Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 334 Han Jing Xiao Chapter 5

Chapter 334

Han Jing quickly suppressed the expression on her face, walked towards Jiang Xin, and said hello to him, "Are you on the fifth floor, do you have something to do?"

Han Jing actually wanted to say, "Are you here to find me?", but the words circled around her mouth, and finally swallowed them back.

Although the fifth floor of the clubhouse is full of offices, maybe Jiang Xin is looking for someone else, maybe I just ran into her!

That would seem too narcissistic!
Fortunately, she changed the sentence just in time!

If it is said that when Han Jing walked towards Jiang Xin, he was still in contemplation and planning, then Han Jing standing still in front of him and talking to him was enough to bring back his thoughts!

When he spoke, he already had an indifferent expression, "I'm not busy right now, so I came up to see you!"

"Oh, then why didn't you just knock on the door? You won't be standing here for a long time, right?" Han Jing said bluntly without thinking too much.

"I..." Jiang Xin hesitated, and looked at Han Jing with bright lips. After a second, the conversation changed obviously, with sly eyes and other emotions lurking.

"Then I knock on the door now, can I go in and sit for a while?"

"Eh..." Under normal circumstances, it should be agreed, but when Han Jing was about to nod, she suddenly thought of something, and with some embarrassment, she used her slender fingers to hang the thin fluffy hair around the ears.

"I'm sorry, I'm just in a hurry to find the manager, how about next time? Next time I will ask you out specifically, so how about making an apology?"

Shen Qingjue is still in her office, although it is not good in the lounge, especially since this person is still Jiang Xin, Han Jing had to find an excuse!

In my heart, I feel very guilty!

Jiang Xin looked at the girl unconsciously every time she spoke insincerely, and kept secret in her eyes for a moment!
In fact, he was just trying to test her, he didn't really want to go in!

He stood outside, just to see how long Shen Qingjue was going to stay in her office!
Time is not long!
However, she was the one who came out, and Shen Qingjue was still inside, which seemed like bad news to him!

Is the relationship between her and Shen Qingjue so good?

Jiang Xin was thinking, and there was an undercurrent in his eyes.

Although, he also knew that this might also be in Shen Qingjue's calculations!
In his heart, he was extremely uncomfortable!
But he knew very well that Shen Qingjue was Shen Qingjue, and Han Jing was Han Jing, so he couldn't have any emotions towards her!

She is right!

She, like him, is an innocent victim!
Thinking of this, he smiled lightly, hiding the loneliness and sadness in his heart, and still had his usual gentle appearance, "It's okay, I just have to go to work."

"Do you have time tomorrow? Can we have a meal together?... Treat it as the first meal we have as friends!"

The latter sentence seemed to be said on purpose by him!
He didn't want her to reject him!
Although this method is somewhat difficult!
But he is far inferior to what Shen Qingjue has done!
After Jiang Xin said this, Han Jing naturally couldn't say anything!

She nodded, "Okay, then if you are free tomorrow, call me, I can do it!"

He hummed, "It's about noon, I'll pick you up then!"

"...You don't need to pick it up." Jiang Xin has just arrived here, and he probably hasn't had time to buy a car yet!It's quite troublesome!
Jiang Xin somewhat guessed what Han Jing meant, and smiled, "That's good! Call me then!"


Farewell to the two!

Jiang Xin watched Han Jing enter an office not far ahead, and then walked towards the elevator!

When he turned around, he glanced at the door of Han Jing's office secretly, and narrowed his eyes slightly!
Han Jing went to the manager, briefly reported the work, and then returned to her office!
The bedroom door was open, and Han Jing approached to see that Shen Qingjue had already left!

Han Jing didn't think much, and closed the bedroom door casually!

Sitting down at the desk, only to find that there was a WeChat message on the screen, which was from Shen Qingjue, asking her to wait for him after get off work and go back together!
Han Jing couldn't help laughing when she saw the crooked brick-like font of elementary school students!
Hey, what can you say about him?
With this font, you can probably guess how this person behaved in school before!

It must look like a ruffian, the kind who is ignorant and incompetent!

Otherwise, how could this word be so ugly?

Hey, I really can't complain!Fortunately, there is no problem with this person's IQ!
Otherwise, it would not be possible to operate such a large enterprise!

He said he asked Han Jing to wait for him, but at three o'clock in the morning, Shen Qingjue had already come up ahead of time, obviously drunk, and smelled of alcohol all over his body!
Han Jing has been working in the bar all the time, and she has already developed immunity to this smell, but seeing Shen Qingjue's half-drunk and half-awake appearance, she couldn't help but tease him!

"If you are in this state, if you practice Drunken Fist, you will definitely be able to reach the pinnacle level!"

Shen Qingjue stood unsteadily in front of Han Jing, leaned against the table, looked down at Han Jing, looked at her for a moment, but suddenly smiled.

Like a prank, he leaned over and let out a breath in Han Jing's face!

It smells like wine!
Simply. . . .So sour!
Han Jing covered her nose and stared at Shen Qingjue with big eyes. She knew that he was a bad person, but she didn't expect him to be so bad!

Regardless of how naive its behavior is, the key is. . .How vulgar!

Han Jing's reaction made Shen Qingjue laugh out loud!

Han Jing stared at the sky speechlessly, call him naive, this person still doesn't admit it!
Staying with an alcoholic is predictable, and the next job is impossible!
Shen Qingjue dragged Han Jing back to the villa, smelled of alcohol, hummed to go back to take a shower and change clothes, and was drunk, causing headaches!

Han Jing was speechless!
Knowing how uncomfortable it is to be drunk, she just followed him!

Anyway, absenteeism, wage deductions, etc., she has a completely legitimate reason!
While helping Shen Qingjue to the underground garage, Han Jing kept slandering her. Sure enough, she "learned bad" by following Shen Qingjue!

Where was the lofty ambition at the beginning?
Hey, now it seems that it was probably eaten by a dog!

No, it should be eaten by Shen Qingjue!

Many people say that drunk people are crazy, either talking nonsense, or acting weird!

As for Shen Qingjue, it was a coincidence that he took it all!
Although, she had never seen Shen Qingjue drunk before, and she didn't know why he was drunk today?
In short, at this moment, Shen Qingjue must be difficult to deal with!
When she came out of the office, most of her body was pressed against her, and she couldn't straighten up.

Perhaps it was because such a man and a woman were too conspicuous, Han Jing helped Shen Qingjue to the door of the clubhouse, Jiang Xin chased him out.

In such a scene, Han Jing was extremely embarrassed in the first few seconds. She never expected that Jiang Xin would run into Shen Qingjue.

(End of this chapter)

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