Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 274 He's So Bad, She's So Embarrassed

Chapter 274 He's So Bad, She's So Embarrassed

However, the next morning, before the two of them woke up, Shen Qingjue came in rashly.

Qiao Ran got up in a panic, but was teased by Shen Qingjue's smirk, her face flushed red, she forced herself to go into the bathroom!
Specifically, it hid in the bathroom!
I dawdled inside for quite a while, until I heard that Shen Qingjue was gone, and then I walked out cautiously!
As soon as he entered his eyes, he saw someone gloating at his misfortune, and Qiao Ran was speechless!

dingy!You have to take care of someone.

Gu Siling's right hand was in a plaster cast, and it was difficult for her to move. Qiao Ran had to automatically shield the person who was always staring at her cheek with a funny face.

Helping Gu Siling to go to the bathroom, the man stood leisurely beside him, except for his sickly pale face, stubble on his chin, and gauze wrapped around his forehead, he was almost the same as an ordinary person.

Watching her help him squeeze the toothpaste, catch the water, and then gently take the toothbrush, holding it in her left hand, with slow movements.

It's not easy for Qiao Ran to urge him, after all, there are a large number of people who are used to doing things with their right hand, and their left hand is very weak.

There was no other way, she could only stand by and wait boredly, she couldn't say: Hey, Gu Siling, your speed is too slow, let me help you!

Hmm, but the man was brushing his teeth while staring at the mirror.

Qiao Ran's face was hot, and she always felt that he was looking at her, and she didn't dare to raise her head, for fear of meeting her eyes.

He is so bad, she is so embarrassing.

He lowered his head, pretending not to notice, watching his slender fingers entangled with each other, diverting attention.

Of course, Gu Siling brushed his teeth, several minutes passed, and he still didn't call her.

Qiao Ran always had an illusion that this situation was so familiar.It's like... Hanhan used to always want her to hug him and wash his hands slowly!
As Qiao Ran thought about it, she pursed her lips and shook her head silently. She was thinking too much!As an adult, Gu Siling cannot be as childish as a child.

But I don't know that a certain person is so naive, especially, looking at her ears that have turned red unconsciously, I am in a very good mood!

After brushing his teeth, he wanted to shave. He couldn't move his hands, so he stood there without going out, looked at Qiao Ran, and didn't speak.

Qiao Ran had never done such a thing before, so she didn't dare to try it. If a "thick and colorful" stroke was made on that handsome face, it would really damage the beauty.

Take it easy and ask others to help, someone is unhappy, with a straight face, staring at her with trepidation.

Trembling, after finishing it, Qiao Ran felt that this person was exhausted.

I have never had such a deep feeling today. Gu Siling is really... self-willed, so difficult to serve.

After dawdling and coming out of the bathroom, Qiao Ran helped Gu Siling lie back on the bed, and then bought some breakfast.

Congee and fried buns, one for each person, Qiao Ran propped up the table and put it on the bed, so close at hand that he could reach it with his hand.

However, Qiao Ran was too embarrassed to say what Gu Siling did.

The man picked up a chopstick and stood it upright, Qiu~, the plate slipped out a few centimeters, Qiao Ran was terrified, if this messed up the porridge, the bed sheet...

After frantically setting the table and setting the plates, I saw someone had inserted a bun and held it in mid-air as if nothing had happened.

The chopsticks were not inserted in the middle of the fried buns, but were inserted at an angle, and the fried buns wobbled on the chopsticks, boom, fell on the quilt!

Qiao Ran: "..."

A certain person casually glanced at Qiao Ran, with such a bit of innocence, that he was caught off guard, and let out another "huh~".

The plate containing the fried buns turned in a circle on the table, and ended up falling perfectly on the quilt in a parabolic posture of a fried bun.

Qiao Ran: "..." Dumbfounded...

A certain person was ashamed, with a look of extreme impatience, angrily threw that innocent chopstick on the table, and it clicked.

He refused to do it himself, as if he was sulking.

Qiao Ran looked at Gu Siling's series of actions and was dumbfounded. Has Gu Siling been fooled for three years?
Qiao Ran swallowed, raised her index finger in front of Gu Siling, and asked him, "Mr. Gu, how much is this?"

Someone was displeased and gave her a look like a fool. Qiao Ran withdrew her hand, thought for a few seconds, and pursed her lips.

Pick up your own chopsticks and spoons, and serve this uncle first, who will make her feel ashamed of him?

He still thinks the porridge is hot, so asking her to cool him down is so hypocritical!When you are a three-year-old child?

Besides Hanhan, how did Qiao Ran ever do these things to anyone else, so carefully?

There are too many demands, if he is not Gu Siling, he really wants to throw chopsticks every minute! !

But Qiao Ran still controlled herself, and completed the task "gently".

After tidying up, I was finally able to rest. I was a little dizzy. Fortunately, I had a good night's sleep last night, and my energy recovered well today.

Qiao Ran sat with Gu Siling for a while, then found an excuse and slipped back to her room!
She could be heard clearly in the bathroom when she woke up, Shen Qingjue said to come back at noon!

Why isn't she leaving?
Waiting to be made fun of?

Shen Qingjue has always been vicious, okay?
Qiao Ran went back to her ward depressed, but unexpectedly, at noon, the nurse came and told her to come over!

Qiao Ran wanted to be arrogant, but she didn't want to. The nurse told her embarrassingly: Gu Siling refused to eat and asked her to go over.

Qiao Ran was speechless, did he think that he would revert back to his youth after being injured?
How can you be so childish! ?
Qiao Ran sent the nurse away, and wandered around the ward a few times rather boringly, not planning to go there right away!

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be on call?
After drinking a glass of water, he checked the time on his phone. It was half past one, and then he walked slowly towards Gu Siling's ward.

Of course, she did this because after the past few days, especially last night, her feelings for Gu Siling were completely calm.

She was even more surprised and delighted by Gu Siling's response. Although she didn't say anything about his attitude, she could already feel it.

Ever since she returned to China, Gu Siling had always been indifferent to her. She seemed to be looking at flowers in a fog, but it turned out that it was not her illusion.

Thinking about it now, he followed her to the small town, to teach in colleges... There was a reason for all of them. In his heart, he actually liked her too.

This realization made her jump involuntarily, which is why she couldn't help but make such childish actions like a small fight between young lovers.

Unexpectedly, when she pushed open the door, she saw a person who had been ignored by her, but who appeared here with every legitimate reason! ——Li Xiner!
He was sitting so close to Gu Siling, still holding chopsticks in his hand, and there was only half of the food on the table left!
Qiao Ran was about to close the door of the ward with a snap!

Seeing that Qiao Ran was about to leave just after entering, Gu Siling was annoyed, "Qiao Ran, come in for me!"

Qiao Ran at the door: "..."

Just come in, come in, who is afraid of whom?
 Now you know who inherited Hanhan's black belly?Hahaha~

  Sorry, changing the article is no different from rewriting it. I posted it late and I am too busy during the day. I am sorry everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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