Chapter 312

After drawing out the blood and getting the reward, Ye Hui felt as if she was dreaming as she looked at the 1 yuan in front of her.

Is it really that easy to make money?If it was so easy to make money selling blood, Ye Hui even thought that if she sold [-]ml of blood every month, she wouldn't even have to go to work.

But then Ye Hui sighed soberly. After all, such a good thing might not happen once or twice in her life. This time it was actually a pie in the sky.

Ye Hui felt that it was pie in the sky, but Li Zheng quickly sent the collected blood samples to the testing center and started the testing

During this process, Li Chengye even stayed by his side the whole time, just to witness the test of this blood sample with his own eyes. His degree of caution can be seen, and it is no wonder that Li Chengye is so cautious about this matter. However, if the master gets angry, the consequences will be disastrous.

Soon, the test results finally came out. Same as last time, Ye Hui's blood sample confirmed that under the action of the drug's base hydroxyl, it will appear blue, and this blue color is quite pure, even better than Ye Qing's last time. The detected blue color is even darker, which means that Ye Hui's fairy blood is even stronger than Ye Qing's.

After getting this result, Li Chengye suddenly trembled with excitement, and flew directly in the direction of Feiye Academy in his own car.

When Li Chengye arrived at Feiye College, Ye Fei was skipping class and taking a nap in the dormitory, Ye Qing was in class, and the whole dormitory seemed quiet, so when Li Chengye entered the dormitory building, no one even noticed him, only Ye Fei But the first moment Li Chengye went upstairs, he opened his eyes.

In fact, no one is more familiar with Li Chengye's footsteps than himself, and Ye Fei immediately sat up from the bed.

"Xiao Lizi, why are you coming to school again? Didn't I tell you that you should not come to school to find Master if there is no serious matter." Ye Fei said.

Li Chengye immediately said, "Master, it's an important matter, a very important matter, otherwise I wouldn't bother you!"

Ye Fei's heart suddenly moved. He knew that Li Chengye would not come here to find him if it was not a very important matter. This disciple has always obeyed his orders very much, and rarely disobeyed his master's orders.

When Li Chengye came to the door of Ye Fei's dormitory, Ye Fei couldn't help but said, "Come in."

Li Chengye quickly pushed the door and entered, and then he seemed afraid of being seen by others. He first used his senses to detect the surrounding situation, and then came to Ye Fei after finding that no one was eavesdropping around, and said excitedly, "Master, something important has happened."

Ye Fei saw the rare excited expression on Li Chengye's face. His disciple is said to be over 200 years old. Such a situation is really rare, so he asked, "What is it that makes you run away by yourself?" once?"

Li Chengye said straight to the point, "Master, we have found another descendant of you."

what!Ye Fei's eyes widened instantly.

In Ye Fei's ears, this is nothing less than extremely shocking news.

"What, Lizi, say it again!" Ye Fei hurriedly said again.

To be able to find a descendant of himself with the blood of a fairy is already an incredible thing, and now there is another one, which makes Ye Fei feel unbelievable.

"Master, this is true." The next moment, Li Chengye calmed down his violent panting, and continued, "I saw the process of the blood test with my own eyes, and everything was fine. We really found another one of your descendants." people."

Ye Fei suddenly took a deep breath, the news was like a bolt from the blue to him now, and it made his head buzz for a while.

I remember the last time I failed in ascension, a fairy official came down to earth and told me that there was still a descendant of the fairy bloodline left in the world. I always thought that there should be only one descendant who has my own fairy bloodline inheritance, so When Li Chengye found Ye Qing, he was so excited.

But now, since Ye Qing, he has actually found a descendant with the blood of the fairy blood. Descendants of the spiritual bloodline.

If I really have many descendants with fairy blood, then how can I train them all to become immortals? You must know that Ye Qing has already made Ye Fei think hard, plus a few descendants , this kind of difficulty is not ordinary, enough to give Ye Fei a headache.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help asking, "Who is he, and where is he now?"

"Her name is Ye Hui, she is 23 years old, and she is a girl who works in the stock exchange..." Li Chengye quickly reported Ye Fei's information to Ye Fei.

A photo of Ye Hui immediately appeared in Ye Fei's hand.

Originally, Li Chengye thought that Ye Fei would be extremely surprised when he saw Ye Hui's photo, but Ye Fei's face changed color immediately when he saw this photo.

