Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 302 Ruan Ruan Mo Chapter 2

Chapter 302 Ruan Ruan Mo Chapter Two

However, as soon as Ruan Ruan moved his hand twice, he was caught!
Ruan Ruan was frightened, but after a few seconds, instead of looking up at Mo Yiting, she got under the covers directly!
Unsurprisingly, a low laugh came from above his head, Ruan Ruan's head was very close to Mo Yiting's chest, naturally, he could hear it clearly!

Blushing and hot-headed, she huddled under the blanket and refused to come out!
However, the person next to her, a prankster, was pulling her quilt, probably to tease her!

But at this moment, can't you be a little gentleman?
She was embarrassed, did he have to see her blushing to give up?

In short, all kinds of slander in my heart!
Grinding my teeth, I really want to bite again!
Of course, in the end, I didn't dare to have that courage!

Those little filthy girls in the dormitory, I don't see them teaching her anything else, but there are some things.
It is said that men are the most dangerous in the morning!

Ruan Ruan thought, unknowingly.The heartbeat is accelerating, the adrenaline seems to be rising, it's terrible!
Just as he was thinking wildly, the quilt in his hand was finally snatched away!
Ruan Ruan is so speechless, this person is naive, he is 32 years old, do you think he is only two or three years old?
Childish ghost!
If you can't beat Mo Yiting, you simply won't hit a stone with an egg!
Pretend to get out of the quilt openly, staring at the piercing eyes, the eyes are full of doubts, so good at pretending!
"Momo, why are you here?"

Mo Yiting watched Ruan Ruan's self-entertaining performance calmly, without saying a word!
Ruan Ruan blinked her eyes and said again,! "Momo, early in the morning, when did you come to my bed?"

The corner of Mo Yiting's mouth twitched slightly, he straightened his clothes, and stared at Ruan Ruan intently!

"It's almost morning!"

Mo Yiting was lying there leaning on the pillow, Ruan Ruan looked at it, and couldn't help but think of the time when she hugged the pillow and cried last night.

Of course, I also guessed that it was this person who snatched her pillow away, so she would treat him as a hug pillow!

However, maybe, she can still remember the incident of tempting her to kiss him on the plane that day!

This person is just too black-bellied, maybe he has coveted her for a long time, but he dare not take the initiative, so he encourages her and let her, a "sexual woman", take the blame.

But, fortunately, she is not at a disadvantage!
The love of beauty is something that everyone has!

Facing such a handsome, stylish, and cool uncle, it's hard for her to endure it for so long, okay?

She is 20 years old now, and it has been more than ten years since she silently made up her mind to marry him when she grows up!
At that time, she was young, so she was not in a hurry, she took her time, and waited until she became an adult!

However, two years ago, when she became an adult, nothing seemed to have changed, let alone progress!
Speaking of which, it's embarrassing!
She is also beautiful and delicious, okay?Appearance is always online!

Why doesn't he care about her?


As a result, in the past two years, the three bad friends in the dormitory have hit her hard, loser, loser, her ears are callused!
The point is, it was a blow to her young heart!

What the hell, just thinking of it is a bitter tear!

Holding back her anger, she felt that if she didn't get it back, she would be too sorry for herself!
Get off the bed slowly and pull the quilt to the head of the bed!
Originally, he was arrogant and arrogant, but he didn't expect that Mo Yiting's bathrobe was already loose, but it was pulled away again, revealing his strong chest muscles!
A certain girl's eyes widened suddenly, and she swallowed her saliva unscrupulously!
Then, Mo Yiting was extremely fast, and pulled the bathrobe in one go!
So stingy, is it a girl?Worried about being stared at?
Ruan Ruan slandered, but saw the corners of Mo Yiting's mouth slightly raised, looking at her!
Ruan Ruan pursed her pink lips, feeling embarrassed inside, but on the surface she tried to be calm!
Holding her chin proudly, "Momo, although you are very close to me, there is nothing wrong with you, but you can't just crawl onto my bed like before, can you?"

"I'm 20 years old, I'm an adult, if I want to spread the word, how can I get married in the future?"

"Momo, you should understand what I said, right?"

Hearing this, Mo Yiting glanced at Ruan Ruan, suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and said suddenly, "Your eyes..."

"Huh?" Ruan Ruan didn't know why, so she asked!

Mo Yiting looked at it calmly for a few more seconds, slowly got up, and then said seriously, "It seems that there is eye shit!"

"Ah!!" Ruan Ruan was really furious. When did this person become like this?

A pillow flew out, but before it was too late, it slammed on the door, and someone, with long legs, had already gone out!

Ruan Ruan squatted on the ground in extreme depression, and buried her face in her knees!

Anyway, it's a shame to throw it at grandma's house!
However, when Ruan Ruan got up to wash her face, how could she see that stuff on her face?
Being tricked, what the fuck, I suddenly feel so stupid, how stupid!

Inevitably, when he went downstairs to eat breakfast, he was emotional and unhappy, and sat opposite Mo Yiting.

It was only today that I discovered that this position is simply perfect for staring at him!

snort!Nasty old guy!
A breakfast ended like this with her staring at him from time to time!
Ruan Ruan is carrying a bag, habitually hooking the belt with both hands, like a child, walking in front, and then getting into the car!
She didn't talk along the way, she was playing with her mobile phone all the time, Mo Yiting sat beside her, and didn't bother her! There was a document on her lap, and she read it seriously!
Ruan Ruan felt that this person must have forgotten her existence, hum~
I usually take her to school, but I don't see her doing official business in the car, and today is the first of its kind!
Didn't you see her angry?
There is a saying that goes well, if you don't look at others, how do you know that others don't look at you?
Ruan Ruan was staring at the phone, Mo Yiting was looking at the documents, there was a silent air pressure flowing between the two of them, but, from the corner of their eyes, they were all paying attention to each other's every move!
Not long after he came here, he was relieved, but she was even more depressed!
I don't know, is she thinking too much and neglecting the details, or what?

In short, when we got to school, a certain girl was still in a state of pissed off, when the car stopped, Ruan Ruan's hand was already on the doorknob!
After moving, he found that the car door was locked, took a look at Mo Yiting, and said to the driver in front, "Uncle Li, please open the door for me!"

The driver who was called Uncle Li glanced at Mo Yiting from the rearview mirror, coughed, but opened the driver's door.

"Mr. Mo, I'm going to buy a bottle of water!"

Ruan Ruan: "..."

Although she didn't hear Mo Yiting's order to Uncle Li, but Uncle Li's behavior is most likely related to Mo Yiting.

Looking at Mo Yiting depressedly, he didn't speak!
Mo Yiting noticed it naturally, closed the documents on his knees, looked sideways at Ruan Ruan, the corners of his mouth slightly bent.

Ruan Ruan hooked his fingers, "Ruan Ruan, come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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