Chapter 131 Another Intimate Contact

Under the tree, Mu Qianyu looked helplessly at Leng Mingyi on the tree, with worry in his eyes
"Xiao Yi, let someone else pick it up. Come down for me. Also, where does anyone fly a kite in winter?"

Seeing Mu Qianyu's sullen expression, Leng Mingyi suddenly felt guilty.Because of the panic, the soles of his feet slipped, and his body suddenly fell into the air.

Mu Qianyu's pupils constricted, and she subconsciously reached out to catch Leng Mingyi, but because her strength was too weak, Leng Mingyi fell straight down.

With everyone's exclamation, Leng Mingyi's body pressed onto her.The fallen branches painted his hand hurts her to death! ! !
Leng Mingyi fell from such a high place and felt no pain at all. Just as he was about to show a smile, he heard a cry from below.


"Baby, baby, why did you come under me?"

"What do you think?" Mu Qianyu got up from the ground, and because of the pain in his body, Mu Qianyu frowned.

"Baby, does it hurt? Baby, where do you feel pain? Xiaoyi will give you a whir."

"No, I'm fine, hurry back with me, don't do such dangerous things again, you know?"

Mu Qianyu felt her face heat up again, it's no wonder her face wasn't red with so many people watching.But why are you blushing more and more recently?
"You guys, what are you looking at? I'm leaving for this princess." In the next moment, all the people who were watching here just now disappeared, and only the backs in the distance could be seen.

Leng Mingyi blinked, looked at the direction they left and smiled.In the future, he will also let them run like this, it looks so fun.

What those people don't know is that for a long time to come, Leng Mingyi will notice their subconscious action today and ask them to do it frequently.

Therefore, in the capital, it is often seen that there are many guards, eunuchs and maids running around the palace.

"Xiaoyi, I want to tell you something. After a while, Xiaoyi, I may have to leave..."

Leng Mingyi looked at Mu Qianyu with a puzzled expression on his face, did this mean to ask him to leave?Why?
"Why? Does the baby not like Xiao Yi? Xiao Yi can change it."

"Xiao Yi, don't think about it, Xiao Yi is so good, how could I not like Xiao Yi? But Xiao Yi, Wan Ling is not your home after all."

He didn't belong here in the first place, so she had no reason to keep him trapped in this place.He should have his own world, not be bound by her side. "

Xiaoyi doesn't want it, Xiaoyi only wants dolls, only dolls. "Now when he thinks that the doll really doesn't want him anymore, his heart hurts. He doesn't understand why it hurts, but there is a voice in that place telling him not to leave the doll.

"Xiao Yi, be good. Let's not talk about this for now, okay? Be good." Her eyes were a little dry, as if her child was about to be snatched away suddenly, and she felt very uncomfortable.

But when he looked up, Leng Mingyi's face was already full of tears.Those blue eyes, like the bottomless Gu Tan, were looking at her wrongedly, as if they were accusing her of crimes.

In the past half a month, he has not cried as if he had grown up suddenly, but today, she saw her tears again.

"Xiao Yi, be good, okay, just think I'm joking, okay?"

"No, it's not funny at all, Xiao Yi doesn't want to go anywhere, Xiao Yi only wants dolls, only dolls."

"Okay, okay, I won't mention it in the future, be good, don't cry."

(End of this chapter)

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