Daluo Jinxian in the city

Chapter 607 Accidental Discovery

Chapter 607 Accidental Discovery
Ye Fei wanted to continue asking, but at this moment, the cell phone in his arms suddenly rang.

Ye Fei picked it up and saw that it was Li Chengye's call.

"Master, I have something very important to ask you." Li Chengye said on the phone.

Since what happened last time, Ye Fei asked Li Chengye and a group of disciples to find the whereabouts of Master Immortal Tianzun. Now that Li Chengye said that there was something important, Ye Fei's heart suddenly moved. Could it be that there is news about Master's whereabouts? ?

"What's the matter!" Ye Fei asked hastily.

"Master, we found a blood sample, and it turned out to be the blood sample of the fairy blood!" Li Chengye said excitedly on the phone.

"What, Little Li, are you telling the truth?" Ye Fei's arms trembled when he heard the news.

"Master, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, and this blood sample is not from you, Ye Qing and Ye Hui, it is definitely another woman with fairy blood!" Li Chengye said out of breath.

As soon as he got the news, he immediately dialed Ye Fei's number. Due to his emotional agitation, he couldn't control it at this moment.

"Woman?" Ye Fei's voice immediately rose.

"According to the doctor who provided the blood sample, it was a woman who came here." Li Chengye said.

"Where are you now?" Ye Fei asked immediately.

"Fei Ye Medical Research Institute, Master, I'll wait for you at the door." In such a situation, even with his heels, Li Chengye could guess that Ye Fei would definitely come.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, just as Li Chengye came downstairs, Ye Fei's figure appeared in front of him.

"What's going on? Tell me what happened." Ye Fei said.

Li Chengye hurriedly told Ye Fei what happened. It turned out that a doctor from Zhonghai sent a surprising blood sample to Feiye Research Institute a few days ago. It is said that various indexes in this blood sample were normal. Dozens or even hundreds of times that of human beings, after testing by the researchers of the research institute, it was actually very similar to the sample of fairy blood that Li Chengye pointed out to them before.

When the director of the research institute heard the news, he immediately reported it to Li Chengye, and Li Chengye also reported it to Ye Fei immediately.

Ye Fei said, "Who left this blood sample?"

Li Cheng Ye said, "It is said that it is a young girl. She and one of her elders came to the hospital for treatment, but the doctor found that there was no wound on her body at all, but there was a lot of blood on her body for some reason. The girl left Finally, the doctor tested the girl's blood sample out of curiosity, and found out that it was different, so everything that happened later happened."

"What kind of girl is that, what looks like?" Ye Fei asked immediately.

Li Chengye said, "I have already found the doctor who examined her. Master can ask him personally."

After a while, Ye Fei and Li Chengye appeared in a reception room of the research institute.

Li Chengye pointed to a young doctor and said to Ye Fei, "Master, this is Doctor Zhang, he is the one who discovered the girl's blood sample."

After that, Li Chengye said to Doctor Zhang, "Doctor Zhang, this is my master Ye Zhenren, please describe the appearance of the girl you found to my master."

Doctor Zhang didn't expect that Ye Fei looked so young and was called Master by Li Chengye, and he was taken aback for a moment.

Originally, I accidentally discovered an extraordinary blood sample, which actually attracted the attention of a big man like Li Chengye, which made him feel flattered. You must know that in Zhonghai, Li Chengye is definitely a person who stomps his feet. If he can match Having a relationship with him will definitely benefit a lot in the future.

Unexpectedly, Li Chengye actually called this young man who looked like a high school student Master, and he called him a real person. This made Dr. Zhang dumbfounded for a while, thinking that he was still a real person. Could there be any gods in this world?
When Ye Fei saw that Dr. Zhang didn't answer the question, but he was in a daze all the time, he suddenly became a little unhappy, pulled his face, stared at him, and said, "When did you meet that girl? What does it look like, tell me quickly!"

In an instant, Doctor Zhang felt a murderous aura rushing towards him, making him feel as if he had entered an ice cellar, and hurriedly said, "This, this is like this..."

"I happened to be on the night shift the other day, and suddenly two women came to see the injury. One of them was older, about 70 or 20 years old, and the other was younger, about teens or [-] years old. They looked like two people. It's like a grandparent relationship. The grandma said her granddaughter was injured. I immediately started to show the granddaughter the injury, but found that she didn't have any injuries at all. I felt a little strange immediately. I asked the two of them and they said no. Find out why."

