The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 171 Leng Mingyi Protects Mu Yu Again

Chapter 171 Leng Mingyi Protects Mu Qianyu Once Again
Mu Qianyu looked around from the corner of her eye, only to realize that someone was eavesdropping around the corner.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she said with an extremely embarrassed look: "Empress Yuncang, what do you mean this princess forgives you? You hurt Xiaoyi, and it is Xiaoyi who should apologize. After 14 years, you can't do it for a day." I didn't care about him. Today is a reunion after a long absence, but as soon as we met, you insulted our little Yi monster, disaster star. Who would bear it?"

"Enough!" An angry shout from behind interrupted the conversation between Mu Qianyu and Empress Yuncang.

Several people present looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw two men in bright yellow clothes walking in this direction.From another direction, Leng Linyuan also walked towards them.

Mu Qianyu cursed secretly in his heart, but how many of them are acting?
"Father, I have met Emperor Yuncang." Mu Qianyu bowed briefly to Yuncang, and immediately returned to stand beside Leng Mingyi.

Leng Linyuan also saluted and stood directly beside Mu Qianyu.

"Hahaha! The Royal Garden is so lively today, it's really rare, rare!" Mu Yan saw that the atmosphere was a bit subtle, so he hurried out to relax.

"Father, you came at the right time, hurry up and support my son! Father!" Seeing Emperor Yuncang appearing, Leng Jiao immediately felt relieved.

snort!This time, Mu Qianyu, you are doomed!His father will definitely be on her side, after all, his father has loved her very much since he was a child.

It's just that Leng Jiao miscalculated this time, not only did Emperor Yuncang not turn to her, but Leng Jiao apologized to Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi.

"What, father, how could you do this? My son, don't apologize, why should my son want to apologize to that fool, they should..."

"To shut up!"


Leng Jiao hadn't finished her words when she heard Emperor Yuncang shout angrily, followed by a burning pain on her face.

Father beat her?His most beloved father actually beat her for a fool?

With tears in her eyes, Leng Jiao looked at Emperor Yun Cang with an unbelievable look, "Why? Father, why do you protect that idiot? That idiot is a disaster by himself, disaster..."


This time, she was slapped once before she finished speaking.But the slap was Mu Qianyu's.

After Mu Qianyu hit this, everyone froze on the spot.None of them thought that Mu Qianyu would play Lengjiao in front of Emperor Yuncang.

"Ahh! Mu Qianyu! This princess wants to kill you!"

Leng Jiao knew that Mu Qianyu had hit her, and the anger in her heart rose again.

She rushed up and tried to grab Mu Qianyu's neck.It's just that before her hand got close to Mu Qianyu, she felt a force in her abdomen.Then the body falls backwards.

Everyone didn't realize what happened just now, they just knew that the moment Leng Jiao rushed towards Mu Qianyu.Leng Linyuan and Mu Yan subconsciously wanted to step forward to protect Mu Qianyu.

It's just that they just took a step when they saw Leng Jiao's body draw an arc and fly out.

"No one is allowed to bully Doll, no one is allowed! Bad people, bad people! They are all bad people! Hit bad people..." Leng Mingyi kept waving his body, not letting anyone get close, and tightly protecting Mu Qianyu behind him.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi is good. No one is bullying me, be good." Mu Qianyu reached out to grab Leng Mingyi, and Leng Mingyi's mood instantly returned to an obedient appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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