Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 318 Han Jing Xiao Chapter 5

Chapter 318

The corners of Shen Qingjue's lips were raised, and it didn't look like a normal smile. Han Jing looked at it, and her back felt cold.

I saw him shaking her wallet in his hand, breathing closer to her, "Since you have no apologies...then I don't mind seeing how many clothes like mine can be bought in your bank card!"

As Shen Qingjue said, seeing that Han Jing was still sloppy at the door, the corners of her mouth were restrained, she let go of her collar, and walked in!
Han Jing: "..." She forgot, as long as she has a wallet, it really doesn't matter whether she is with her or not!
But the point is, what she loves most is the money in her wallet! Han Jing chased after Shen Qingjue wanting to cry without tears!
Staring at Shen Qingjue's back and slandering: Shen Qingjue, this matter, my old lady will write it down for you first!!
Shen Qingjue glanced at the "downcast" Han Jing behind him, looked away, pursed her thin lips, and put one hand in her pocket, "expressionless", walking gracefully!
Undoubtedly, from the first step of stepping here, it attracts many people's eyes, and the eyes of the shopping guide lady can't help but look over!
This kind of situation will happen to Shen Qingjue almost every time he appears in the public eye! If it is usual, he must be very impatient, but today...

Just the upward arc of the corner of the mouth, it is clear that he is in a good mood!
Seeing the shopping guide lady coming up to meet her, the hand holding the wallet pointed at Han Jing, with a slender and arrogant look, and told her, "Hurry up and pick out clothes for me!"

The shopping guide lady stopped suddenly, her standard smile froze at the corner of her mouth, and she looked at Han Jing in embarrassment!
Han Jing pursed her lips, passed the shopping guide lady, and walked towards the boy's shirt area by herself.

Point and point! Point at her with her purse, f*cking bastard!
Han Jing really wanted to roll her eyes at this man, but when she thought about her wallet, a good man would not suffer from immediate losses!
However, when I walked to the special area, my mother, the number on the tag...Shen Qingjue is so special!...I'm so good at picking places!
It is clear that he is blackmailing her!!
Any piece of clothing costs tens of thousands of dollars, and she only has a few thousand dollars in her bank card, okay?
Han Jing stared at the hang tag on her clothes, feeling that she didn't need to continue looking at it, it was too expensive!
Han Jing bit her lip and looked at Shen Qingjue who was sitting there leisurely playing with her mobile phone, feeling more and more aggrieved!
His clothes are obviously not wrinkled, and she obviously has no money, so she still has to find an opportunity to blackmail her!!!
Shen Qingjue, Big Eight!!
Han Jing was thinking that the shopping guide lady next to her probably sensed the strange atmosphere, and asked tentatively, "Miss, are there any clothes you like here? I can take them down for you to have a look!"

Han Jing pursed her lips. It was impossible to tell the shopping guide lady that she couldn't afford the clothes here. She seemed to have difficulty choosing, and tapped her delicate chin with her index finger!
"I'll take another look!"

"Miss, your boyfriend is in good shape, you can wear all these clothes!"

"Hmm!" Han Jing answered casually, thinking about how to get out of trouble, but didn't care about the boyfriend that the shopping guide lady said.

From time to time, he glanced over at someone standing there with his arms folded, and in his heart, scolded Shen Qingjue like hell!
"Miss, would you like to see our other clothes?"

"Go ahead, I'll see for myself!"


Finally dismissed the shopping guide lady, Han Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and pretended to be looking at the clothes!
Shen Qingjue sat there for a while, seeing Han Jing dawdling in the special area, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he walked over!
When Han Jing saw Shen Qingjue approaching, she immediately erected her entire body on guard, raised her delicate face, and let out a soft snort.

"Why are you here?"

Shen Qingjue raised his eyebrows, not intending to answer in the slightest, and looked at Han Jing awkwardly, "Didling, are you counting threads?"

Han Jing: "..." Ni Meng!!
"Isn't it just a piece of clothing, sir, my natural hanger, whichever one is pleasing to the eye, just take it away!!"

Han Jing glanced at this person angrily, and her back hurts while standing and talking, you pay!!
Hey~ Wait, Shen Qingjue pays?

In Han Jing's mind, a thought flashed, Shen Qingjue should pay...of course it is the best way!
Anyway, the money in her bank card is not enough! Anyway, the money is not enough to lose her face alone!! Anyway, she is a nobody!!!
Han Jing thought, the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't be concealed, Shen Qingjue, Shen Qingjue, let's see later if you still want this turtle face!
Han Jing raised her small face, smirked at Shen Qingjue, and discussed with the shopping guide, "Hello, I want this dress, please wrap it up for me!!"

Shen Qingjue was a little puzzled by being so straightforward, but how could he show it? He threw his wallet to Han Jing without any emotion on his face.

"Go and pay the bill!!"

Han Jing caught it angrily, and then threw it to Shen Qingjue, "There must be a beginning and an end in doing things. If you like to take it, I will hold it for you!"

"If you pay for my clothes, shouldn't you be the one who pays?" That "compensation" bit really hard!!
Han Jingcai didn't care what Shen Qingjue said, in short, at this time, it would not be wrong to stick to your position!
"I'm thinking about you. Men and women go shopping together. Of course, it's the men who pay the bill. If I go, do you still want the name Shen Wushao?"

"Well, that's true!"

The corners of Shen Qingjue's mouth curled, he casually took out the bank card from his wallet, and looked sideways at Han Jing.

"I can't tell, someone is still a little rich woman! Then this card is useless!!"

Han Jing waved his hand, but at this moment, he was rather disdainful, "Go, go, pay quickly!" As she spoke, she pointed to the place where Shen Qingjue was sitting just now, "I'll sit there and wait for you!"

Han Jing's actions are mainly because she thinks that if the money in the card is not enough, Shen Qingjue will definitely charge it to his own account!
Shen Qingjue was noncommittal, and went to pay the bill as promised.At this moment, Han Jing's mind was settled, she poked her nose handsomely with her fingers, and crossed her legs!
Putting the fashion magazine on the sofa on his lap, flipping through it time after time, his appearance is quite similar to Shen Qingjue!
Over there, Shen Qingjue didn't know what to say to the counter lady, who was holding a black pen and writing something on the paper!
Then, not long after, Han Jing heard Shen Qingjue calling her, looked up, and the latter hooked his fingers at her again!
Han Jing saw this, although she was dissatisfied, she had to put down the magazine and walk over.

Shen Qingjue pointed to a stack of receipts and asked Han Jing to press her fingerprints. Han Jing couldn't help feeling puzzled, "Isn't it enough to just sign? Why do you need to stamp your fingerprints?"

The lady at the counter was about to explain, when Shen Qingjue took the lead and said, "How can you just sign something worth tens of thousands of dollars? If there is any problem, who will be responsible?"

Well, Han Jing doesn't say anything else, anyway, she has never bought anything worth tens of thousands of dollars, and she doesn't know the process, so just do as he said!
(End of this chapter)

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