Daluo Jinxian in the city

Chapter 334 Mysterious Man

Chapter 334 Mysterious Man

When Ye Fei returned to Ye Hui, he found that Ye Hui seemed a little distracted.

I don't know why, Ye Hui didn't feel anything when she was with Ye Fei day and night these days, and sometimes she was even a little upset. Already started to lose focus.

Where did this kid go?
Why didn't he tell me when he went out?Does he have a sister like me in his heart?

This bastard, who does he think he is, how can he not pay attention to my sister!

This kid, when he comes back, sister, I must take good care of him.


Although she was a little annoyed, Ye Hui couldn't help looking at the opposite desk. The emptiness there immediately made her feel extremely disappointed.

In the afternoon, Ye Fei finally reappeared there, and Ye Hui felt relieved as if she had regained her focus.

"Where have you been, and why are you only coming back now?"

"Absent from work all morning and didn't ask for leave. Do you want to do it? This month is your probationary period!"

"Did you take my sister seriously and leave without saying a word? It's too much."


A series of questioning like a cannonball immediately gave Ye Fei a headache, and he didn't know where to start.

"Slow down, slow down." Ye Fei hurriedly said, "I just spent the whole morning on some private matters, and now I'm back, you can't be so hysterical, right?"

"You still think you are quite reasonable. Do you know that it is your probationary period when you are trading. During the probationary period, if you miss work all morning, do you know the consequences? It is very likely that you will lose this job, you know, lose it Job, lost job, isn't this serious enough!"

Ye Fei comforted Ye Hui and said, "No, it's only one morning. It's no big deal. My ancestors go to work, and they will often leave sooner or later. They will get used to it, and it will be fine once they get used to it."

"You...you really know how to talk nonsense!" Ye Hui couldn't help being stunned for a while when she heard the unprecedented, unprecedented, and never-before-seen truth in Ye Fei's mouth, and she was almost speechless.

Ye Fei just smiled when he saw this, and was about to say something else to change the topic, but he didn't expect Ye Hui to break the casserole and ask the end, "Quickly, what did you do, if you say it, maybe I will I want to plead with Manager Qian, let him not record this matter, let him not fire you."

Seeing Ye Hui's constant questioning, Ye Fei knew that she cared about him after all, so he no longer concealed it, and said truthfully, "My ancestor went to Maogong Mountain in the suburbs of Zhonghai City, rescued a little grandson, and took him in. a bodyguard."

Ye Hui immediately pulled her pretty face down, "Even if you are talking nonsense, you have to be a little bit of a spectrum. Would you believe me if you think I am a fool when you talk nonsense!"

Ye Fei sighed and said, "Don't tell me, you always ask, tell me, but you still don't believe it, anyway, the ancestors don't know what to do, you can figure it out."

Ye Hui thought that Ye Fei was deliberately perfunctory, and couldn't help but get so angry that the root of her teeth itched, this dead boy, doesn't know that I care about him, and is still so angry at me!
But anger is anger, Ye Fei is back after all now, Ye Hui gets angry for a while, it's fine, so she stopped asking where Ye Fei went, which immediately made Ye Fei feel a lot easier.

Ye Hui didn't speak a word to Ye Fei for just one afternoon, even if Ye Fei wanted to ask Ye Hui any questions, Ye Hui ignored them, which made Ye Fei feel helpless.

"Hey, don't be like this, I know you care about your ancestors, but your ancestors are not children, so they won't always get lost." Ye Fei couldn't help but said.

Ye Hui still ignored her.

Just at this time, a deliveryman suddenly walked in outside the trading hall. The deliveryman was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, which were fiery red roses, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

Seeing this, Wang Qinghua immediately became excited, and hurried to the delivery man, "This must be for me, I am Wang Qinghua, today is my husband and I's wedding anniversary, my husband said he would give us a surprise , I didn't expect it to be such a big bunch of roses, awesome!"

When Wang Qinghua said this, several female colleagues around her immediately expressed envy and hatred, and said one after another.

"Tsinghua, your husband is really considerate of you."

"Xiao Wang, your husband is so romantic!"

"I can't stand you, you still like roses at such an age."

When Wang Qinghua heard the words, his face was flushed with happiness, and his smile was like a flower blooming.

But the next moment, the voice of the delivery man sounded a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, Ms. Wang, these flowers are not for you."

Wang Qinghua instantly had a black line on his forehead, petrifying.

The few colleagues who were talking around just now couldn't help being very embarrassed, and they turned their heads away, not daring to say any more.

It took a while for Wang Qinghua to come back to his senses, and he said slowly, "It's not mine, it's someone else's. The other female colleagues don't seem to be married yet, and they don't even seem to have boyfriends."

