Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 198 Mommy, how can I have a younger sister

Chapter 198 Mommy, how can I have a younger sister

Qiao Ran acted bravely, and the "foresight" thing did not happen in the end.

The bathroom is a dangerous place, and she still has the guts to flirt with someone naked.

However, when a certain woman saw someone submissive and let her order, the queen's feelings were overwhelming, and she couldn't control her mouth in the end.

When Gu Siling lay down beside her and asked her if she felt any discomfort, a certain woman raised her chin, snorted, and spoke provocatively.

"Mr. Gu, I think your technique needs to be improved."

Someone's originally warm pupils suddenly hid a deep cold, and his eyes were dangerously half-closed.

A certain woman's back couldn't help shrinking, since she was facing her back anyway, she wouldn't be too scared, and continued to speak.

"People say that girls only get pain for the first time, but we... three times, and every time I'm in pain. I think it's your problem!"

"Say it again?"

Someone who was submissive just now turned into a block of ice at minus 120 degrees, and his voice was chilled.

With the hand under the quilt, Qiao Ran couldn't help scratching the quilt, biting her lip, coaxing it away every minute. Actually, she still had a lot of lines in her heart, so she didn't dare to say any more.

You can't say those things, she can't say anything else, you can't lose face casually! !
A certain woman was thinking, and hummed, "Don't say good things a second time! Just forget it if you don't hear clearly."

Unexpectedly, a certain person leaned over, hugged her tightly, and opened his mouth slowly, revealing a dangerous message.

"Qiao Ran, you have repeatedly questioned a man's ability, do you want to encourage him to accompany you a few more times to prove his ability? Huh?"

As Gu Siling said, her breath was already close to Qiao Ran's neck, spraying on her body, she blushed, she couldn't help tightening her neck, and stretched out her hand to push the man away.

Undoubtedly, like a mayfly shaking a big tree, it is indestructible, Qiao Ran once again felt that if you don't die, you won't die!
I caused trouble with my mouth, so I begged for mercy quickly, and said, "Mr. Gu, I was wrong, you are very good, can you?"


Then, someone proved his strength with practical actions, and the night sky turned white, and this talent stopped.A certain woman regretted it too much.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon, and there was no one around me.

Qiao Ran sat up wrapped in the quilt, her body was refreshed, it must be that the person cleaned it up for her later.

There was a paper bag beside the bed, Qiao Ran opened it, it was full of clothes, from inside to outside.And the clothes that were still scattered on the ground last night were thrown into the laundry basket.

Beside the bed are the shoes she wore yesterday.

Qiao Ran quickly changed her clothes, and before leaving the bedroom, she didn't forget to open the window for ventilation.

There was a vague smell in the air, reminding her of what happened last night.

Qiao Ran scratched her hair. Last night she drank milk, which she didn't like very much, and it wasn't red wine. Why did she get so hot-headed that she threw that man down!
And that time later, she didn't want to talk about it anymore, she just beat herself to death with her fist.

Slowly going downstairs, I don't know how to face that person right now.The pace was very slow, and it was even slower when I heard sounds on the first floor.

Holding on to the guardrail, he stretched his neck and looked towards the living room. Who knows, before he could see anything clearly, he heard a dog barking.Now, both the father and son downstairs found her!

Qiao Ran: "..." There was a forced smile on the corner of his mouth, "Mr. Gu, good morning...good afternoon!"

After finishing speaking, I heard the excited voice of the little guy, "Mummy, you're awake!!"

Qiao Ran hummed, and walked down while holding onto the railing. Tangyuan ran over and circled her legs, and was scolded by the little guy. She wagged her tail and returned to Gu Siling's feet, with an aggrieved expression on her face.

Qiao Ran didn't go to see Gu Siling, but talked to Han Han, "What are you playing?"

"Dad is playing games with me!"

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, and when the man looked over, she dodged her gaze, and Qiao Ran sat on the other side of the little guy.

"What game?"

"Dad said it's called Xiaoxiaole!"

Can you stop every sentence...connecting to "Dad"!

Qiao Ran ignored it automatically, and looked for a topic, "How do you play this?"

The little guy turned his head, "Dad, Mommy asked how you played?"

Qiao Ran: "..."

Suddenly, he felt that Hanhan was his son, but probably not her son!I've never seen such a cheating mommy.

When Qiao Ran was depressed, she heard that person say, "I didn't teach you, you taught her yourself!"

Hearing this, the little guy pouted, feeling that his father's kindness was not rewarded, so with a depressed face, he leaned into Mummy's arms.

"Mommy, I'll teach you. You watch me play first, and I'll tell you while I'm playing."

After playing with the little guy again, Qiao Ran was very focused.After the little guy played twice, he handed the phone to Mommy.

One big and one small nestled on the sofa, someone was completely ignored, shook his head helplessly, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Tangyuan followed behind wagging her tail, squatting at the door of the kitchen.Gu Siling was a little bit dumbfounded, unexpectedly, the person who sticks to him the most is his "dog son!"

Qiao Ran actually noticed Gu Siling getting up, but she was embarrassed to look up.

Yesterday, I had to know that when I woke up, I would be embarrassed to face him, and I would say nothing to move that wicked heart.

After going up a few levels with the little guy, seeing the little guy happy, Qiao Ran asked in a low voice, "Hanhan, is there any laundry in the villa?"

"Mommy, do you want to do laundry?"

"...Well, that's right!" In fact, she wanted to wash the sheets!
"Mommy, yes. But you can wait for the servant grandma to come tomorrow and let them wash it for you!"

Qiao Ran: "..." She blushed involuntarily, she would go crazy if the servant washed those things.

"Mummy washes herself when she is free. You have to do your own thing, right?" Qiao Ran said nonsense.

The little guy nodded, quite agreeing, put down the tablet in his hand, "Okay, Mommy, I'll take you there!"


Qiao Ran adjusted all the sheets and pillowcases and threw them into the washing machine.

The little guy watched from the side, blinking his big grape-like eyes, "Mum, I heard from Dad that you have a younger sister in your stomach, is it true?"

Qiao Ran: "..." His hands stopped, his expression unnatural, "Don't talk nonsense, how could Mommy suddenly have a younger sister in her belly!"

The little guy was puzzled and scratched his head, "But at that time, I asked Dad why Mommy hadn't woken up yet, and Dad said that Mommy was sleeping with my younger sister, and Mommy had to sleep longer to have a younger sister! "

"Daddy is teasing you!"

"Then Mommy, how can I have a younger sister!"

Qiao Ran: "..." When he met a son with a hundred thousand reasons, he expressed that he was devastated.

The washing machine was fully automatic and couldn't stop for a while, so Qiao Ran took the little guy downstairs, wanting to play a few more rounds of games with her.

If you don't want to go to the stairwell, you can smell the fragrance from the first floor.

 After the second update, thank you babies who vote every day!By the way, there were a lot of new faces who voted in the book city yesterday...

(End of this chapter)

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