The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 166 Promoting Memory Fusion Early

Chapter 166 Promoting Memory Fusion Early
"Xiao Yi, eat this." Jun Jingyu took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms.It's different from what he took out last time.

His previous bottle was to understand the poison left in Leng Mingyi's body since he was a child.Of course, you can also suppress the heart-biting pain for a short period of time.

But this time the medicine is to promote the fusion of the memories of the two worlds.Only when the memories of the two lifetimes are merged, can Leng Mingyi truly recover.

"Brother Yu, what is this? It's the medicine for Xiaoyi's disease? But hasn't Xiaoyi's poison been cured?" Leng Mingyi reached out to take the small porcelain bottle, shook it, and opened the lid to smell it.

"Brother Yu, the medicine is different this time?"

"Yes! Do you want to be smart, Xiaoyi? Do you want to be strong? Do you want to protect Mu Qianyu? Do you want Mu Qianyu to stay by your side forever? Just think about it! Apart from this, you can definitely do it."

Jun Jingyu seemed to be selling, inducing Leng Mingyi how good this bottle should be.

However, the effect was still very significant, Leng Mingyi's eyes shone brightly, and a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao Yi eats, Xiao Yi wants to eat." He likes being able to become smarter, stronger, and able to protect the baby.

"Okay, I'll eat it for you. But you can only eat it once a day, only one pill at a time. You can't eat more, if you eat more, you will never get better, and your baby will not like you in the future." Jun Jing Yusha It's something to scare Leng Mingyi.

A look of fear flashed across Leng Mingyi's eyes.Be stupid all the time?he does not want.He can't eat more.

"Xiao Yi doesn't eat too much, Xiao Yi is very good if he doesn't eat too much! Can I eat now? Xiao Yi wants to get better soon."

"Okay." Jun Jingyu reached out and rubbed Leng Mingyi's head again, a guilty look flashed in his eyes.In fact, he doesn't want Leng Mingyi to get better so quickly now, but who knew that Empress Yuncang and Emperor Yuncang would come.

He was afraid that Leng Mingyi would not be able to bear the blow of what happened when he was a child, so he had to use drugs to promote the awakening of Leng Mingyi's memory.

But as for which part of memory Leng Mingyi awakens first, or when will he remember all of it.

He can only gamble.

Leng Mingyi, who was full of joy, didn't know what would happen to him in the future, he just subconsciously believed in the person in front of him who had been protecting him.


After Mu Qianyu returned to his palace, he asked Yuzhu to pour a basin of cold water.

She remembered the scene when Leng Mingyi hugged her just now, and the temperature of her cheeks began to rise again, as if being roasted by a small stove.

What's the matter with her?It shouldn't be, she didn't even kiss her like Leng Linyuan.How could this be?
"Princess, are you okay? You don't look well?" Yulan looked at Mu Qianyu worriedly.

"Ah? Is there? No. Maybe it's the cold wind blowing outside. It's okay. By the way, Brother Huang hasn't come over recently? What is he doing?"

"Princess, have you forgotten? His Royal Highness has been busy arranging the state banquet recently, and he is too busy now, so how can he have time to see you?"

Mu Qianyu nodded in a sudden realization, so that's the case, he actually forgot about this problem.

But the father is also true, he will give the things that he said to the emperor, and will not give her at all, which makes her too free now.No, she's going to find Brother Huang in a while.

If Mu Yan heard Mu Qianyu's inner voice, he would definitely jump up in anger.He was so considerate of his precious daughter, afraid that she would be tired, so he deliberately didn't give her any work, and in the end he was complained by others.

It's really a bit aggrieved for him to be the father.

(End of this chapter)

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