Chapter 615
Ye Fei said, "But what, the ancestors do things, do you want you little girls to nod?"

At this moment, Ye Fei immediately showed the aura of the invincible Da Luo Jinxian, which made Lin Chiling stunned for a while, speechless for a long time.

For a long time, Lin Chiling said, "Ye Fei, you, don't you care about your master?"

Ye Fei said, "What does this have to do with you!"

Lin Chiling looked in disbelief, "I really can't believe you said that."

Ye Fei said, "You are just children, you don't understand anything."

Lin Chiling shook his head and said, "I still don't believe that you will give up the principle you have insisted on for thousands of years."

Ye Fei said, "Everyone will change, why should I live so hard by myself."

Lin Chiling's eyes lit up immediately, "I've advised you to do this a long time ago, but why isn't the person next to you me?"

Ye Fei said, "Why if it's you, the ancestors have many choices. Teacher Yin is mature and intellectual at first glance, so it's definitely a good choice."

Lin Chiling wanted to argue something, when Zheng Lin suddenly walked into the classroom.

Originally, the first class was Chinese, not Zheng Lin's English. The students in Class [-] were very surprised to see this situation.

"Ye Fei, come out, the teacher has something to talk to you." Zheng Lin waved to Ye Fei from afar.

Although Zheng Lin tried her best to look calm, her dazed expression still made her look different from usual.

Ye Fei immediately walked out of the teacher when he heard Zheng Lin's words.

Zheng Lin raised her legs and walked away.

Ye Fei immediately asked, "Mr. Zheng, the first class is about to start, where do you want your ancestors to go?"

Zheng Lin said, "Come to my office, and you won't have to attend the first class."

Ye Fei frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not good to be absent from class. What's the matter with you?"

Zheng Lin snorted coldly, "You, Ye Fei, are still afraid of skipping classes. Do you want me to calculate for you how many classes you missed this semester!"

Ye Feidao, "The past is the past, and the present is the present. From now on, the ancestors decided to study hard, make progress every day, and strive to be a good student. Isn't it okay?"

Zheng Lin's pretty face suddenly flushed with anger, "When did your mouth become so eloquent, this is not like you."

While the two were talking, they had already entered the classroom office.

Seeing that there was no one else in the office at this time, Ye Fei said immediately, "Tell me quickly if you have anything to do, your ancestor still has to go to class."

At this time, Zheng Lin had turned around, but there seemed to be flames flickering in her eyes.

"Ye Fei, let me ask you, is it true that you and Yin Li are real?" Zheng Lin asked with a sour tone.

Ye Fei said, "My ancestors don't understand what is true or not."

Zheng Lin said, "Someone told me this morning that you are actually dating the new Mr. Yin, and they are very affectionate. Yin Li even made a high-profile announcement in the office that she has become a boyfriend and girlfriend with you. I want to know, is this true? real!"

Ye Fei said, "That's right, Mrs. Yin is pretty and has a good personality, so my ancestors decided to date her, and what they said is true."

Zheng Lin's eyes widened when she heard that Ye Fei admitted her relationship with Yin Li, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

"What, you are dating Yin Li, how is this possible, I don't believe it, it's impossible!"

Ye Fei said, "There is nothing impossible about this. Whom the ancestor associates with is the ancestor's freedom. Believe it or not."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei turned around and was about to leave. Yin Li was stunned for a while, then immediately grabbed Ye Fei's arm and shouted, "I don't believe that you, Ye Fei, can actually meet someone who you have only known for a few days. It's impossible for women to date, I want you to tell me in front of my face, look into my eyes!"

Ye Fei frowned and said, "Aren't you annoying? My ancestor has said it clearly enough. There are already people around my ancestor. You should stop pestering your ancestor. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Zheng Lin looked extremely depressed, "What's so good about Yin Li, what's wrong with me, I'm higher than her in terms of academic qualifications, and I'm not inferior to her in terms of appearance, because of my status in the school, I'm at least the head teacher, she's just a new teacher, why did you choose her instead of me!"

Seeing Zheng Lin's expression, Ye Fei couldn't bear it, but he thought that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, so he hardened his heart, "Because she is not as obsessive or scheming as you are."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei shook off Zheng Lin's arm and strode out of the teacher's office. If he stayed here any longer, Zheng Lin, who lost control of his emotions, might cause some problems again. In this office, Ye Fei encountered too many accidents. up.

There was a knock at the office door.

Zheng Lin looked at Ye Fei's leaving figure, first narrowed her eyes, then bit her lips hard, and let out an imperceptible cold snort.

Ye Fei walked out of the office door, looked back to see that Zheng Lin hadn't followed, and felt a lot relieved.

