Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 298 Ruan Ruan Mo Chapter 2

Chapter 298 Ruan Ruan Mo Part Two

It was a joke, but Ruan Ruan was stunned when Mo Yiting said this!

This man, how should I describe him!
What do you mean by "does it count as flirting with your niece?", to block her with her bad taste!
This is the so-called gentleman's revenge is not too late, or this person's nature, the "evil" in his bones!
Ruan Ruan's mind was drifting, her ears were hot, her red lips were pursed, and she looked at the ray of light in the gap between the thick clouds in the sky!Change the subject.

"Looking at the clouds, it is still possible to see the sunrise!" After all, the dark clouds are not so thick, and the sky has bright colors!
Mo Yiting laughed softly behind him, his voice was lazy and charming, "Well, the probability of coming out or not coming out is 50.00%!"

Ruan Ruan: "..." Isn't this nonsense? "Then do you want it to come out or not?"

Ruan Ruan turned her head, looked at Mo Yiting's handsome face, and spoke slowly.

"The rising and setting of the sun is independent of human will!" Mo Yiting looked at Ruan Ruan's disgusted expression, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he continued to speak.

"Of course, even so, I still hope that it will live up to expectations and rise as scheduled! There are two reasons, which one do you want to hear first?"

Ruan Ruan bit her lips lightly, a certain person is really enough today, nothing more than being polite, and he's playing tricks!hey~
Although thinking like this, he also cooperated very much, "Let's listen to the first one first!"

"Well, the first reason is, sitting here, I'm cold!"

Ruan Ruan: "..." looked down at someone's single clothes, the temperature was about eight degrees, it must be quite cold!

Thinking about it, he stretched out his hand from Mo Yiting's waist and wrapped his body around him, "Is this better?"

"It might be better to hold it tighter!" With a serious look.

Ruan Ruan pursed her lips, so that she could push her nose to her face!Although I was complaining in my heart, I really hugged him tightly.

Her body was attached to his!His face became hot.

It is him who loves and cares about him, and has been almost inseparable from him since childhood, and it is his "little tail!" that he can't shake off!

However, she is an adult, and there is a difference between men and women in her heart, and she will take care of some things and restrain herself!Opening your eyes is one thing, closing them is another!

Her heartbeat was a little abnormal, and she was afraid that he would notice, so she asked, "Then what's the second reason?"

"The second reason, of course, is that I am afraid that a little girl will cry!"

Ruan Ruan: "...", does she love to cry so much? Really, do you want to do this!Angrily in my heart, I blocked back, "You're the one crying!"

It's good that it's not blocked, but when I opened my mouth, I realized that I had been fooled. This bad guy was clearly teasing her on purpose!

Really, if she wasn't cold and wrapped in his clothes, she would definitely punch him twice!
Because he had been climbing the mountain all night, and now he was sitting here unable to move, Mo Yiting's arms were as warm as a bed, tiredness struck, Ruan Ruan quickly fell asleep!
When she woke up, her lips were itchy, Ruan Ruan stretched out her hand to rub it, and slowly opened her eyes!It happened to meet Mo Yiting's eyes with a deep smile.

For a moment, she seemed to be touched by an electric current, and her limbs and bones felt numb!

The brilliance of the sun sprinkled on his face, which was so handsome that it made people lose their minds. The smile on the corner of his mouth was pampering, like the breeze in April, rippled in the lake of her heart!

When Mo Yiting saw Ruan Ruan opened his eyes, the sun was shining brightly, but her expression was completely reflected in his eyes.

The smile on the corner of his lips deepened, and he whispered softly, with a voice that could be heard by two people, with a hint of affection and bewilderment, he said:
"The sunrise on Mount Hua is really beautiful!"

Ruan Ruan's heart trembled suddenly, and she hurriedly escaped from her sight and looked into the distance, "Mm~ yes, it's so beautiful!"

Isn't it beautiful?The moment she opened her eyes just now, she was amazed by him.If he doesn't make a sound, maybe she will do something!
That way, there will be a good show to watch, maybe, there will be such a news on the Internet:
The scenery is not intoxicating, everyone is intoxicated: At sunrise on the top of Huashan Mountain, a woman woke up from a light sleep and threw herself on the man beside her!
Hey~ It’s a good thing I’ve found my way back when I lost my way, otherwise I really regret it!Beauty misleads people! !
Ruan Ruanyu came out of Mo Yiting's arms in fear, and sat next to him, now he knows how to behave.

Mo Yiting glanced at Ruan Ruan, with a smile on his brows, and looked away quite calmly!

Ruan Ruan looked ahead, the sunrise was dazzlingly beautiful, but looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help feeling disappointed in his heart!
In this situation, if he didn't hold back just now and really kissed Mo Yiting, it would be great!
Inexplicably, there is one more regret!So uncomfortable!

This feeling is uncomfortable, no doubt, it has been remembered in my heart again, and I am a little depressed!
From time to time, he glanced at Mo Yiting, and the more he looked, the more emotional he became. "Moshang is like jade, and your son is unparalleled in the world!", describing Mo Yiting is really not an exaggeration!
Sitting there, Mo Yiting looked relaxed and happy to anyone who looked at him, but only the person involved knew in his heart how uneasy it was to be stared at by the girl he liked!

Especially, in those eyes, there is scrutiny and appreciation, and there is a bit of obsession with the opposite sex that girls of that age have.

At around seven o'clock, the summer sun was already slanting in the sky, and the heat swept away the coolness of the morning, and the people on the mountain gradually dispersed.

It is impossible to go down the mountain on foot. Ruan Ruan has never walked the mountain road very often, and it is an accident that he was able to climb up.

Ruan Ruan and Mo Yiting decided to take the cable car down the mountain.Although it is only a few minutes' journey, you can see different scenery!

However, he didn't expect that due to the way, the cable car was a little bumpy, and Ruan Ruan, who was sitting opposite, fell directly into Mo Yiting's arms, followed by screams all the way.

When getting off the cable car, Ruan Ruan was so frightened that she hugged Mo Yiting's neck and refused to let go.Mo Yiting comforted her a lot before letting go.

After being "ridiculed" by the staff, an aunt in her forties laughed and said, "The young couple have such a good relationship!"

Ruan Ruan was overjoyed and smiled happily, but she heard Mo Yiting explain with a light smile, "You misunderstood, I am her uncle!"

After Mo Yiting finished speaking, the aunt immediately looked embarrassed!

As for Ruan Ruan, the expression on her face was even more wonderful!To his uncle and niece, damn it, I really want to dig a hole and bury myself!
Mo Yiting triumphantly looked at Ruan Ruan, with a smirk on his lips, the latter was furious, gritted his teeth secretly, and glared at Mo Mo Yiting.

After a few seconds, he suddenly smiled, Mo Yiting's arm on the bracelet, looking up at his youthful face.

"Uncle, how can you do this, when you kissed me just now, you didn't mean it!!"

The staff on the side looked at Mo Yiting in unison, as if he was seducing an underage girl!
(End of this chapter)

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