First, there was a change of expression on his face, as if he had seen something unbelievable. Then, Ye Fei had a look of vicissitudes on his face, as if recalling some past events, and he seemed very emotional. In the end, Ye Fei In his mouth, he couldn't help letting out a long sigh, and said in his mouth, "Like, really like..."

Li Chengye was confused by a series of performances by his master Ye Fei, and couldn't help but ask, "Master, what is going on and what does it look like?"

Ye Fei took a long sigh and said, "This girl is really similar to the girl that Master had sex with when he was drunk back then. She looks almost exactly the same, even her eyes are very similar."

Ye Fei seemed to recall some past events of the year, and felt very headache when he touched his head.

More than 2000 years ago, during a descent from the mountain, a group of bandits happened to come across a group of bandits who robbed a woman and ran up the mountain.

What kind of person was Ye Fei? He was born with a chivalrous heart. He didn't care if he saw this kind of thing. He sent the bandits away and rescued the woman.

Later, Ye Fei learned that the woman's home was two hundred miles away from here, surrounded by wilderness, and it would be very inconvenient to leave her here, so he planned to send her back home.

But something went wrong on the way, and when he was about to reach the woman's hometown, Ye Fei suddenly asked a mellow aroma of fine wine.

Ye Fei has always been fond of wine in the past, and he naturally wanted to taste it when he encountered good wine. Naturally, he couldn't resist the temptation at this time, and brought the woman to the wine shop by the roadside.

Ye Fei still remembered that the name of the restaurant was Xianrenluo, and he was still very surprised by the name at the time. Why did the restaurant choose such a name? So drunk, he didn't think too much, so he immediately sat in the wine shop and started drinking.

After this drinking, Ye Fei couldn't help himself immediately, and even drank from noon to night, while the woman he rescued was always by his side to accompany him, and added wine to him from time to time.

Ye Fei didn't know how to do it. At that time, he just thought that the wine tasted so mellow and delicious that he had never drunk it before, so he couldn't stop drinking it. Until late at night, there was no more wine in the wine shop. Others are still addicted to it.

Later, when Ye Fei drank to the altar, he finally lost consciousness and fell drunk on the spot.

Ye Fei only vaguely remembered what happened later, it seemed that the woman sent him to a room in the restaurant and took care of him by his side, and at that time he seemed to suddenly feel that the woman in front of him had a kind of affection for him. The attraction is indescribable.

Ye Fei felt regretful about what happened later, he couldn't help having a relationship with that woman that shouldn't have happened.

After a night of passion, he woke up in the wine shop, only to find that the woman was lying naked next to him, with traces of last night's passion all over her body.

In this way, Ye Fei woke up immediately. Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was having a headache, how should he explain to the woman, but found that the woman didn't mind after waking up. Repaying the knight for saving his life, he comforted Ye Fei not to feel guilty.

Ye Fei didn't expect such a scene to happen. Although he has practiced for many years, his control power in this area has always been very strong before, but this time, he didn't know why he couldn't control himself, which made Ye Fei feel uncomfortable. I was very surprised.

It's just an accident, it's an accident, and I have to take responsibility for doing this kind of thing. Ye Fei is also a responsible person, so he is naturally willing to bear everything.

It's just that after the incident, the woman didn't want Ye Fei's compensation at all. Instead, she took advantage of his inattention and left by herself. Seeing this, Ye Fei had nothing to do.

The thing is also strange, since that time, Ye Fei's drinking capacity has become very small, and when he sees a stunning beauty, he can't control his impulse. In the past, he often drank dozens of altars and nothing happened. Later, Often it takes a few drinks to get drunk. In the past, when he saw a beautiful woman, he could only take a few glances at most, but now he actually feels like his heart is beating wildly and his mind is distracted.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Ye Fei has been controlling his impulse in this area and focused on cultivation. It was not until Feisheng a hundred years later that he realized that he still could not make up for the mistakes of the year. He actually left behind a descendant with fairy blood. When a person is in the world, after all, he is also cultivated to become a fairy, so that he can ascend to see the master.

Originally, Ye Fei was gradually making himself forget about the events that happened more than 2000 years ago, but now, when Ye Fei saw the photo of this girl named Ye Hui, the events of more than 2000 years ago could not help but come to mind, and become clear.

(End of this chapter)

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