Maybe if this is the case, Zheng Lin will give up in the future, Ye Fei thought with some relief in his heart.

Back in class, after a whole morning class, finally no one asked him about the morning's affairs, Ye Fei also felt a little more relaxed.

When it was time to eat at noon, Yin Li came all the way to the class to look for him, and said to him, "Come on, let's go eat together."

Seeing the students around him focus their attention on him again, Ye Fei whispered, "Why are you here?"

Yin Li said, "As your girlfriend, I naturally want to go out with you, fly side by side, or even sing along with husband and wife. Of course we have to eat together at noon. Not only that, but we also have to show our love in front of them, so that we can show that we are now The relationship between them is like glue, inseparable, so that they can give up as soon as possible."

Ye Fei stared and said, "Why is falling in love so troublesome? My ancestors never encountered such a thing before."

Yin Li said, "Of course, modern people are like this, especially girls. You have to know how to keep pace with the times."

Ye Fei frowned and said, "Why does it seem that you have known me for a long time and understand me well?"

Yin Li was startled, and hurriedly said, "I just think your way of thinking is relatively old-fashioned, and I remind you to be more flexible."

Ye Fei said, "My ancestor can explain first that my ancestor can't stand things that go too far. Don't act too much later, or my ancestor will leave immediately."

Yin Li said, "I know, I know, you can rest assured."

Speaking with a slight smile, he immediately took Ye Fei's arm, and in full view of everyone, he pulled Ye Fei towards the school cafeteria.

With Yin Li by his side, Ye Fei didn't have much appetite, so he ordered two random dishes and put them on the dinner plate, but Yin Li had a good appetite, and ordered four dishes and one soup in a row, almost filling the entire dining table.

Ye Fei said, "You are a woman, can you eat so much? Don't people now claim to lose weight?"

Yin Li pulled Ye Fei's arm to her waist, and said, "Is this girl's monster figure still need to lose weight? Let me tell you, this girl is the kind of person who doesn't get fat no matter how much she eats, so you just need to rest assured! "

Ye Fei's arm slid across Yin Li's waist, and suddenly a strange feeling came over. Yin Li's figure was indeed perfect, even Da Luo Jinxian, who was used to beauties in the world like him, couldn't escape a single flaw.

Ye Fei frowned suddenly.

Yin Li said, "Why, are you unhappy?"

Ye Fei said, "You remind me of someone."

Yin Li said, "Who, who else in the world can have such a good figure as this girl?"

Ye Fei said, "My ancestors have known her for thousands of years, that's all, if you don't believe me, I'd better not say it."

There was an imperceptible gleam in Yin Li's eyes, but she said in her mouth, "I know you are fooling people, how could you live for thousands of years."

Ye Fei didn't speak, but just took a mouthful of food with his chopsticks, looking preoccupied.

Yin Li's eyes lit up and said, "You, don't be in a hurry to eat by yourself, grab some food and feed it to me!"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widened and he said, "What did you say!"

Yin Li said, "Hey, look at their current young couples, they are all like this, so that they appear affectionate."

Ye Fei said, "This ancestor doesn't do it, it's too nasty."

Yin Li immediately pursed her lips and said, "I want it."

Ye Fei said, "If you want to eat yourself, your ancestors won't feed you!"

Yin Li gritted her teeth angrily, and said, "If you don't feed me, then I'll feed you, right?"

Just as Ye Fei wanted to say that my ancestors don't need you to feed me, Yin Li had already picked up a mouthful of food and put it in his mouth, and then there was a sweet look on his face, like a very considerate wife and mother.

Ye Fei suddenly felt a little bit stuck. If he rejected Yin Li at this time, the students around him might have doubts about the relationship between the two, and the effect of all the hard work in the morning would be in vain.

Seeing Ye Fei hesitate, Yin Li blinked her eyes and said, "Hurry up, they are all watching!"

Ye Fei scanned the surroundings from the corner of his eye, and found that there were indeed many people looking at this side, including Mu Xue, Song Hui and teacher Zheng Lin.

Ye Fei sighed inwardly, finally opened his mouth, and ate Yin Li's chopstick dish.

Yin Li's face suddenly burst into a smile, and the entire cafeteria hall was almost filled with her smile.

Ye Fei said strangely, "Mr. Yin, my ancestors really admire you sometimes, why do you do those things better than those true lovers, and you don't feel shy at all."

Even lovers who really love each other are a little shy when doing this kind of intimacy with each other. When doing this kind of thing, they will try their best to avoid others and find a secluded place, a very comfortable world for two people. Ye Fei was surprised that Yin Li was so open-minded, so unscrupulous in public, and even a little elated.

Yin Li gave Ye Fei a blank look, but she didn't speak, but said in her heart, because it's true in my heart!
(End of this chapter)

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