The delivery man looked at the delivery card and said, "Ye Hui, Miss Ye Hui, this is for her."

What, it's actually Ye Hui's. Could it be that Ye Hui already has a boyfriend?One word from the delivery man immediately caused the surrounding colleagues to gossip.

Zhang Xiaofei immediately said, "Show us, who sent the flowers to Ye Hui, Ye Hui, you are too dishonest, you didn't tell us that you have a boyfriend, and keep it a secret, you, say yes Not the rich second generation!"

Ye Hui was still sulking with Ye Fei, when she suddenly heard that the bouquet of roses was for her, she couldn't help being taken aback immediately, she just graduated not long ago, and she used to focus on her studies when she was in school, and she didn't even talk about love , naturally without a boyfriend, how could this flower be given to me.

When Ye Fei saw this scene, he was also a little curious, and immediately came up to him, and asked in a low voice, "No way, you have a boyfriend, my ancestors really can't see it."

Seeing Ye Fei making faces at him, Ye Hui felt a sudden twitch in her heart, could this kid be playing tricks on me?Immediately said in the mouth, "Did you mess it up? Let me tell you, don't joke with my sister. My sister will not accept you."

Ye Fei suddenly smiled wryly, and said to himself why do you feel so good? Your ancestor didn't do anything, so you just say that your ancestor is interested in you. I am your ancestor. If you are interested in you, what will happen? If he committed incest, this ancestor would never do it!
Seeing Ye Fei's expression, Ye Hui immediately knew that this was not Ye Fei's prank, so she also frowned, a little confused.

At this time, the delivery man had already come to Song Hui, took out a card, and said to Song Hui, "Miss Song, please sign, this bouquet of flowers is yours."

Ye Hui originally wanted to reject it, but after all, she didn't know who sent the flowers, so she couldn't help being a little curious, so she signed for the roses, and after searching among the rose bushes, she finally saw a small blue card.

Looking down, there was a line of small words written on the small card, "Can I treat you to dinner tonight, see you at the Italian restaurant on Hong Kong Road, see you at eight o'clock in the evening."

There was neither a signature nor any mark under the words, Ye Hui was confused for a while, who is this, who would treat herself to dinner so inexplicably.

Wang Qinghua immediately came up and said, "It's actually that Italian restaurant on Hong Kong Road. I heard it's very expensive. Ye Hui, did you really find a rich second generation?"

Seeing Wang Qinghua's envious and jealous expression, Ye Hui hurriedly waved her hands and said, "What is this, I don't even know who he is?"

To be honest, Ye Hui still likes Chinese food the most, but she is not interested in Western food. Although she heard that this restaurant is expensive, she doesn't have a strong idea of ​​going there.

Zhang Xiaofei said, "Since Ye Hui doesn't know who this person is, it might be a mysterious suitor. You might as well go and see Ye Hui tonight to see who this person is, and then consider whether you want to have a relationship. .”

Zhao Qunshan said, "What if this person is a bad person? If he is a decent person, why didn't he dare to sign his name and come after him in a fair manner? Ye Hui is so thin, and she went to this inexplicable appointment at night. What if something happens to her?"

When Ye Hui heard the words of several people, she felt that they all made sense, and suddenly she was a little hard to decide, so she turned her attention to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei saw this kind of situation for the first time, and immediately thought it was very interesting. He thought that he would go and have a look at night. At worst, his ancestor would go with her. With his ancestor, Ye Hui would never have any problems. It was safe. Absolutely guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei nodded and said, "Ancestor, you might as well go and see who this person is, and then make a decision."

In Ye Fei's eyes, chasing after his little granddaughter is not something that ordinary good guys can do. My old ancestor has to take care of this well, and must find the best boyfriend for his little granddaughter.

Even though this little granddaughter of hers will eventually ascend to immortality one day, before that, she still needs to live a happy life in the mortal world.

Seeing Ye Fei also nodded, Ye Hui was relieved immediately, and then made a decision.

I called the Feiye Group in advance and asked for a one-night leave instead of distributing leaflets. At eight o'clock that night, Ye Hui appeared at the Italian restaurant on Hong Kong Road on time. Accompanying her, Ye Fei naturally Followed.

Just to avoid suspicion, Ye Fei just followed from a distance, watching Ye Hui walk into the Italian restaurant.

Upon entering the door, a waiter immediately greeted her, "You are Miss Ye Hui, right? We are ready, and we are at table number eight. I will take you there."

When Ye Hui heard this, she turned her eyes towards the table number eight, and her eyes widened immediately, "How could it be you?"

After the outbreak, I really have a sore back and a sore back. Once again I apologize to everyone for the unstable update some time ago, and I will no longer be like this in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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