Chapter 157
"Do you like that doll? Xiaoyi thinks the doll is also pretty, better than Xiaoyi. It's the prettiest."

Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi in a daze, she felt that she seemed to have given him some wrong information, did he misunderstand?Or is she thinking too much?Why did he feel that Leng Mingyi looked at him like he looked at someone he liked?

And like the way Hua Qianying and Leng Linyuan looked at him, there was a little more shyness and joy in their eyes.

It's not what she thinks, is it?
"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoyi, do you really decide to stay?"

"Yeah, yes, yes! Xiaoyi won't leave, will the baby be happy? Xiaoyi is very happy!"

"Are you sure? What did Jun Jingyu say?" She didn't believe that Jun Jingyu would let Leng Mingyi stay here.

"Brother Yu disagreed, but Xiaoyi wanted to be here, so he finally agreed." Leng Mingyi explained.

Well, when she didn't say it.She should have known that Jun Jingyu had always followed Leng Mingyi.

"Okay, there are two days before the state banquet, so you have to remember, on the day of the state banquet, you must follow me. You can't run around, you can't go with strangers, and you can't be Bully."

"Okay." Leng Mingyi agreed very happily.Anyway, as long as he could stay by Mu Qianyu's side, he felt that he would do anything for him.

"Okay, I'm still giggling here, why don't you clean it up quickly? It will hurt people." Mu Qianyu pointed to a pile of debris on the ground.

These are the fragments that she left when she swung the teacup to the ground before Jun Jingyu left.

Leng Mingyi looked at the debris on the ground, and before reaching out his hand, he heard Mu Qianyu's exclamation.

He looked up and saw that Mu Qianyu was holding a fragment in his hand, and blood was oozing from one of his fingers.

Leng Mingyi directly pulled Mu Qianyu's hand over, took out a clean handkerchief from his arms, and wiped the blood off Mu Qianyu's hand.

Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi carefully wiping the wound, looking very serious.For some reason, she saw distress and other emotions in those eyes.

It's just that she couldn't understand the emotion.

"Okay, the doll can't get wet, you must protect your hands well, and don't let it get hurt again."

"Okay." Mu Qianyu nodded involuntarily, seeing Leng Mingyi's serious words as if he was reprimanding her.


On the streets of Beijing

There are several extremely luxurious royal carriages driving on the street.Followed by some well-trained soldiers and guards.

The crowd of people coming and going subconsciously avoided the carriage.Because the people inside must be something ordinary people like them can't afford to provoke.

When the carriage moved forward, various discussions were heard among the crowd.Everyone was discussing who the person on the carriage was.

Passerby A: "Hey, who is the person in this carriage? Such a big battle?"

Passerby B: "You don't even know that! Besides Yun Cang, which other country do you think would be so arrogant?"

"Passerby A: "Huh?So that means the person here is Yun Cang's emperor? "

Passer-by C: "It's more than that! I have relatives in Yuncang, and they say that even the queen is here this time, and they say they want to take King Yi home in person?"

Passer-by B: "Didn't it mean that His Royal Highness Yi Wang was taken into the palace by our princess? What happened afterwards?"

Passerby A: "By the way, our princess is really kind to that King Yi!"

Everyone: "Say the point"

 How do you feel when we see our male protagonist not leaving?Are you happy?
  Leng Mingyi put his hands on his waist: Xiaoyi is not leaving, why don't you hurry up and throw over the small tickets and rewards in your hands?
  I have no money to raise a wife!

  Xiaoyi wants tickets, wants tickets!Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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