Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 265 I want to meet He Qingge

Chapter 265 I want to meet He Qingge

After a while, Qiao Ran raised her head, looked at Xiao Yan and said, "A Yan, I want to contact He Qingge and...I want to meet them!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan's eyes shrank invisibly, and he looked up at Qiao Ran.

"Why do you suddenly want to see them?"

Qiao Ran smiled, there was still half of the noodles in the bowl, but she had no appetite, so she put down the chopsticks in her hand and spoke unhurriedly.

"It's not a whim. I've actually been thinking about this for the past few days. Also, I also want to ask He Qingge about the past."

Looking at Qiao Ran's expression, Xiao Yan saw that she was not joking at all, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he nodded.

Then, seeing that Qiao Ran hadn't finished eating the noodles in the bowl, she said, "The noodles are almost mushy, eat it quickly!"

Qiao Ran shook her head, "I'm not hungry today, I can't eat anymore!"

"Well, let it go if you can't eat it! By the way, you haven't seen anyone after work these few days. Where have you been?"

"I'm going to accompany Hanhan! You know, I've been away for another three years, and the little guy will inevitably worry about gains and losses in his heart, and he wants someone to accompany him!"

As Qiao Ran spoke, she hung her hair with her hands.In fact, it's okay to lie, but she was a little embarrassed to use Hanhan as an excuse!
"Hmm... By the way, Ranran, have you thought about getting Hanhan's custody in the future? I can help you!"

When Qiao Ran heard this, her body trembled inaudibly, and she bit her pink lips lightly.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but if there is a day, I will ask Hanhan's opinion first! If he wants to follow his father, I will also respect his opinion."

"What about Gu Siling, have you asked his opinion? Did he think the same way? You have to know that Gu Han is the only heir to his huge corporate empire now..."

Qiao Ran listened, and suddenly raised her head to look at Xiao Yan, her eyes were puzzled and kept silent, the latter's voice stopped abruptly, and it took several seconds before continuing.

"I'm sorry, Ranran, I have no other meaning!"

Qiao Ran lowered her head and hummed lightly, "I know! Actually, you may have misunderstood Gu Siling, he is not that kind of person!"

"...Well, but if necessary, you must speak!"

"Well, good! By the way, I have to pick up Hanhan in the afternoon, so I can't go off work with you!"

Xiao Yan smiled, "Why can't we be together? Why don't I take you there?"

"No need. Hanhan has a keen mind, I'm afraid he won't be happy seeing other men around me!"

"Is this the so-called same-sex repel, opposite-sex attract?"

Qiao Ran smiled, "How old are you, and you're still always talkative!"

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders, "I can't help it, it's probably a habit! However, Ran Ran, since it's impossible for you and Gu Siling, you should let Han Han know what you're thinking. Bigger is worse!"

"Well, I have a sense of proportion!"

Although Qiao Ran said so, she was not at ease!Because of what Gu Siling told her today, she only knew that three years ago, it was just her own will.

In fact, Gu Siling has always been for her own good!
And those days spent with Gu Siling, although not thrilling, but the years are quiet and good!
Looking at Qiao Ran's expression, Xiao Yan probably guessed a little bit of Qiao Ran's thoughts, narrowed his eyes, and spoke.

"Ran Ran, there is one more thing that I haven't had time to tell you!"

Qiao Ran raised her head and asked doubtfully, "What's the matter?"

"Li Xiner, who is Gu Siling's current rumored girlfriend, is the girl Gu Siling has always kept in his heart!"

Seeing that Qiao Ran was stunned, Xiao Yan said again, "Have you seen Li Xin'er a few times, haven't you? Do her eyes look a lot like He Qingge's?"

There was a sudden bang in Qiao Ran's mind!
No wonder she felt like someone when she saw Li Xiner several times.Yes, Li Xiner is like He Qingge, no, it should be said that He Qingge is like Li Xiner.No matter the shape of the face or the eyes, they are very similar to Li Xiner!

Qiao Ran felt a sudden pain in one part of her heart, it was empty!

No wonder Gu Siling, who had never had any scandals, would suddenly ignore Li Xiner's scandals!No wonder he has always been indifferent to her!
Qiao Ran was immersed in her own thoughts, but she didn't notice that a meaningful smile flashed across Xiao Yan's mouth!

After get off work, Qiao Ran took a taxi to pick up Han Han. She didn't just casually talk to Xiao Yan about it. After all, now, neither her studies nor her career are as important to her as Han Han!

But Xiao Yan's words undoubtedly sounded the alarm in her heart, so that when she parted from the little guy, Qiao Ran finally couldn't help but pull Han Han and ask the questions in her heart.

"Hanhan, if you could only follow Dad or Mommy, who would you choose? Dad or Mommy?"

However, what Qiao Ran didn't expect was that after hearing her words, Gu Han's eyes turned red, and he looked at her with tears shining, his face pouting, and he didn't speak!
Qiao Ran looked at it, and suddenly felt that she was heinous.

She grew up in an environment where her parents shared the same bed, different dreams, and family disharmony. She couldn't understand what kind of mood she was in, but now she had to make Hanhan face such a choice!
Guilt arose in my heart, like a flood, Qiao Ran regretted it almost as soon as she asked this sentence.However, sooner or later, Hanhan has to face all of this and learn to grow up.

What's more, Gu Siling pretended to be someone else in her heart, so she couldn't help it.

It is impossible for them to become a family, let alone form a happy family of three!

Qiao Ran looked at Han Han guiltily, and wanted to pull him, but as soon as she reached out her hand, Han Han swung her away and took several steps back.

Hanhan's eyes were already full of tears. Looking at Qiao Ran, she looked aggrieved and helpless, and her face was full of tears.

"Mum, don't you like daddy? I obviously think you like daddy too! Did you like that uncle that day?"

Facing the little guy's questioning, Qiao Ran couldn't help crying, "Hanhan, that's not the case, Mommy doesn't like other uncles!"

"Then you still like Dad, okay? Mommy, I don't want you to be separated. The three of us can be together. Aren't you very happy to be with us?"

"Don't leave me and Dad, okay? I will never speak ill of Dad again, and I will listen to you, lose weight and stop eating snacks, will you promise me?"

Listening to Hanhan's words, Qiao Ran felt overwhelmed. He was obviously a child who was only six years old, but for her to be with Gu Siling, he would not hesitate to give up his preferences!
What else?Stop talking badly about Dad?It's ridiculous!

Qiao Ran's smile was very bitter, mixed with helplessness, "Hanhan, if possible, Mommy doesn't want to be separated from you! But Dad has someone he likes, and he will get married in the future!"

Hanhan's eyes suddenly opened, "The person Dad likes? Doesn't Dad like you?"

(End of this chapter)

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