Chapter 138 The Forgotten Dream

The good news is that Xiaoyi can find someone who really cares about him in Wanling, at least he can find some warmth in this cold world.

The bitter thing is that the woman who is so nice to his younger brother is the one he loves deeply.He fell in love with this warm, clean and quirky girl from the first moment he saw her.

But he could see that when she looked at him, she didn't find any emotions other than friends in her eyes.

"Xiao Yi is good. How could I despise Xiao Yi and hate Xiao Yi! Isn't Xiao Yi so good? Well, be good. If you get tired of being crooked, our house will be set on fire."

Mu Qianyu teased, Leng Mingyi also loosened his hand around Mu Qianyu's waist, and hid his hand behind his back.

Leng Linyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, watching this scene.

He knew that now Leng Mingyi didn't lose control of his emotions like the previous few times only because he didn't see him.

So he didn't dare to go forward easily, and could only watch the interaction between him and Mu Qianyu silently here.

Once upon a time, he was the person Leng Mingyi trusted and relied on the most.But since that incident, they have become strangers than passers-by.Even he is full of hatred for him.

He was always afraid to face it before, subconsciously wanted to escape, and wanted to stay away from everything about Leng Mingyi.But in the end he found that all subconscious escapes would become his prisons and shackles.

"Baby, Xiaoyi hurts, Xiaoyi's hand hurts, it will be better if the baby is huh, huh." Leng Mingyi suddenly thought of something, stretched out the hand hidden behind her, and deliberately looked at Mu Qianyu. shaking in front of his face.

What caught Mu Qianyu's eyes was his bloody hands, which were covered with scars and fresh blood.Mu Qianyu reached out and grabbed Leng Mingyi's hands, looking at his hands.

The bright red color seemed to fill his mind and eyes, and he felt his eyes swell and uncomfortable.

In a trance, I saw the scene of blood flowing into rivers in the palace of the previous life again.Then his eyes went black and he lost all consciousness.



Leng Linyuan reached out to catch Mu Qianyu with a faster movement, then directly hugged Mu Qianyu by the waist, and walked towards the main hall room.

Leng Mingyi stared blankly at the backs of the two of them, then lowered his head to look at his bloody hands.

Is it him that scares the doll?Is that so?

When Mu Qianyu woke up, the sky had completely darkened. She looked at the roof of her room and was subconsciously startled.The lights were already on, so she could see that she was in her own room.

She had a dream, an intermittent dream.

In the dream was a valley that she had never seen before. That valley was beautiful, with a huge sea of ​​flowers and a huge lake.

The lake is very deep and blue, the color is like, like Xiao Yi's eyes, very beautiful.

She also seemed to see a tree, an unknown tree.

For some reason, there was always a voice in her heart telling her that that tree was very important.

But as for why, she thought she didn't know.

There was a man sitting under the tree, his back was still facing her, so he could only see his blurred back.

This man has appeared in her dreams countless times, but why doesn't she have any memory of him in her mind?

Why did he appear in her dream?

Why did he call her "baby" like Xiaoyi?
Why did he ask her to wait for him in the dream?
Why can't she see his face clearly?
Why does her heart ache when she thinks about him?

 Hey, the forgotten memory of the heroine's previous life is the rhythm to be revived!Want to know what happened in the previous life?

  Actually... Well, I haven't coded out the manuscript yet, and I don't want to read it. (Small entanglement...)
(End of this chapter)

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