Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 322 Han Jing Xiao Chapter 5

Chapter 322

When Han Jing returned home, the moment she opened the door, she leaned against the door and gradually slipped to the ground.

She covered her lips and forced herself not to make a sound, but the tears couldn't be stopped no matter what.

Sometimes, it's like this, a person who is unforgettable in your life, you don't see or think about it, and when you see it, you will easily smash all the disguises.

Jiang Xin and Han Jing are like this!
If there had never been a past full of expectations, there would be no pain after the shattered dreams.

Han Jing sat on the ground in a daze, and after an unknown period of time, when she got up, her legs were numb.

She went to the bathroom, turned on the tap, and poured a handful of water on her face.Looking up at himself in the mirror, his eyes were red and swollen, fragile.

Looking at her embarrassed appearance at the moment, she was stunned, as if she couldn't recognize herself!
This night, Han Jing was doomed to be late for work.It was only when Han Jing walked to the door of the clubhouse that she remembered that she had missed an appointment with Shen Qingjue.

Taking out the phone from the bag, he realized that he had no battery and turned it off.But she didn't bring the charger or power bank, so Han Jing had to throw the phone back in the bag.

She didn't want to bother others, besides, no one called her, so she simply stopped charging.

As for Shen Qingjue, it's best if you meet him, if you don't, let's talk about it again, after all, it's too late to call at this time.

Thinking this way, Han Jing had already arrived at the door of the office. Although she didn't check the time, she already knew that it was at least ten o'clock at this time.

Later, I am afraid that I will go to the manager to explain the reason to him. She was two hours late for work, which she has never done before!
However, because of her current position, she not only has requirements for herself, but also for others.

However, just as Han Jing took out the key and opened the door of the office, she saw a person sitting on her office chair, with his back to the door, looking out the window.

That angle is not like looking up at the starry sky, nor looking down at the neon lights outside the window!
Han Jing paused holding the doorknob, then walked in, closed the door, and walked towards Shen Qingjue.

"How did you come?"

Although this kind of bluntness seems to be a bit knowing, but she and him, in fact, have a unique pattern of speaking unconsciously!
Shen Qingjue actually noticed Han Jing when she entered the door, but when she turned around, it was after Han Jing spoke.

The office chair turned 360 degrees according to the direction of the force, he and her looked at each other, their eyes met, he looked at her, and she looked at him.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, his eyes unknowingly became deep, but when he spoke, he smiled and told her stories in a half-serious tone.

"Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman. The woman offered to invite the man to dinner. The man waited for a long time and ordered a table of dishes, but the woman still disappeared. Before leaving, the man called the woman to pay the bill, but the woman's mobile phone was turned off... "

Shen Qingjue spoke casually, but his eyes never left Han Jing's face, but there was no trace of sullenness on that expression.

Han Jing listened, and continued with a smile, "When a man goes to a woman's workplace to find her, the first thing a woman says when they meet is: Why are you here? Is that the case, huh?"

"Hmm... that's right!! And then?"

Han Jing smiled, "Before that, does the woman want to ask the man a question?"

Shen Qingjue pointed at Han Jing, "What do you think?"

"The man ordered a table of food, did he eat it?"

"Want to listen to the truth and lies?"

"OK, the woman already knows the answer!" Han Jingji squeezed her throat, coughed, and changed her voice.

"Then, the man told a story to the woman, and the woman followed the man's story and told the story. Then, the woman felt guilty and asked the man: Now I will make up for my mistakes, can I get some face?"

Listening to Han Jing's funny voice, Shen Qingjue couldn't laugh or cry, the gloom accumulated all afternoon finally dissipated a lot.

But he didn't give her an answer quickly, he looked at her with a half-smile, "If you want to skip work, may I ask for a meal?"

Han Jing nodded obediently!! When she does this action, she is always full of cuteness.

Although she is thin, she is not an oval face, with a little baby fat.Her mouth was pursed and her eyes were wide open, as if she was afraid that others would not believe her.

Shen Qingjue secretly smiled, and looked at her with raised eyebrows, "Think about it, the boss is here, but he will deduct wages!!"

Han Jing put away the look on her face, walked over, and pulled Shen Qingjue up from the chair, "Oh, you're the most hypocritical, Rory! Are you going?"

Shen Qingjue rubbed her temples and laughed, he had already expected it, knowing that she must have broken the kung fu, it really is! Hey!
"Go!! But about being late for work and deducting wages, don't try to be perfunctory!"

Han Jing dragged Shen Qingjue out, "Oh, don't be perfunctory, I'm a great employee, okay!! Really~"

Han Jing's magic weapon for dealing with Shen Qingjue is that if he can be fooled, he should be fooled first. If it really doesn't work, if he flatters Shen Qingjue, the matter will be over!
Hey, she thinks that if she writes "On How Employees Make Bosses Do Everything They Want", maybe it will be a hit!
She is now dealing with Shen Qingjue, she is completely handy, full of sense of accomplishment!
But boy, too young too simple.Do you think that all the bosses in the world are so foolish as Shen Qingjue?Do you think Shen Qingjue is so easy to be fooled by any employee?
The two ate hot pot.In winter, it is especially suitable for keeping out the cold.Secondly, it's because both of them like to eat hot pot, especially Han Jing, who loves all kinds of hot pot and has the same personality as her, a typical hot girl.

The two were eating hot pot and drinking beer.Han Jing's capacity for drinking was cultivated, and she was bold when drinking. After drinking two bottles of beer with him, she suggested to drink Erguotou.

Han Jing had a mild stomach problem, and Shen Qingjue had always known about it.But why would he agree with her to eat hot pot and drink?

Han Jing ate the cooked sliced ​​meat while drinking, accompanied by a chattering voice.

As the drunkenness got stronger, Han Jing's words became less and less, and finally almost stopped talking at all.

Her favorite piece of meat was cooked, and she didn't see her move her chopsticks. She held Lao Baigan's bottle in her hand, resting her chin on it, and stared straight at the bottom of the pot full of peppers.

Seeing this, Shen Qingjue's eyes didn't show the slightest fluctuation. He picked up the chopsticks, added food to her, and urged her, "Eat quickly!"

Han Jing was stunned for a few seconds before uttering an oh, picked up the chopsticks, held the food in front of her, took a few mouthfuls, and swallowed slowly.

"It's so spicy!!" But the chopsticks did not put down, but they ate mouthful after mouthful.

Shen Qingjue, who was on the opposite side, looked at her like that, not because of what she said, but because she used such an excuse to cover up her crying.

(End of this chapter)

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