"However, what is strange is that although the young girl was not injured, the clothes were covered with blood and there were many cracks, which were clearly scratched by a sharp weapon. I have never seen such a situation before. So after they left, I tested the blood sample of the granddaughter Teyi, but found that her blood sample was surprisingly different from normal people. It was difficult for me to explain this problem. At first I thought it was a problem with the equipment, so I went to the research institute to conduct a test. Re-examination, but the result alarmed Mr. Li Chengye."

Dr. Zhang was a little complacent when he talked about this incident. Who would have known that a blood sample would attract the attention of Li Chengye, a famous figure in Zhonghai City. This time, he is about to get rich.

Ye Fei said, "What's the girl's name?"

Doctor Zhang said, "Since she was not injured, I didn't use her medical records, so I didn't see her name. I only heard her grandma called her Miao or something, and I couldn't understand clearly."

wonderful?Ye Fei's heart suddenly moved, and he immediately pulled Dr. Zhang closer, "What does she look like?"

"She is very beautiful. She has a unique temperament. To be honest, I have never seen a girl like this before. She is about this tall, her hair is neither long nor short, and her eyes are very bright..."

Although Doctor Zhang was taken aback by Ye Fei, he still made gestures and said that he quickly told Ye Fei the characteristics of the girl. After all, Ye Fei's identity as Li Cheng Ye's master was there, and he dared not disrespect him.

After all, the doctor is a highly educated person with a good education. Soon, Ye Fei understood the other party's statement. Hearing that the girl's appearance and characteristics were very similar to her master, Ye Fei immediately took out a picture drawn by himself from his bosom. opened the portrait in front of Dr. Zhang, and then asked, "Is it this girl?"

Seeing Ye Fei's portrait, Dr. Zhang's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "It's very similar, but the temperament is a little different. That girl looks more mature than the one in the portrait."

Ye Fei's heartbeat started to speed up when he heard this, and he said, "Do you know who they are and where they live?"

Doctor Zhang said, "I didn't hear them talk about this, but I heard them vaguely mentioning about stalls, night markets, morning markets, etc. It seems to be vendors in the nearby market, but I'm not sure about that."

Hawkers in the market?

When Ye Fei heard Dr. Zhang's guess, he couldn't believe it.

After all, my master is also a generation of Heavenly Venerable, even if his skill is sealed, he would not go to the market to be a peddler, but the fact that his body heals quickly from injuries is very similar to the characteristics of his fairy blood. Without the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, it is difficult to be injured by the opponent, but once there is a wound on the body, it will heal quickly without leaving any scars.

Judging from this point, this girl is likely to be her master, Immortal Heavenly Venerable Dongfang Miao, but she doesn't know what happened to her master, and she went to the market to be a hawker.

Ye Fei never imagined that at this time, Dongfang Miao not only had her skills sealed, but her memory was also lost.

Hearing this, Li Chengye had already reacted, and asked, "Is there any market near your hospital?"

Doctor Zhang said, "There's a Nanshan market over there."

Li Chengye immediately said to Ye Fei, "Master, I'll go to Nanshan Market right away, and I must find a way to find Master."

Ye Fei said, "Master will go with you!"

Now that he has master Dongfang Miao's whereabouts, how can Ye Fei wait for the news at home alone, he is not such a character.

The two rushed to the Nanshan Market at a fast speed. It was already evening at this time, and the evening market had just opened, and it was the bustling time.

Seeing this, Li Chengye couldn't help but said with emotion, "Master, I came here on purpose today, but I didn't find the figure of the master."

Ye Fei frowned and said, "It's better to have clues than no clues. Today we just turn the market around and find out Master!"

Both of them are masters who have practiced for a long time, and their visual perception is extremely strong. It took a short time to search most of the market, but they did not find Dongfang Miao.

Ye Fei couldn't help being a little anxious, frowning and looking frantically again.

Seeing Master's expression, Li Chengye couldn't help comforting him, "Master, finding someone is actually a kind of fate. Needless to say, you found Master today, even if you were looking for descendants 2000 years ago, didn't you also experience countless twists and turns? "

Hearing this, Ye Fei thought about it too. It is impossible to rush to find someone, you have to pay attention to fate, otherwise, how could you not be able to find your descendants for 2000 years.

When my heart sank slightly, suddenly a very arrogant voice came from not far away.

"Damn old man, I said this is my site, that's my site. If you want to set up a stall here, do you have my consent and have you paid the venue fee!"

"No? Without your mother, don't even think about setting up a stall here. What kind of place do you think this is, and anyone can come here to make a living!"

(End of this chapter)

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