Chapter 109 Farewell
Now that his wings are fledgling, he is afraid that he will not be able to give her the same comfortable life as now.She was also afraid that the killing spirit in her body would be too strong, which would tarnish her beauty.

Maybe all he can do now is to quietly guard him and her while he was still in Wan Ling.

But he's leaving soon.Yun Cang still has too many things waiting for him to deal with, he can't let those people take advantage of the loopholes.

As for Xiao Yi, he thought, he was unwilling to go with him.So he will send someone here to protect him.

cold room
"Han Feng, why are you so stubborn? Why don't you just admit your mistake to the master? Why did you make yourself into what you are now?"

"You don't understand. We know what master thinks about Princess Qianyu, but others don't, especially Princess Qianyu."

"But can't you give in to the master? It's not a big deal, and there's no need to be so stubborn, right?"

"Okay, I did this to let the master know that Princess Qianyu still cares about him very much."

"Han Feng, you were against them being together before, why are you supporting them so strongly now?"

"Because there is someone who treats each other sincerely by my side in the royal family, at least..." My heart won't be too cold!
"At least what? Master!"

Han Feng also looked at Leng Linyuan who was standing by the door, "Master."

"Well, pack your things and go back to Yuncang in the afternoon."



Han Feng and Leng Feng looked at each other with the same puzzlement and shock in their eyes.

"Master, why are you in such a hurry? We haven't prepared anything yet."

"It's time to go. I'm going to the palace now, and the cold wind will follow." Leng Linyuan turned and left after speaking, without any intention of discussing it.

Leng Feng took a look, signaled himself to go, and then ran out.

The current master is simply more terrifying than before.What used to be just a grim face is now moody.


Royal Palace Garden

When the ladies and eunuchs coming and going pass by the imperial garden, they will see a few people standing on the snow playing.

The snow is always there because the princess likes to play in the snow.So the emperor ordered to keep the snow.This has been the rule for ten years.

In previous winters, a few eunuchs who had just arrived at the palace cleaned up the snow without knowing it.As a result, he was executed by the emperor.

Since then, no one dared to go to that snow field at will, except for the maids who cleaned on time every day.

This is what Leng Linyuan saw when he came to the palace.

"Xiao Yi, this way!"

"Baby, I didn't hit Xiaoyi! Come again and come again."

"Hahaha, look at me. Hey!"

As soon as the words fell, a snowball jumped out of Mu Qianyu's hand and flew straight towards Leng Mingyi.But Leng Mingyi turned sideways to avoid him.

"What! I won't play anymore!" She always missed him. If she didn't know that this guy is a fool, she would really believe that he knows kung fu.

"Baby, baby, Xiaoyi is wrong, Xiaoyi is wrong. Xiaoyi can't move, let the baby hit him." Leng Mingyi saw that the baby was unhappy, and hurried over with big strides.

But he had just stood still when a ball hit his face.But it was too late for him to dodge.

The ball hit Leng Mingyi directly on the mouth, and then fell to the ground and broke.

Leng Mingyi stuck out his tongue and licked what was left on his lips that had now turned into water.

"Bah, bah, bah! It's salty, it's not good, it's not good."

Mu Qianyu laughed loudly, with his hands on his hips, not at all as graceful as a princess.But she did this action very naturally, not at all contrived.

" can't be done! Silly Xiaoyi, you can't eat snow. That's for playing with."

"Oh, but it looks like nothing, it's delicious! But Xiaoyi just ate it, and it's obviously very bad. Xiaoyi won't eat it again."

 Is our male lead cute, cute?I like this kind of cuteness.what about you?

(End of this chapter)

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