Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 281 Xiao Yan Monologue 3

Chapter 281 Xiao Yan Monologue III (2000)

Fu Yunshen is her father's right-hand man, and he has shown his head and tail in the business world in a very short time.

According to outside rumors, Qiao Zhengnan intends to train him to be the heir of the group!

This is what worries me the most!

Fortunately, my relationship with her has not been greatly affected!

A lot happened in the ensuing years!

Her mother died of depression, and Qiao Zhengnan remarried. The relationship between her and his father reached a freezing point!
Fu Yunshen was the mediator in it all. It is undeniable that Fu Yunshen has enough influence on her!

She went to the bar, but it became more and more frequent!
In the past when her mother was alive, she still had some scruples, but now she is like a runaway horse!
At the age of 20, it became an important turning point in her life!
Qiao Zhennan was reported, Qiao's family was in danger, and the person who reported it was said to be Fu Yunshen's girlfriend!
That woman looks very much like her!
I haven't met her, but it is undeniable that her appearance has changed a lot of things!

The bar that Qiao Ran often went to was already under my name at that time, so most of the time, when she wanted to be alone, I let people keep an eye on her, and if there was any situation, she would be notified in time!

After all, at that time, I was also growing my strength in private.

Fu Yunshen has Qiao's, and I am in S city. Compared with him, I am like a mayfly shaking a big tree!
But I never thought that my ego and selfishness would cause such irreversible consequences!
The subordinates reported that they noticed that someone was trying to harm her!

I went there in person, and I was locked in the review room!
After some interrogation and investigation, it turned out that the mastermind was He Qingge, and she wanted to drug Qiao Ran!
I was sitting there, my thoughts were racing, and I turned off all my subordinates!

I was in the review room with that person, and after talking for less than 5 minutes, he was released!

When the subordinates standing at the door saw the man leaving, they all looked at me suspiciously!
But me, how can people know my thoughts?

What are my thoughts?
Follow the plan, let that person drug her, and then reveal this matter to her inadvertently!

And I firmly believe that in my own territory, I have enough ability to control the development of things!

I want to make her mine, and use this to intensify the conflict between her and Fu Yunshen!
At that time, it was like being dazzled!That's why she had such shameless thoughts and resorted to such despicable methods!
At first, things went according to plan, but they never expected that another person would appear suddenly!

I just found out that there is another important person!That person is Gu Siling!
It was the one she had told me, the one on her heart!
It's a lie to say I'm not flustered, a single Fu Yunshen is enough to make me burn out, if I let her know about Gu Siling's existence, then things will completely get out of control!
Fortunately, after investigation, at that time, she and Gu Siling hadn't "acquainted" yet!
Fortunately, she lost her innocence that night, but she didn't pursue it too much!

Or maybe, a young age can't carry too many things!Other things, to her, are more meaningful!
Because of He Qingge's intervention, she and Fu Yunshen entered into a heated battle!
This matter is in my plan!
And what I have to do is to stay by her side!
As long as the opportunity arises, Fu Yunshen will never have anything to do with her again, and I will eventually become the most important person in her heart!

However, he never expected that Fu Yunshen would send her to prison!At the same time, put pressure on my father to send me abroad.

These years, I have been stared at by my father. I have no real power in my hands. When encountering major events, I cannot make decisions by myself!

I know very well that at this time, once I go abroad, it will be impossible to come back for a while!
It's impossible for me to change her matter!
So, I had no choice but to go back to City Z and negotiate with my father. I pledged myself to the family, and my father also promised to help me rescue her!

She was finally rescued quietly, but she was in a very bad mood, didn't speak, and always had nightmares at night.

Moreover, it was diagnosed that she was three months pregnant and her physique was too poor to induce labor!

I stayed with her and talked to her every day, but there was no improvement at all. Later, I had to hire a psychiatrist for her.

Her condition finally gradually improved, and sometimes, she would hang out with me.

However, inadvertently, seeing Fu Yunshen and Qiao's report, he was in a daze for several hours.

When the child in her stomach was seven months old, she began to toss her non-stop, and couldn't sleep day and night, and she soon became skinny.

She was very pessimistic, and when she was sober, she always pulled me, telling me to find the father of the child and give the child to him.

After giving birth, she really suffered from postpartum depression, let alone talking.

I took her to many places to play and relax. In a blink of an eye, after a few years, she is in a much better mood, but sometimes she is very dull.

I accidentally realized that Fu Yunshen had never disappeared in her heart.Even if she hated him, she would write his name bitterly on the white paper.

But what I want is not like this.If Fu Yunshen couldn't be eradicated from her heart, then she could only make her hate him!Hate him deeply all my life!

So, using the signs of hatred in her heart, the psychiatrist created an illusion for her!

Every treatment was painful for her, but it was very effective.Once, she had a heart attack and I was afraid to try again.

Later, she wanted to go back to S City, and I didn't refuse!
But, I didn't expect Gu Siling to appear!Also, that kid!
Obviously, she not only recognized Gu Siling, but also knew that she had a child.Then, everything becomes uncontrollable.

So, I used He Qingge again. I was the instigator of the kidnapping, and He Qingge and He Yuan were the planners.

Then, I caused another car accident, Gu Siling was hospitalized, and I took Qiao Ran away!

Three years later, when I returned to City S, I never expected that Gu Siling would join me in the army!
He investigated everything, but he instigated Qiao Ran to investigate by himself, and then cooperated with He Qingge internally and externally to lead a scene.

Perhaps, that scheming was an accident, but it became the catalyst for the warming up of his relationship with her!
Again, she was taken from me!
And, this time, it was taken away forever!
We can't go back!
One thing, I know, Gu Siling didn't tell her.That car accident was a life-and-death moment for him, and a car accident that was crucial to the three of us!

But I will never be grateful to him in this life!
If it wasn't for him to live in her heart too early, I would be the first person who got preconceived. After that, there will be no more Fu Yunshen!

She and I will grow old hand in hand, and have an ordinary life!
Gu Siling, the person I have ignored for so many years, is my love rival in this life!

Qiao Ran, the girl who makes my heart beat, but makes me crazy... Maybe, she is right, I am a lunatic!
I, because of her, became enchanted!

(End of this chapter)

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