Daluo Jinxian in the city

Chapter 81 Song Hui's Counterattack

Chapter 81 Song Hui's Counterattack

"Hey, hey, stay away from me. There is a saying that a man and a woman can't kiss each other." Ye Fei sensed that Mu Xue had an unruly attempt, and a very dangerous signal immediately rose in his heart, and he immediately wanted to remove her body from his own. push away.

Mu Xue's body was like a soft bone at first, relying on Ye Fei's life and death, but she refused to leave. After the meeting, she used the corner of her eye to observe Song Hui's actions. After knowing that Song Hui and her friends left angrily, this Sitting up from Ye Fei, he straightened his hair, and said with some embarrassment, "Really, I can't help but want to get rid of the thread ends on other people's bodies. I can't get rid of this bad habit. I don’t know what’s going on, they all say I’m a wire control.”

What a reason!Ye Fei couldn't help frowning for a while, but he didn't know Mu Xue's purpose, now that Mu Xue was no longer close to him, he didn't bother to investigate the reason.

Mu Xue and Ye Fei didn't mention anything about make-up lessons at all. After sitting for more than an hour, Ye Fei didn't expect that Mu Xue's historical knowledge was so profound, and he had never heard of some of the points mentioned before. , I couldn't help but change my view of Mu Xue in my heart.

Here Ye Fei’s view of Mu Xue has changed, but Mu Xue’s understanding of Ye Fei is a little unclear. It’s like looking at flowers in a fog. The historical allusions that he and Ye Fei talked about can be found in books or on the Internet. What others publish belongs to ready-made things, and I just use them.

And Ye Fei's views on some historical details, such as Kangxi's appearance, are almost unprecedented. They seem to be full of big stories and are all bragging, but when you think about it, they are very reasonable and in line with historical facts. , Who is this Ye Fei?This made Mu Xue feel that Ye Fei in front of him was like a person standing in a thick fog, she wanted to see but couldn't see clearly.

Could it be that this knowledge is what Ye Fei saw in some unofficial histories, or some historical materials that have never been handed down to the world?Mu Xue couldn't help being very curious.

But no matter how strange Mu Xue is, she never imagined that these are actually the true face of history, and they are all the results of what Ye Fei saw with her own eyes, because she would never have imagined that Ye Fei's true identity is actually a big man who has lived for more than 2000 years. Luo Jinxian.

For Ye Fei, what happened tonight was just that he told others about some of the past events he had experienced for a long time. Mu Xue's attitude made him feel quite satisfied. Complete distrust, at this point, Ye Fei couldn't help but give Mu Xue a high look.

The next day, I went to school to attend classes as usual. Although these classes made Ye Fei feel rather boring, but now that he went outside, Ye Fei couldn't think of anything interesting. It would be better to stay in school.

After the bell rang for the end of the last get out of class in the morning, Ye Fei saw Ye Qing running towards the school cafeteria from afar, Ye Fei wondered if he should also join in the fun and see what new food there is in the cafeteria.

As soon as he entered the gate of the school cafeteria, a faint fragrance suddenly came from the side. Ye Fei turned his head and saw that it was Song Hui. Song Hui showed a bright smile at herself. Before Ye Fei could figure it out, Song Hui Hui grabbed Ye Fei's arm like lightning, and pulled him to her desk kissingly like a couple.

Ye Fei said in a strange way, "Song Hui, didn't you say you won't come here again..."

Before Ye Fei finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by Song Hui. A very beautiful and exquisitely made food box was handed to Ye Fei in an instant, "Student Ye Fei, this is a love lunch I specially prepared for you. Try it!" How about a taste?"

Love lunch?Ye Fei was taken aback suddenly, what is this?
When I opened the food box, I saw a serving of crystal clear rice, shredded pork with sauce and fish-flavored eggplant, emitting a tempting aroma.

"I made it myself. For this lunch, I got up at five o'clock in the morning. It took me all morning. I'm still sleepy. How about trying my handicraft?" Song Hui looked expectantly. Looking at Ye Fei, there is a bit of anticipation and a bit of innocence in the eyes, the taste of an absolutely innocent girl.

Song Hui probably figured out Ye Fei's temper, because she didn't like girls with a femininity like herself, so Song Hui adjusted her strategy and changed to the route of innocent little girls and obedient girls, trying to open up the situation.

Ye Fei wanted to refuse at first, but Liu Xiaofei, Ma Hui and Liu Junhua, who were behind him, couldn't hold back when they saw this scene. They booed together, and immediately surrounded them. They unceremoniously opened the food box for Ye Fei, and each of them began to chew with hunger stand up.

The three animals ate and praised.

Liu Xiaofei said, "It's really delicious. The sauce tastes good, and the saltiness is moderate, good!"

"Song MM's craftsmanship is really good, compared with that of restaurants, Ye Fei, you have a good taste." Ma Hui said.

"Now Ye Qing must be jealous to death." Liu Junhua said.

Song Hui was taken aback when she heard the words, and she thought that he would not let him know that she bought it from the small restaurant at the back door of the school, but she still had a sweet and cute smile on her face, and said, "Ye Fei, your friend is really discerning."

Ye Fei originally wanted to say that you guys are going too far, but she gave it to her ancestors, and the ancestors haven't said whether they want it or not, but seeing a few people scrambling and quickly finishing the meal, she had no choice but to Sighing helplessly, he thought that he would return Song Hui's meal when his ancestor had a chance.

Unexpectedly, Song Hui took the initiative to pursue Ye Fei, but Ye Fei seemed a little reluctant.

Seeing this scene, all the boys around couldn't help being jealous and envious. They said enviously that Song Hui, the class flower of Class [-], fell in love with such a local boy. The murderous gaze seemed to want to threaten Ye Fei, but Ye Fei's stare back made them completely chill in their hearts, and they hurriedly turned their heads to avoid it.

Most of the girls' reactions were more gratifying, and even a little relieved, because in this way, at least I lost a rival in love. Only a girl in the corner of the cafeteria saw this scene, quietly took out her mobile phone, and dialed a number.

"Mu Xue, Song Hui has already taken action."

"It's a love lunch. In the school cafeteria, it's still her style, making a high-profile attack."

"What, what's Ye Fei's reaction?"

"Ye Fei didn't respond, the meal was eaten by a few boys in his dormitory."

"Okay, I will continue to observe her next move."

In another corner of the school, Mu Xue hung up her phone.

"This bitch has made a move so soon, and I really can't wait to destroy my achievements yesterday." Mu Xue gritted her silver teeth, "Hmph, wait and see, although I don't love you as much as you Now, I will never lose to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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