The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 163 Leng Mingyi Says He Wants to Be Strong

Chapter 163 Leng Mingyi Says He Wants to Be Strong
Empress Yun Cang had the same idea as Leng Jiao.

Before she came to Wanling, she had sent someone to investigate, saying that Mu Qianyu was unruly and willful.But she didn't expect this seemingly weak girl to have such a strong side.

Even she was shocked just now.


the other side

Leng Mingyi sat on the table bored and played with the little puppet in his hand.After Mu Qianyu walked out with him just now, he ran directly to the Royal Garden.

So he saw the woman.She was not much different from the one he saw when he was a child, and besides, he would never forget that face for the rest of his life.

He almost lost control just like when he saw Leng Linyuan before.But Mu Qianyu covered his eyes in time.

She was afraid that he would not be able to bear it, so she let him come back first.

But he was unhappy, very unhappy.

"Hey, what's going on? With a downcast face, did Mu Qianyu bully you?"

When Jun Jingyu walked in, he saw Leng Mingyi's disappointed face.He sat beside Leng Mingyi, holding Leng Mingyi's neck with one hand.

"Brother Yu, is Xiaoyi very misbehaving? Is he always causing trouble for others? Leng Mingyi raised his head and looked at Jun Jingyu seriously.

Jun Jingyu felt a little uncomfortable being watched by him, coughed lightly and asked, "Xiao Yi, who told you? Did you get stimulated by something?"

Leng Mingyi silently lowered his head and did not speak.

"Xiaoyi, does Mu Qianyu dislike you? Wait, I'll go find her." Jun Jingyu stood up and walked outside after speaking.

It's just that he felt his sleeves tighten as soon as he stood up.Looking down, he saw a hand clutching his sleeve.

"Brother Yu, it's not the baby. Xiaoyi is not happy. Xiaoyi always needs the protection of brother Yu and the baby, but Xiaoyi wants to protect you, and I don't know you to protect Xiaoyi."

Hearing his complaint, Jun Jingyu's heart immediately relaxed.He thought something big had happened!

Jun Jingyu reached out and rubbed the top of Leng Mingyi's head, comforting softly: "Xiao Yi, you are still young, it's normal to be protected by someone now, so don't worry."

"No, Xiaoyi is not. Xiaoyi is already nineteen years old, and he will be 20 years old. But everyone said that Xiaoyi was young, and that Xiaoyi was stupid. Woooooo... Is Xiaoyi not at all Like it? Is it... no one likes Xiaoyi?"

When Leng Mingyi thought of this, the tears in his eyes instantly overflowed.

Jun Jingyu sighed secretly in his heart, and he didn't know what kind of stimulation this guy had received to suddenly become so pessimistic.

"Xiao Yi, you can't think like this. In fact, there are still many people who like Xiao Yi. For example, me. For example, Mu Qianyu. Okay, tell me what happened today?"

Leng Mingyi thought for a while, and didn't answer his question directly, but changed something and said: "Brother Yu, Xiaoyi wants to be like a normal person, and Xiaoyi doesn't want to be called a fool all the time." , Xiaoyi wants to protect the baby and brother Yu."

After hearing Leng Mingyi's words, Jun Jingyu almost fell off his chair. "Little Xiaoxiao, Xiaoyi, what did you say? Say it again."

"Xiao Yi wants to become stronger." After becoming stronger, he doesn't need the baby to protect him all the time.He wants to protect the doll like the doll protects him.

"Xiao Yi also wants to detoxify his body. Xiao Yi wants a healthy body." Only in this way can he protect the people he wants to protect.

"Xiao Yi, the poison in your body has been cured a long time ago. It's just that I haven't told you." Jun Jingyu touched the top of Leng Mingyi's head, and looked at Leng Mingyi like a little fool.

 Xiaoyi wants to become stronger in order to protect the people he wants to protect!
  I just feel that their development is a bit slow, it seems that I have to work hard and fight!

  Guys, cheer for me!
(End of this chapter)

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