Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 310 Han Jing Xiao Chapter 5

Chapter 310

Shen Qingjue raised his eyebrows, looked forward, his face was soft, obviously he was in a good mood!
"Eat yourself, I'm not hungry!"

"have eaten?"

Shen Qingjue cast a dissatisfied glance at Han Jing, annoyed, "Can't milk tea and cakes stop you from talking?"

Han Jing snorted softly, stopped looking at Shen Qingjue, concentrated on eating breakfast, but complained in her heart, this person is really not a gentleman at all!
Talking to girls, after only a few words, I am impatient.She just asked one more question, what's the matter?
Taking a look at the people around him, heh heh~ he also lost a good appearance and a good family background, if she had to tell her, his temperament was acquired by the people around him!
After eating breakfast, looking ahead, seeing that Shen Qingjue was driving in the direction away from the city center, he couldn't help asking, "Where are we going?"

"Why, are you worried that I'll sell you?"


Han Jing smirked, is she worried that this person doesn't know the way?If you really took her to a crunching corner in the backcountry, it would be more terrifying than selling her!
"If you don't want to laugh, don't laugh, the voice is really horrible!!"

Han Jing: "...Shen Qingjue, you are enough!! I have nothing to say to you!"

Shen Qingjue: "...Let's go to Qingchan Temple!"

"Don't tell me earlier!" Han Jing rolled her eyes at Shen Qingjue!
"What the hell, that's enough!" After talking to her nicely, he still has such an attitude towards him! He's a man, so he wants to save face, okay?

Seeing that Shen Qingjue was turning pages faster than turning faces, Han Jing also knew that he had a good face, so she opened her mouth to try to ease the atmosphere.

"Is it far from Qingchan Temple?"

Sure enough, as soon as Han Jing opened his mouth, Shen Qingjue's face became cloudy again, and he glanced at Han Jing, "You don't know?"

Han Jing pursed her lips, "I need to explain to you, before I came here, I knew nothing about this place!"

"Come here without knowing anything?"

As Shen Qingjue said, seeing that Han Jing had finished her breakfast, she took out a few tissues and handed them to her, and put the garbage bag on her lap behind.

"It's because I don't know anything that I came here!" Han Jing said indifferently!
Shen Qingjue looked at Han Jing's faint smile, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and whispered softly, not knowing whether he was talking to himself or Han Jing.

"Are you stupid?"

"I'm feeling fine!"

The two sides fell into silence again, but this moment's silence was obviously very different from the previous one!
After a while, Shen Qingjue reached out and took Han Jing's hand on her knee, "I'll come here later and ask you out, is it okay?"

"If the salary is still paid, of course there is no problem!"

Shen Qingjue looked forward, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Little money fan!"

He didn't even notice it when he said these words, with a hint of pampering! Han Jing froze for a moment, and put Shen Qingjue's hand on the steering wheel.

"You drive well!"

"Huh!" The faint voice was so sweet and deceptive! So much so that Han Jing couldn't help but look at him!
This obedient attitude, let his subordinates see it, are they not surprised?

"How many days are you going to stay here?" Han Jing took the initiative to find a topic.

"Maybe, I'm here for business!"

Han Jing: "..." It's not a business matter, so it could be a private matter. The answer to this question is too superfluous!

Though thinking this way, Han Jing still hummed, whether it was out of politeness or what!
"I have quite a lot of property here. If you think that I come more frequently in the future, you won't be surprised."

"...Uh, didn't you say two days ago that you didn't know the place?"

Shen Qingjue touched his forehead, and refused to admit it, "Really? Did I say that?"

"I have a pretty good memory!" Han Jing looked confident, and the implication was naturally: Don't try to fool me!
"Oh~ How can I say that I am also a foreigner, and you are now half a local, comparing the two, naturally I am not familiar with the place I was born in!
What's more, you are here to live, and I am here for work.You have time to hang out here, but I don't have time to linger here! To put it bluntly, I'm just a passerby in a hurry here!"

"I'm just talking, said so much in one breath?"

Someone looked away guiltily, "I'm just telling the truth, so as not to misunderstand what I mean!"

"It's impossible to misunderstand! But, Shen Qingjue, why didn't I realize that you are so eloquent?"

When Shen Qingjue heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Master, my whole body is full of treasures! Ordinary people, how can you see it!"

"...Oh, my God!" Han Jing pretended to have suddenly realized!
Shen Qingjue said cheekily, "Be polite!"

Han Jing: "..."

In terms of who has the thickest skin, if Shen Qingjue is second, no one would dare to admit that he is the first!
Thick skin + narcissism = Shen Qingjue!!
After about half an hour, they arrived at the destination, Shen Qingjue went to park the car, and Han Jing was waiting for him at the intersection!
When Shen Qingjue came back, he brought a pair of fluffy girls gloves from somewhere and handed them to her!
Han Jing took it and looked at it. There were two three-dimensional little rabbit heads on it, which were very cute.

Han Jing wears it on her hand, it is very warm and she likes it very much, but she still has some thoughts about the gloves that Shen Qingjue gave her to such a girl!
Tilting her head, she looked at Shen Qingjue, "You bought this?"

Shen Qingjue coughed and looked away, "No, it was given by a shopkeeper just now!"

"See how handsome you are?"

"...Probably so!"


Shen Qingjue's complexion was no longer gloomy, she stared at the girl who knew what she was asking, pursed her lips, and after a while, suddenly smiled, her eyebrows and eyes were full of elegance!
Condescending, looking at the girl who is much shorter than him but still has her head up when talking to him!
"In this world, there are only three women who can intervene in my affairs, my mother, my wife, and my daughter! Which one are you?"

Han Jing: "..." Staring, angry, it took a long time to spit out a few words, "I'm your mother!!"

As Han Jing said, she turned around and walked behind, not wanting to wait for this man anymore, the dog can't spit out ivory!
Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, she heard Shen Qingjue behind her shouting towards her, "Hey, you are going in the wrong direction!"

Han Jing: "..." What the hell, when I meet such a man, I want to vomit blood every minute!
Turning around, her face was flushed, and the person who was so angry, lowered her head, still ignoring that person.

Shen Qingjue chased after her and walked on her left side, "Hey, it's still not right. I mean you're going in the wrong direction, not the other way around! There are all directions, you have to figure it out!"

Han Jing: "..." Stopped, stared at Shen Qingjue, annoyed, "Which direction is it!"

(End of this chapter)

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