Chapter 124 Live For You, Die For You

When he caught up with Mu Qianyu, Mu Qianyu had already run to the cliff closest to the capital.It was obvious they had already done something.But that girl was no match for them at all.

"Baby, baby, here I come!"

Just when Mu Qianyu was in despair, her confidant saw Leng Mingyi shouting from the opposite side, and even waved at her.

"Xiao Yi, don't come here. Go, go!"

The singular Leng Mingyi continued to run in this direction as if he didn't hear it.

The men in black looked at each other.They respectively raised the knives in their hands and slashed at Leng Mingyi.

Leng Mingyi pretended to be puzzled and looked at those people who wanted to, and rushed directly in Mu Qianyu's direction, just in time to avoid their knives.

The men in black tried several times without hurting Leng Mingyi.Everyone is wondering if this person is a fool?Or was it really just a fluke.

When Mu Qianyu was in a daze, Leng Mingyi rushed forward.

"Baby, Xiao Yi is afraid, afraid!"

The corner of Mu Qianyu's mouth twitched: "..." Why didn't you say that you were afraid when you rushed among those people just now?
Mu Qianyu glanced casually, saw behind Leng Mingyi, his pupils constricted, and pushed Leng Mingyi away.

Leng Mingyi was pushed and staggered, but Mu Qianyu slipped and fell.

"Baby, baby. Don't!" Leng Mingyi reached out to grab Mu Qianyu, but his hand brushed past her sleeve.He yelled desperately towards the cliff, but the only answer was the echo.

Leng Mingyi stood up and walked towards those people. Those men in black met the pair of eyes that gradually changed from blue to scarlet, and subconsciously backed away.

But how could Leng Mingyi let them go?He rushed up and knocked the man in the middle flying with his palm, grabbed the knife in his hand, and at the same time kicked one leg backwards directly to the chest of the other man, kicking that man more than ten meters away.Then kill all the rest with a knife.

He slowly walked to the place where Mu Qianyu fell off the cliff, the scarlet under his eyes gradually returned to blue, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a trace of tenderness shone in his eyes.

"Baby, I'm here to find you!" After saying that, she jumped down without any hesitation.

Baby, I can live and die for you, but I can't accept you leaving me.Wherever you are, I will be there.


gate of the palace
As soon as Qiao Luo got off his carriage and was about to go in to find Mu Qianyu, he met two very embarrassed women running towards him.

"Miss, those two people look so familiar!"

"It's Yuzhu and Yulan, Miss." Ya'er screamed out, she never thought that the two of them would be in such a mess.

Yuzhu and Yulan also saw them, as if seeing a savior, they ran over immediately.

When Qiao Luo wanted to ask something, she saw Yuzhu and Yulan kneeling directly in front of her.

"Miss Qiao, please, please save our princess, please!"

Qiao Luo's heart skipped a beat when she heard them calling for help, and she had a very bad premonition.

"Yuzhu Yulan, don't be in a hurry, follow me to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and then talk about what's going on."

Soon they arrived at the East Palace. On the way, Yu Zhu and Yu Lan had explained the matter clearly, and she also understood the general situation.

"Hurry up, I want to see your highness the crown prince, and tell the princess that something happened."

As soon as the eunuch heard the words "the princess has an accident", the eunuch panicked and ran in quickly.

"What?" Mu Qiancheng rushed outside after hearing the news. "Qiao Luo, you just said something happened to Qianqian?"

 There is still an update today.But my manuscript may only last until tomorrow to add updates.Hahaha!Sorry everyone!

  When the weekend comes, I will code a little more.

  One of the things that people in our group often say is about the importance of keeping manuscripts.

  It really is. o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Slapping the table and laughing wildly
(End of this chapter)

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