Chapter 55

Ye Fei got the ball, and before Mr. Li blew his whistle, he hit the ground hard and smashed the ball, just like passing the ball.

Seeing this scene, the students in Class [-] couldn't believe it. Didn't this Ye Fei always shoot directly? Why did he start passing the ball?

What happened in the next moment immediately stunned everyone.

boom!But Ye Fei's basketball rebounded on the ground, and instead of passing the ball to his teammates, it took an unimaginable arc and flew towards Teacher Li.

Before Mr. Li blew his whistle, he saw a big basketball flying towards his face, his eyes widened suddenly, wondering why the ball came towards me, damn, this kid must have done it on purpose.

Ye Fei did it on purpose, of course, and hated the teacher here for always making troubles for his ancestors. Ye Fei decided to punish him for this. His 2000-year-old skill is so powerful. It flew an arc, and made the basketball not burst even though it was strong. It knocked Teacher Li unconscious in an instant, but it didn't hurt him.

After all, although the ancestor resented the teacher for causing trouble, he still didn't want to kill him. If Da Luo Jinxian really wanted to kill Lao Li, then even if he ran to the ends of the world with a full steel helmet, it would be impossible for him to escape shot.

The students in the two classes obviously didn't expect this kind of result. It is common to be hit by the ball in basketball games, and Ye Fei didn't seem to mean it just now. From the direction, he was not facing Teacher Li at all. The route was weird, but a foul was awarded, it was not malicious. Besides, whoever heard of the referee being knocked out by a basketball in a basketball game, both sides were at a loss for a while.

Zheng Lin hurriedly asked Mu Xue to invite the school doctor to see if there was anything serious, and carried him down on a stretcher. Then she went to the office to invite another physical education teacher, and then the competition continued.

In this way, without Teacher Li's favoritism, Class 51 suddenly turned around. Ye Fei got the ball in a row, and several of his shots were extremely accurate. It won directly with 47:[-].

As soon as the whistle sounded for the end of the game, the students in Class [-] cheered immediately, and they all came to Ye Fei's side, patted him on the shoulder, and expressed their admiration. Some excited ones even wanted to grab him and throw him into the air. But who is the ancestor, how can he let others throw it into the sky casually, a heavy body formula made the students who had this idea quickly give up this plan.

Mu Xue rushed up and wanted to celebrate with Ye Fei, but before she got to Ye Fei, Ye Fei ran off to somewhere in a flash, so angry that Mu Xue stomped her feet again and again, unable to keep her mouth shut He scolded Ye Fei for being timid, but from time to time Ye Fei's every move during the game surfaced in his heart, and he was a little dazed for a while.

To Ye Fei, winning the competition is nothing more than a trivial matter, not worth making a fuss about. In his opinion, the reactions of the students around him were a little too much. In order to be quiet and avoid the students around him, he wanted to go out for a stroll. At this time , but suddenly saw Ye Qing behind the teaching, very proudly talking with some students who don't know what.

Ye Fei was curious for a moment, and immediately followed after he dodged.

"Bring them all, class 4 wins class 40 by [-] points, according to the original handicap, each of you loses [-] yuan to me, not less than a point!" Ye Qing said vigorously.

"Brother Qing, didn't you say that Brother Fei wouldn't come? We only won the bet on Class [-]. If we had said Brother Fei would come, we wouldn't..." A chubby boy muttered.

Ye Qing immediately patted that little chubby on the head, "You pig, it's not up to me to decide whether Brother Fei will come or not, I didn't say that Brother Fei will definitely not come, I just said it is possible, hurry up, take the money Come out, by the way, there is also this Naruto manga!"

The chubby heard this, although he was reluctant, but he was afraid of being beaten, so he had to take out 40 yuan, plus the manga in his hand, and handed it to Ye Qing.

"Brother Qing, this is this month's share, plus the loss of 40 yuan, the total is 100 yuan, you always keep it." Another tall but very thin boy said cautiously.

Ye Qing nodded, with a dignified expression on his face, "Don't worry, Bamboo Gan, from now on in Feiye Academy, the Dafei Gang will protect you, you are a member of the Dafei Gang, to protect you from being bullied, brother Fei is not That kid Chen Yaoyang is comparable."

"Thank you Brother Qing, thank you Brother Qing."

Ye Qing was complacent, turned his head to see a boy who was about to run, and immediately shouted, "You actually want to run away, stand up for me!"

The boy came back to his senses, and said with a bitter face, "Brother Qing, the petty allowance given by the family this month has been used up, so I owe one month first, can I pay it together next month?"

Ye Qing suddenly looked angry, "Brother Fei will be very upset if you do this, brother Fei is angry, the consequences will be very serious!"

The boy hurriedly waved his hand, "Brother Qing, please allow two days, just two days, I will borrow money, and I must hand in this month's share."

Ye Qing touched the student and found that he really had no money. Seeing that there was a novel in his schoolbag, he looked at the name and immediately said, "This "Golden Immortal of the Great Luo in the City" is good. Brother Fei likes it, so I will confiscate it as interest." Now, hand it over immediately the morning after tomorrow, don't let me ask you to collect it, or Brother Fei will get angry, and I can't protect you."

The boy nodded immediately.

The rest of the boys from each class, surrounding Ye Qing, also took money one after another, some were gambling money, some were paying protection fees, and some were paying registration fees to join the gang, Ye Fei saw , and suddenly his mouth was crooked with anger.

Damn, this kid actually...

Seeing this, Ye Fei couldn't bear to look any longer, came out from the corner, and put Ye Qingti aside.

"Boy, it's against you. What's wrong with learning, how dare you collect protection money in the name of your ancestors!" Ye Fei yelled at Ye Qing angrily.

It was only now that Ye Fei realized that it turned out that Ye Qing's earnestness in pulling him to play basketball was because they were betting on the game. Ye Qing bet that the sixth class would win, no wonder he persuaded himself to spare no effort, it was because of this.

"Brother Fei, it's not like this, let me explain to you first." Ye Qing hurriedly said, seeing Ye Fei getting angry, a little scared.

Ye Fei put Ye Qing down and shouted, "Say it!"

Before the basketball game, I saw a few of them from other classes betting on who would win, so I felt a little itchy for a while, so I opened the handicap and asked them to bet, just to earn a little money to pay for tuition.

"Don't avoid the important and ignore the important, tell the ancestors the key points, what's the matter with the protection fee, and what's the matter with the Da Fei Gang?" Ye Fei yelled at Ye Qing.

"This, this..." Ye Qing's eyes rolled wildly.

"After Brother Fei defeated Chen Yaoyang, part of their Yaoyang Gang and some classmates who were bullied by Chen Yaoyang all came to me together, saying that they wanted to hang out with Brother Fei. When I saw them, I was very sincere, so I simply organized them. To manage it is just a symbolic monthly fee, and as for the name, it is because they admire your skills."

Speaking of this, Ye Qing suddenly pointed at the stunned students beside him, and said majesticly to them, "Hurry up and call you big brother."

A group of students immediately bowed in the direction of the two, and said in unison, "Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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