Chapter 230
When that scene really appeared in front of my eyes, I still couldn't accept the fact that Shang Yun fell in love with someone else, especially... a man who wouldn't catch her eyes at all.

But I didn't dare to act rashly, I was afraid that the image I had finally built in her heart would be destroyed, and then I would have no chance at all.

So I have been pretending nothing happened, by her side, sharing her joy or sorrow.

After all, who hasn't experienced a few relationships when they were young, as long as Shang Yun is mine in the end, that's enough.

In high school, Shang Yun and I were in the Olympiad class, while Qiao Zhengnan was in the normal class.After dividing subjects, Qiao Zhengnan chose science, but I, who originally wanted to choose science, chose liberal arts because of Shang Yun.Not surprisingly, I was in the same class as Shang Yun, even at the same table.

But I found that Shang Yun, who has always been a good student, would be inexplicably dazed during class, would giggle inexplicably, and even lie on the table, writing and drawing...

Of course, it's all about Qiao Zhengnan, without me in the slightest.

I was like a sad child squatting in a corner, left alone, licking my wounds.

One day, I couldn't bear it anymore, and planned a misunderstanding, causing Qiao Zhengnan to misunderstand the relationship between Shang Yun and other boys.

Sure enough, within a few days, the incident of Qiao Zhengnan's gathering to fight spread throughout the school, and he was severely criticized and expelled from school.

Because of this, Qiao Zhengnan's aunt found Shang Yun and asked her not to have any contact with Qiao Zhengnan.

He was raised by his aunt since he was a child, and his aunt was a famous shrew who spoke very harshly.

Shang Yun is thin-skinned. After being pointed at her nose and scolded, she felt ashamed. After crying secretly in front of me a few times, she returned to her former self.

Shang Yun has never been in a relationship again, and he is completely absorbed in his studies.Time flies by in the blink of an eye, and soon it will be university. My monk Yun is always in the same school and in the same city.

On the day of graduation, I made an appointment with her and proposed to her in a coffee shop, but she flatly refused on the grounds of her career.

Although I was very disappointed in my heart, I tried to pretend to be calm.Thinking, I have waited for so many years, so what does it matter if I wait for a few years.

Unexpectedly, not long after they entered the society, they met again, and their relationship was even stronger than before, and they even had a skin-to-skin relationship.

It was an era when people were still conservative about sex/life, but Shang Yun resolutely lived with Qiao Zhengnan regardless of gossip.

At that time, Qiao Zhengnan was already the department manager of the company, and I was just a small employee. I couldn't compete with him, so I could only silently wait for the opportunity.

After all, before Shang Yun got married, I always had a chance.

Shang Yun can ignore gossip for Qiao Zhengnan, and I can also do not mind Shang Yun's incompleteness. After all, there is nothing more important than being her lifelong partner.

God is merciful, as if he heard my heart.One day, Shang Yun came to me suddenly with tears streaming down his face, and told me that Qiao Zhengnan was married to another woman.

She wanted me to take her out of that city, so she and I both quit our jobs and went to another completely strange city.

She and I registered to get married, but they were husband and wife in name.She couldn't let Qiao Zhengnan go, so I respected her.

I believe that my company will warm her heart sooner or later, and she will come to my arms.

But I never thought that just when the relationship between Shang Yun and I was getting closer and we were expected to become a real husband and wife, Qiao Zhengnan found us.

Shang Yun was taken away by him, and it took a long time for him to disappear.

During that period, I always encountered setbacks in my work. There were many difficulties and I was too busy to take care of myself, but I never gave up trying to find Shang Yun.

Later Shang Yun came back, but it was full of scars, and there was still a four-month-old child in her stomach.

At first I took care of her every step of the way, but later life became difficult and I had to find a job.

Qiao Zhengnan was always haunted, even when Shang Yun was pregnant, he still did that to her.

On the day the child was born, his wife gave birth prematurely. Whether intentionally or not, they happened to be in the same hospital and gave birth at the same time.

At that time, Qiao Zhengnan sent people to surround the two wards tightly.I had no choice but to quietly go to the nursery, and accidentally found out that the child of Qiao Zhengnan's wife was not breathing after birth.

Qiao Zhengnan had the child disposed of, carried a child from another crib, and placed it here.

I guessed it at the time, and later sneaked into the baby's room when no one was looking, and replaced the remaining child with a dead baby.

When Shang Yun woke up, he thought that his child was gone, and was sad for a long time.It's been a mess all the time.

I don't care, as long as she's by my side.The more frustrated she is with Qiao Zhengnan, the happier I am.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Zhengnan's wife later suffered from depression, and Qiao Zhengnan told her Shang Yun that her child was still alive in Qiao's villa.

The condition for seeing her child is to divorce me and marry him.

Shang Yun was in great pain at that time and didn't know how to make a choice. On the one hand, she wanted to see the child, and on the other hand, she was already afraid of Qiao Zhengnan in her heart.

Because Qiao Zhengnan forced her to do a lot of things she didn't want to do, and often forced her, and even made her endure the life that he had a regular wife but was entangled with her.

She is always tormented both by conscience and body.Had a miserable time and no more laughs.The whole person gradually became dull and numb.

And Qiao Zhengnan, in order to cut off the last trace of fetters in her heart, set up a trick for me to jump in.

At that time, I was only thinking about strengthening myself, making myself strong enough to compete with Qiao Zhengnan, so I became obsessed with ghosts, and I jumped in when I saw the benefits.

I don't want to, there is no room for turning back, I owe a huge debt, and when I have nowhere to go, Qiao Zhengnan still doesn't let me go.

He is the devil in hell.Gave me two ways.Either stay in prison for the rest of my life, or jump off a tall building, regardless of life or death, he paid off that debt for me.

However, I did not die. I was caught by something on the way down and fell on a shed.

I took a life, but my face was disfigured, and I became the person I am now, neither a ghost nor a ghost.

On the day I woke up, Qiao Zhengnan ordered someone to show me a video, which was broadcast on the S Citizen's Livelihood Channel, broadcasting my fall from the building and announcing my death on the spot.

Undoubtedly, Qiao Zhengnan did all this to let Shang Yun know the news of my death and completely eradicate me from her heart.

I was disfigured and couldn't find a job at all. When I was desperate, Qiao Zhengnan sent me a sum of money and asked me to leave S City forever.

Although the money was not much, it was also a lot.I took the money to find a place to live, and kept the child I took away from the hospital with me. I raised her until she was three years old, and then sent her to the orphanage.

(End of this chapter)

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