 26th floor for long before returning to the office.

When it was time for work in the afternoon, seeing that Secretary Song hadn't assigned her any tasks, she took the initiative to go to the office next door.

Unexpectedly, the door was closed and there was no one inside, so he had to stand in the corridor for a while, waiting for Secretary Song to come back.

About ten minutes later, Secretary Song came back without taking anything in his hands. Seeing Qiao Ran standing there, he looked up, walked over, and opened the door of the office with the key.

Before entering the door, he said, "I don't have any other tasks for you for the time being. Go to the bookstore near the company and buy a few books on business, and read them when you have time."

"Okay, Secretary Song."

"Well, you go first!"

Qiao Ran nodded and said no more.

When she met Secretary Song just now, the expression on Secretary Song's face was fleeting, but she could still see clearly.There was the surprise of meeting her suddenly, but also the sullenness.

In short, at this time, it is always right to talk less and trouble others less.

Thinking about it, Qiao Ran took her bag from the office and went to the bookstore to buy some books.

The afternoon passed like this.

When Gu Siling sent her back at night, Hanhan was in the car, and Gu Siling followed her and sent her downstairs.

Hidden by the dim light, the moment Gu Siling was about to turn around, Qiao Ran couldn't help but stop him.

I asked a question that had been entangled with her all afternoon, and she was eager to know.

Facing Gu Siling's gaze, she asked frankly, "Mr. Gu, will you intervene in the matter between me and He Qingge? If so, what will you do?"

Gu Siling stared at Qiao Ran's slightly raised face. From such a commanding angle, coupled with the flickering light of the street lamp, she could almost see the fine hairs on her face.

With one hand in his pocket, his figure was straight. When he spoke, his usual serious expression was less sharp and more gentle.

"I broke up with Qing Ge, which is enough to show my position. But I still want to say, Time is Jingmei, Qiao Ran, don't waste it on things that have passed. Qing Ge acts impulsively, if she still hurts you I will stop the move. But I also hope that you will not make any small moves against her. "

As Gu Siling said, seeing Qiao Ran's face turned to one side with a secret expression, he knew that it was impossible for her to put it down for a while.

But those who can't let go of the past can't embrace the future. He hopes that she can let go, and even more that she can live comfortably.

 It depends on Hanhan, it will be available tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)

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