Daluo Jinxian in the city

Chapter 64 Apprenticeship

Chapter 64 Apprenticeship
Looking up, a small three-story office building appeared in Ye Fei's line of sight, with eleven large characters written on the sign above it: Zhonghai Zhengjian Investment Co., Ltd.

From Ye Qing's mouth, Ye Fei learned that in the current underworld, there are very few people who rely entirely on beatings and killings to collect protection fees, because that is not a long-term solution after all, and it is very easy to get one's life if one is not careful. Trouble, they have changed their methods now. After completing primitive accumulation by violence, they then use their own power to bribe officials, buy and sell by force, and even invest in financial real estate. This will last in the long run.

Ye Fei felt annoyed when he heard it, what, the underworld is the underworld, even if you take off your vest, you are still the underworld, your ancestors will not sell you this account, no matter what you do, you must be wiped out.

The small building is very grand, but it has been in arrears with the construction party. Even if it refuses to pay, the construction party has no choice but to dare to ask the underworld to come to the door to make a theory and sue the court. The court has been procrastinating. It was published, but Wu Xuebing used both soft and hard tactics, and finally got it done, and finally the newspaper was nothing.

There are still a few security guards at the entrance of the small building, but at first glance, they look like fools, very arrogant. I don’t know where they got it from gangsters or people who have been released from prison. These days, such people are all in the eyes of Wu Xuebing. Talent, that absolutely needs to be reused.

When I saw Fat Pig coming back with two people from afar, a few gangsters at the door immediately came up to him, and said with a smile, "Brother Fat Pig, you're back so soon, Brother Bing has already said, you're going I'll let you see him immediately when you come back."


When they got closer, the gangsters realized that Fat Pig didn't walk back, but was forcibly held and dragged back by the people behind him. Fat Pig's face was already like gold paper, painful. He was so weak that he couldn't speak at all, so he couldn't help but startled and let out a cry of surprise.

"Call out your soldier to the ancestor, the ancestor wants to see him." Ye Fei said very rudely to one of the gangsters.

Hearing the words, the bastard immediately cursed, "Damn it, what are you, who is Brother Bing, you just saw it..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the gangster fly back immediately, and with a bang, smashed the glass door of the small building into pieces, leaving broken glass scum all over the floor.

"Isn't it just a gangster who thinks he is something and dares to talk back to his ancestors!" Ye Fei shouted.

The gangster felt that he had fallen so badly that several ribs on his body were broken, he couldn't help but fell to the ground, screamed, and couldn't get up again.

When the remaining gangsters saw this scene, they were stunned and didn't dare to go up again. They shouted to report to the boss, and then dragged dozens of people out of the building.

When Ye Fei saw this scene, he was not in a hurry, he just waited at the entrance of the small building, chatting leisurely with Ye Qing, completely waiting for the other party to gather manpower, leisurely looking like a master.

In Da Luo Jinxian's eyes, it doesn't matter how many people come from the other party, it's better to wait until the other party has gathered all the people before doing it yourself, so as to save the trouble of packing up if a few run away.

Seeing this, Ye Qing couldn't help admiring him, he thought that Brother Fei is really a master, he came to pick up the soldiers' lair by himself, yet he is still so calm and composed, what a master of art and daring.

I also want to imitate Ye Fei's posture, but my heart is always beating wildly, I want to make a calm expression, but there is a burst of sweat on my forehead, Ye Qing can't help but curse himself inwardly really useless

But what Ye Qing didn't expect was that this time was the best impression Ye Fei had of Ye Qing since he left the mountain.

Although it looks a little scared, but as the saying goes, talented people are courageous, and Ye Qing does not have his own skills, so it is normal to be afraid. As long as I train him in the future, I will definitely become a generation of masters and clean up this rubbish It's not the same as playing, Ye Fei felt a burst of joy when he thought of this.

"Ye Qing, after this incident, you will recognize your ancestors, okay?" Seeing Ye Qing getting more and more pleasing to the eye, Ye Fei couldn't help but casually said.

"What?" Ye Qing immediately widened his eyes.

When I was feeling ashamed of myself for being cowardly, I never thought that Ye Fei would actually make such a request at this time, making Ye Qing instantly petrified.

"Ah, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, it's an apprenticeship, it's an apprenticeship." Ye Fei hurriedly corrected.

He forgot that what Ye Qing couldn't accept the most was the saying that he was his ancestor, he would be happy with this, so he said it casually.

apprenticeship?Ye Qing opened his mouth wide.

Ye Fei in front of him seems to be a master of the generation, but for today's incident, he has to go back first. Although Ye Qing believes in Ye Fei's strength, but after all, he is single-handedly taking over the old lair of the black boss. Ye Fei's safety is worried.

But at this time, Ye Fei suddenly made this request, which made Ye Qing feel a little funny. It reminded him of some classic scenes in martial arts novels. The people around me, face to face, are ready to pass on their unique knowledge to him, so that it will not be lost to the world.

Could it be that Brother Fei in front of him is in this situation, knowing that he is not the opponent of so many people, and wants to pass on his unique knowledge to himself, let himself inherit his mantle, and find a chance to avenge him?
Ye Qing looked at Ye Fei in front of him, and couldn't help feeling agitated, tears instantly blurred the corners of his eyes.

"Brother Fei, do you really plan to..."

Ye Qing originally wanted to ask, do you really plan to eliminate harm for the people, and fight this gang of criminals to the end?
Unexpectedly, Ye Fei thought that Ye Qing was very excited and asked himself if he really planned to accept him as an apprentice. After all, when he accepted apprentices before, none of those disciples was not moved to tears of gratitude, and some even cried bitterly. Quite a few, I couldn't help being very happy in my heart, and said, "Of course it's true."

Seeing Ye Fei "giving up his life for righteousness", Ye Qing couldn't help being very excited, and said, "Brother Fei, since you are already like this, I have no reason to refuse you anymore, I will definitely inherit your mantle and will from now on, and take care of your legacy." Carry forward the spirit and live up to your painstaking efforts."

It's finally done, Ye Fei was very happy to see Ye Qing like this, his rough personality broke out again, he didn't pay much attention to some abnormalities in Ye Qing's words, and continued, "Then now, you still Call me Brother Fei?"

Ye Qing nodded, and immediately said, "Yes, Fei...ah no, Master."

As soon as this remark came out, the status of master and apprentice was certain, and Ye Fei suddenly burst into ecstasy, his face became more and more radiant, and he couldn't help but feel high-spirited.

Although Ye Qing didn't bow to him three times and kowtow nine times like the disciples who apprenticed to him in the past, but he is his descendant after all, he has blood relationship with him, he is very different from outsiders, so this customary etiquette can be avoided.

At this time, Wu Xuebing was walking down from the small building surrounded by a group of subordinates.

Seeing Ye Fei and Ye Qing, Wu Xuebing immediately frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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