Chapter 161 Confronting Empress Yuncang (1)

Concubine Yu looked embarrassed, and the smile froze at the corner of her mouth.

Looking at Leng Jiao's attitude just now, one could tell that it was because of Empress Yuncang's connivance that Leng Jiao dared to provoke unscrupulously.Concubine Yu didn't know how to react for a moment.

After all, Qingyou Palace is second only to the queen's Fengqi Palace and Mu Qianyu's palace.Naturally, the former queen's palace cannot be moved, so is it possible that Mu Qianyu's palace should be given up?

Concubine Yu is now in a dilemma.If it is not agreed to change the palace, it will be spread that Wanling treats neighboring countries harshly, bullying the weak with the strong.

If it was given to them, everyone in the world would think that Wan Ling was afraid of Yun Cang.

Just when Concubine Yu was at a loss, a gentle and forceful voice came from behind her.Let everyone subconsciously look behind.

"This princess doesn't care who you are, or how arrogant you are in your own country, but this princess remembers that this is Wanling. In Wanling, you have to listen to this princess."

If someone else, let alone a woman, said such arrogant words, they would definitely be laughed out of their teeth.It's just that that person is Mu Qianyu.She has an absolute capital madness.

Mu Qianyu walked over slowly, exuding a powerful aura that no one could ignore.

She walked to Concubine Yu's side, hugged Concubine Yu's arm with both hands, and said pointingly: "Concubine Mother, it's embarrassing to be bullied in your own territory."

Concubine Yu was almost moved to tears after hearing what Mu Qianyu said.Just now when Mu Qianyu called her again, she didn't need to add the word "jade", which gave her enough face in front of outsiders.

And what she said sounds like she dislikes herself for being too cowardly at first glance, but actually she wants to tell herself that she doesn't have to be afraid of an outsider in her own territory.

But the mood of the two people on the side was not so good.They just want to regain some face in terms of arrogance, as for saying that they bully Concubine Yu?

But Mu Qianyu obviously didn't intend to let these two go.When they wanted to speak, they said it first.

"Remember the two of you for this princess. I don't care who you are, don't forget that this is Wanling, not Yuncang, and it's not a place where you can run wild. Don't think that your military strength is stronger now, I All spirits will be afraid of you."

Empress Yuncang stared blankly at the girl in front of her. She had never thought that Mu Qianyu was such a strong woman.It was even more unexpected that she would be such a woman who didn't understand the rules.

If this kind of woman marries back home, won't the whole Yuncang be turned upside down?This kind of woman is terrible!intolerable!Marry in the future to see how she handles her, in order to repay the shame of today.

It's just that she seems to have forgotten that Mu Qianyu never promised to marry Yun Cang, let alone marry Leng Linyuan.

Leng Jiao at the side looked at Mu Qianyu's beautiful face that became more moist and bright, and the jealousy in her eyes seemed to be burning like a raging fire.

She really wanted to tear this face off, and even more want to destroy all the pride of this woman.

"Mu Qianyu, don't go too far. This princess tells you that this princess is not afraid of you at all. If you are capable, you can fight with this princess!" Leng Jiao stretched out her hand and was about to swing a whip at Mu Qianyu.

It's just that when her hand was about to go out with the whip, Empress Yuncang reached out and grabbed Leng Jiao's hand. At this time, a smile was already on her face.

"It turned out to be Qianqian. I'm Leng Linyuan's mother's queen. From now on, we will be a family. You can't hurt your friendship just because of a few words from the child, can you?"

"Who is your family?"

(End of this chapter)

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