Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 326 Han Jing Xiao Chapter 5

Chapter 326

The cold wind was biting, the sky was freezing, Jiang Xin stood alone by the road at the entrance of the clubhouse, looking in the direction of the entrance!
It was he who saw her first, and she heard him calling her name, telling her to be quiet!
She was extremely tired, she lowered her head and looked at the road under her feet, when she heard that familiar and deep voice, she felt as if someone had suddenly tapped her acupuncture points, and her body froze suddenly!
She raised her head and looked at the source of the sound. The moment she saw him, for some reason, her eyes felt very uncomfortable.

Perhaps, it is the reason for staying up late to work!

Yes, that's it!Han Jing told herself so!
However, he was still so stupid. In order to see her, he stood all night in the cold wind and cold night!
The exhaled breath condensed into water mist in the air, and then dispersed!
She stood there without moving, because before she could react, he had already walked towards her!

Perhaps it was because he didn't sleep all night, his eyes were scarlet and bloodshot, his face was haggard, and there was a light blue stubble on his chin, so haggard, she looked at it, and her breathing seemed to be a little difficult!
Jiang Xin settled one step ahead of her, staring at her like that without blinking, making it impossible for her to look directly!
He could only hear him say from the top of his head, "If I don't wait for you here, are you going to see me forever?"

Listening to Han Jing, her heart suddenly felt as if a needle had been pricked, but she knew that some things had to be cut quickly, and the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for both parties!
She gritted her teeth secretly, "Yes, you are right! I didn't want to see you in the first place!"

"Just because I wasn't by your side when that happened, are you going to remove me from your life forever?"

No, how could this be the reason?
Han Jing said it over and over in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out!

She used to love Jiang Xin so much, she had so much expectation, she wanted to wear a wedding dress and marry him one day!
At that moment, how desperate was she in her heart!

If it was possible, how could she let the relationship between them come to the current situation!
It's his parents who can't pass the test, and it's also the test that she can't pass in her heart, and it's Jiang Xin who has a threshold in her heart to step over!
She understands Jiang Xin, no one in this world understands him better than her!

That's why she was able to catch up with Jiang Xin back then, and being with him would be so harmonious!Even if he gets tired of being together every day, it won't make him feel tired!
All this is because she understands him!Know him better than himself!

"Not all! In fact, Jiang Xin, I've lost interest in you a long time ago! Do you know? When I'm with you, I'm always gentle like a lady. When you ask my opinion, I not only have to respond quickly, To follow you smoothly, you must not make you feel that I have no idea! I pretend to be tired, you know?

You go ask Ran Ran, and then ask my colleagues to see what they think of me!Han Jing is just a rough man with foul words and rude behavior, a girl who has no education and no education, loves to make troubles, and loves to meddle in other people's affairs!

Being with you is simply too tiring!I have to pretend every second, like a split personality!
No, split personalities are much better than mine!At least, at least there is always one personality that dominates!But I want to lead two personalities at the same time!You know how crazy it makes me feel?

That thing you said!You dare not say it directly, do you?Why not say it?Isn't it because I was raped by others!What's the big deal!A woman's membrane will be pierced sooner or later!How much do you think I care?
Then you are wrong!I'm just tired of you, tired of living the life you want! Do you think anyone would be that stupid when I want to leave my country?I'm just hiding here temporarily and don't want to see you!Then you are the place where I have lived for two or three years anyway, you think I will really stay away from there for you. . . . "

Han Jing spoke eloquently, on the surface she was as cold as ice, but her heart seemed to be torn apart!It hurt so badly that she couldn't breathe!

Her words were interrupted by Jiang Xin after all, he hugged her and hugged her tightly into his arms!His head was pressed against hers, close to her ear, his voice was extremely painful and depressing!
"Don't talk anymore! Jingjing, I can say whatever you want, how can you... How can you slander yourself and our relationship? You hurt yourself like this, do you know, it hurts me more than hurting me? !"

Han Jing pursed her lips tightly, and forced the mist in her eyes back. She pushed him away, and even took two steps back, her eyes were cold, staring at him like that!
"What I said is true, believe it or not! Don't waste your time on me, I say one thing, and when we meet in the future, we will be passers-by!"

Listening to Han Jing's words, Jiang Xin's body trembled suddenly, and his eyes were red, which was very different from the scarlet one at the beginning. It was pain, it was reluctance, and it was unbelievable!

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he has not yet reached the point of sadness!
Love is honey, but also arsenic!

He turned his head to the side, not wanting her to see his fragility at the moment, his voice was full of irresistible determination!
"I won't just give up like this! Jingjing, you said you are a one-sided person, why am I not! Before you approached me, you must have known that I don't accept a woman casually. Once I accept it, I will have a lifetime thoughts..."

Han Jing couldn't stand it anymore, how could she stop listening?Although Jiang Xin was kind to her before, he had never said such provocative words to her!
If she continues to listen, she will be shaken, unprincipled!She can't listen anymore!

She interrupted her rudely, angrily, "What are you talking about, to soften my heart? I'm sorry, my heart is made of stone, and it can't be warmed up. Don't talk sweetly here anymore, it sounds disgusting to me !"

As Han Jing said, she turned around and strode away!The high-heeled shoes rubbed against the snow, and she walked so resolutely!

Jiang Xin's eyes were so red that it was hard to look directly at him. At this moment, he no longer had a gentlemanly demeanor. He stood on the desolate street and shouted towards the distant figure, "Jing Jing, you used to chase me, now I chase you!" You! No matter how far you go, I will never give up on you!"

On the street in the early morning, passers-by couldn't help but look at the man standing in the middle of the road, and the woman who had left with a straight back!
They won't understand other people's stories!However, they felt it, this is another heart-wrenching feeling!

In their eyes, the protagonist in the story is a resolute woman and a foolish man!

They didn't know that this was actually a foolish woman and a decisive man!

The opening words of "Anna Karenina": Happy families are all alike, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way!

Is it also possible to say: all sweet loves are the same, but every sad love has its own sadness?

(End of this chapter)

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