Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 247 Suddenly Grabbed by a Powerful Hand

Chapter 247 Suddenly Grabbed by a Powerful Big Hand

How could Qiao Ran sit? At that time, she squatted in the corner because of the discomfort of sitting.

Gu Siling touched Qiao Ran's forehead with his hand, then looked at Qiao Ran's hand covering her stomach, and asked with a very serious face, "Does your stomach hurt?"

Qiao Ran gritted her teeth, her face was as white as paper, she nodded with difficulty, and squeezed out a few words from the tip of her teeth, "dysmenorrhea."

Hearing this, Gu Siling was about to reach out to Qiao Ran's belly, but within a few seconds, he hugged Qiao Ran and put her flat on the bed.

He took away Qiao Ran's cold hand, put his own on it, rubbed it lightly in one direction, and asked, "Have you ever had pain before? Is there any way to relieve the pain?"

Qiao Ran's voice was weak, "I used to drink brown sugar water..."

Gu Siling rubbed Qiao Ran for a while, and when Qiao Ran was no longer in pain, she covered her with a quilt, gave her some instructions, and left the room in a hurry.

When she came back, Qiao Ran had already fallen asleep, weak like a broken flower that lost its vitality, Gu Siling felt a little pain in her heart.

He took out the baby warmer he bought at the 24-hour supermarket and charged it up. Then he took out the brown sugar with ginger juice that he bought and brewed it. When the temperature was right, he woke up Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran was in a daze, covered in cold sweat and icy cold, Gu Siling held her tightly in his arms with one hand, and fed Qiao Ran with a cup in the other.

Because of the high temperature, Qiao Ran drank very slowly. After finishing it with difficulty, she closed her eyes again. It was no less than a serious illness.

Qiao Ran lay down again, Gu Siling found two new quilts from the landlord and changed them on, put the warm baby in Qiao Ran's arms, went into the bathroom and fetched a basin of hot water, wiped Qiao Ran's body with a towel, and changed A set of clean clothes.

When he finished his work, Gu Siling washed up before lying back on the bed.Occasionally get up to warm up Qiao Ran's baby. It's not too hot and needs to be recharged.

Qiao Ran was woken up by the heat. She felt something pressed against her face. She opened her eyes and moved slightly. What she saw was a wall of flesh.

Qiao Ran blinked her eyes and reacted for a few seconds before realizing that she was huddled in Gu Siling's arms.

Gu Siling rested one arm on the back of Qiao Ran's neck, but stretched out one hand from the hem of her clothes and covered her stomach.

Qiao Ran froze, swallowed, and tiptoed out of Gu Siling's embrace after a while.

Seeing that Gu Siling hadn't woken up yet, Qiao Ran took a deep breath thankfully, got up and sat on the bedside, feeling a heat in her stomach.

Qiao Ran felt bad, gritted her teeth, and nervously lifted the quilt. After a few seconds, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was a thick dark blanket under her body.

From the bed sheets to the quilts, everything in the hotel is pure white. If you put my aunt on other people's quilts, you will be a shame!

While Qiao Ran was feeling emotional, she couldn't help but look at Gu Siling. She didn't expect this person to be so careful.

However, with such experience, a girl knows how to put a thick sheet on the bed when she comes to be an aunt, and she has made many girlfriends, right?snort!
Qiao Ran clutched her belly and got out of bed. Gu Siling had long arms and legs lying outside, so Qiao Ran had no choice but to jump out of bed.

Qiao Ran was about to go to the bathroom, but saw a plastic shopping bag from the supermarket on the table, the belt was still open, and the exposed part turned out to be... Sanitary napkins! !
Qiao Ran thought she was dazzled, so she took a few steps to the table, opened the bag and took a look, for a moment, she pursed her lips tightly.

There are sanitary napkins for daily use, night use, and...extended ones! !
With a soft snort, he carried a pack of daily sanitary napkins, covered his stomach and went back to the bed, couldn't help kicking Gu Siling.

Hmph, you are so experienced! !

Know how to pad the sheets!Also know so many patterns of sanitary napkins!

Playful big radish! ! !
After kicking, Qiao Ran finally felt at ease. She put her hands on her hips, but Gu Siling hummed and moved her body. Seeing this, Qiao Ran quickly slipped into the bathroom.

When I came out, I rubbed my stomach, and it didn't hurt anymore, but I was still feeling unwell suddenly, but I was in a good mood, and walked towards the table with a horoscope (expression of being in a good mood).

I only paid attention to that stuff just now, and didn’t look at anything else. She hooked the bag open with her slender index finger, raised her small chin, and looked in with empty eyes. There is also a pack of ginger brown sugar. Well, she brought this by herself, that’s right. .

The hand continued to rummage, picked out a few packs of sanitary napkins and threw them on the table, digging in the bag with the hand, and came up with a list, the payment time... 4:18.

Qiao Ran held it in her hand and looked at it for a while, then raised her eyes to look in the direction of the bed, always smiling.

After washing, seeing that Gu Siling hadn't woken up yet, I thought that I tormented him all day yesterday. Although I didn't mean it, I still felt guilty.

Picking up the wallet on the table, walking to the bed, staring at Gu Siling arrogantly, "For the sake of your good performance yesterday, I don't care about the bed sheets and sanitary napkins!"

After finishing speaking, he left the room hummingly, walked to the lobby, and met the innkeeper.

The innkeeper looked surprised, looked Qiao Ran up and down, and couldn't help asking, "Miss Qiao, are you okay?"

Qiao Ran blinked, "I'm fine!" Could it be that the boss knew about her dysmenorrhea in the middle of the night?
"It's fine. I heard that you are not feeling well. Last night your husband called me and asked me to open the door for him. He hurried to the supermarket and asked for another set of sheets and quilt. I was shocked! Young man People are good, if you are sick, just say good!"

Qiao Ran chuckled, echoed the boss, excused herself to buy breakfast, and left the hotel!

The plastic bags in the supermarket are transparent. I don’t know if the hotel owner saw them yesterday, so don’t be too embarrassed!

And another thing, "husband"?Qiao Ran pursed her lips. Although he knew that there would be gossip when a single man and woman lived together, he had a good reason for saying this, but in his heart...

Husband is not only a title, but also involves ethics and legal relations. He used it as a shield, so rash, she felt uncomfortable!

Qiao Ran went to a breakfast shop outside to buy a basket of steamed buns, packed two servings of pumpkin porridge, and went back to the hotel.

Gu Siling was still sleeping. Qiao Ran sat for a while, but couldn't sit still. She was bored by herself and didn't want to play with her mobile phone. The only person in the room was sleeping soundly.

Walking around in the room, somehow she came to the bedside, at first she stared at Gu Siling's facial features condescendingly, feeling that the distance was too far, so she leaned down.

Get very close, the more you look at it, the more you feel that Gu Siling's facial features are so delicate, sword eyebrows, long and dense eyelashes, high nose bridge, thin lips...

Qiao Ran watched, and couldn't help stretching out her hand, pinching Gu Siling's nose as a mischief, causing the latter to move uncomfortably, and finally withdrew her hand.

He raised his hand to touch the eyelashes again, they were long and curled, they looked better than the ones with mascara.

Pointing, pointing, pointing with the index finger, Qiao Ran was stunned when he was suddenly grabbed by a powerful hand.

 There will be a small theater with [-] characters later~
(End of this chapter)

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