Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 209 In the Office... Don't You Want to Try It?

Chapter 209 In the office... you don't want to try it?
After a few seconds of dazed attention, Qiao Ran seemed to understand the meaning of Gu Siling's words.

Before she could resist, Gu Siling held her face and kissed her lips.

He is tall and she is petite. He is like a five-fingered mountain, trapping her. Except for the two half-pressed arms that can barely struggle, she is completely unable to move.

Qiao Ran whimpered, but her voice was quickly swallowed by this man.If she doesn't cooperate, he won't budge!

After kissing her, her whole body became weak, her cheeks were flushed, and only then did his lips slowly attack other places.

Qiao Ran took a few deep breaths before her breathing became a little smoother, and her chest did not hurt as much as it did just now due to lack of oxygen.

She panted, her voice was intermittent, "Mr. Gu, can you let me go? I don't want to be here..."

Hearing this, Gu Siling stopped biting her little ear suddenly, and took a long breath, the breath sprayed into her ear, tickling, which made her tremble uncontrollably, it was too sensitive.

He naturally noticed it, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, attached to her ear, whispering, even ambiguously.

"In the don't want to try it, huh?"

That voice is simply bad!Coaxing her... Where is her usual personable demeanor, she is clearly a well-dressed, bird, and beast! !

To lure her into doing something like that in the office...

Qiao Ran's head almost turned into a rattle, but what's the use?

Someone's coaxing just now was entirely to find a reasonable reason for his behavior.If she doesn't agree, it doesn't affect his decision! !
Under both soft and hard tactics, Qiao Ran was quickly defeated, and finally agreed with a whining.

A certain person was not satisfied, and was tossed through the whole afternoon. Qiao Ran was so tired that she couldn't open her eyes, and she had no strength in her body.

Gu Siling called the driver to bring the little guy to the company, and then carried Qiao Ran to the bathroom to wash up. When he came out, he wrapped Qiao Ran in a towel and put him on the bed.

I washed up indiscriminately, changed my clothes, and soon looked refreshed again.

Qiao Ran lay on the bed and watched Gu Siling changing clothes, speechless, why is his physical strength so good, it's so unfair!
Gu Siling turned around and looked at Qiao Ran lying on the bedside like a cat, her eyelids were covered by fluttering eyelashes, her eyes were half-open, lazily, and her Adam's apple rolled involuntarily.

I have to say that Qiao Ran really met his criteria for choosing a mate, she was soft and soft in front of him, like a little woman.Sometimes it is rare to be fierce, but it is also attractive and surprising.

Gu Siling went to the bed and sat down, raised her hand to touch Qiao Ran's fair and tender cheek, her voice was moist and pleasant.

"If you don't get up again, Hanhan will be here soon!"

Qiao Ran's eyes finally rolled, and she sat up lazily. When she spoke, she pouted involuntarily, which was exactly the same as Han Han's sometimes coquettish manner.

"Mr. Gu, I didn't expect you to be like this!!"

Gu Siling raised his eyebrows, he was good at pretending, and asked knowingly, "What's this like? Huh?"

It's just to seduce her with beauty, and force her to bow her head when she is forced up and down, it's not too bad!

Just as Qiao Ran was about to answer, she suddenly thought of something, raised her delicate chin towards Gu Siling, snorted softly, and stopped talking.

Seeing this, a certain person was very happy, but still asked her, "Why don't you talk again?"

Say you big head ghost! !
Qiao Ran bit her lip, "Mr. Gu, how do you let me get up without clothes?"

Then, Qiao Ran pointed to the torn clothes on the ground and asked, "Do you still want me to wear this?"

Gu Siling laughed softly, "If you want to wear it, you can!"

Qiao Ran: "..." He flopped and fell back on the bed, "Then I still can't get up, Hanhan is here, you explain to him yourself!"

"Hmm~ good! If Hanhan asks about it later, I'll tell him that mommy and daddy gave birth to his younger sister just now, and she's very tired now, so she's...staying in bed!"

Qiao Ran: "...Then I'd better get up! But, Mr. Gu, you have to pay me for my clothes anyway?"

Gu Siling smiled wickedly, and pointed to the bedside cabinet, there was a pink paper bag on it.

Qiao Ran crawled over wrapped in a bath towel, and she saw that they were indeed women's clothes.

Looking sideways at Gu Siling, he pointed to his pocket, "Mr. Gu, I clearly remembered that you hadn't gone out just now! This clothes...where did you get it!"

Someone coughed unnaturally. Could it be that she told her that when she asked Mrs. Fang to buy clothes for her last time, she put a set of her clothes in the office for no reason?

Although he didn't mean that at all at the time, but if he said it, and what he did today, wouldn't he just jump into the Yellow River and wash it off?
This woman will definitely think that he has premeditated!cough~
Gu Siling cleared his voice, his thin lips pursed slightly, and he didn't blush at all when he spoke in a panic.

"This is what Gu Han asked me to put here... probably because he thinks you happen to be in the company, so you should be able to use it!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran blinked her bright eyes at Gu Siling for a few seconds, and then the corners of her mouth curved.

"He's really Mommy's good son, so caring!"

Someone...coughed twice in an unpleasant way, and echoed, "Yeah! I didn't expect our son... to be so far-sighted!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Someone is so calm as a "son"!Heh~ I thought she was a three-year-old kid~
However, before Qiao Ran could get dressed, the door of the room was knocked by the little guy.

"Mommy, Dad, why don't you come out, I seem to hear your voices!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran was about to get out of bed, but Gu Siling held her shoulders, "You get dressed, I'll go out first!"

"If there is only the little guy outside, you can let him come in first! I can hug him and change clothes!"

Gu Siling frowned, looked down at Qiao Ran's small face, dissatisfied, "You are wrapped up like this to meet other men? Don't even think about it!"

After the words fell, he had already walked to the door a few steps, opened the door, and with a bang, the door closed again!
Qiao Ran: "..." Looking down at herself, she realized that she was still wrapped in a towel, okay!
But other men...that's your son, okay!A son who is not yet four years old! ! !

Qiao Ran pursed her lips. The more she got along with this person, the more she felt that this person... was inexplicable!
Qiao Ran quickly changed her clothes, combed her hair, put on light makeup, and then went out.

As soon as the door was opened, Gu Siling was only wearing a shirt, sitting on the sofa, and there was a little guy in his arms.

The little guy was stepping on his father's leg with his feet. When he slipped, he stepped on it again, and he never tired of playing.And Gu Siling supported the little guy's arms with both hands to prevent him from falling.

On weekdays, Gu Siling would occasionally hug the little guy, but Qiao Ran had never seen it before. He let the little guy be happy and let the little guy step on his legs in his arms.

It turned out that he also had such a tender and patient moment for the little guy!
This look... Well, it's still very daddy!
 10 minutes later~
(End of this chapter)

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