The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 192 His Luoluo fell in love with Leng Linyuan?

Chapter 192 His Luoluo fell in love with Leng Linyuan?
Qiao Luo smiled and looked in the direction of Leng Mingyi and Mu Qianyu. Her voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone around to hear it.

As soon as Qiao Luo's words came out, everyone turned to Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi.You must know that most of them came here for Mu Qianyu, so they are quite sensitive about her matters.

Mu Qianyu frowned slightly, and glanced at Qiao Luo.Her gaze was aggressive, she could not allow others to dodge, and she had a cold gaze that seemed to pierce people's hearts, which made Qiao Luo who was sitting below thump in her heart.

Her eyes dodged a little, but soon she didn't know what she thought of, then looked directly at Mu Qianyu, and smiled at her again.

Mu Qianyu also smiled back at her, but no one saw the complicated flashing in Mu Qianyu's eyes.

She didn't pay attention to other people's eyes, just reached out to pick up the teacup on the table and took a sip, then put it down again.

Mu Qiancheng also frowned, he didn't understand how Qiao Luo could be so unruly on this occasion, he didn't look like her at all.

But when his eyes fell on Qiao Luo, he found that Qiao Luo's eyes had always been on another place.

He was startled inwardly.The place where Qiao Luo's gaze finally fell was Prince Yuncang.

He was too familiar with that look, it was full of love and tenderness, and it was endlessly affectionate.

Qiao Luo... His Luo Luo!Fell in love with Leng Linyuan?
"Bang—" The sound of the glass falling to the ground interrupted the conversation of everyone in the hall again, and even the dancers stopped.

"Cough, it's okay. You go on, you go on. Don't worry about me." Mu Qiancheng smiled awkwardly.He called the maid behind him to clean up the broken wine glass.

Soon the singing and dancing in the hall and the conversations of the people resounded again.Mu Qianyu glanced at Mu Qiancheng's direction, because she knew that her imperial brother was a very stable person.

What's more, it is almost impossible for such an important occasion now, but...

There is a problem, there must be a problem!

When Mu Qianyu saw Mu Qiancheng's gloomy eyes with his head down, his eyes lit up.It seems that this is a situation, could it be that the spring of my royal brother is coming?
It's just that when she saw the place where Mu Qiancheng's eyes converged, she panicked subconsciously, and finally laughed at herself.

It turns out that the emperor likes her!She was so stupid that she didn't see this matter at all, didn't see that Brother Huang had that kind of affection for Qiao Luo.

No wonder!No wonder!No matter how busy Brother Huang is these years, as long as Qiao falls, he will almost rush over.

No wonder he had a big quarrel with his father after he sent Qiao Luo's family down in the previous life, and then came to beg her.

It's just that she was unconscious at that time, so she didn't know about this at the beginning. Yu Zhu and Yu Lan told her later.

It's just that at that time, she was deceived by Qin Xue and easily believed that it was Qin Xue who pushed him into the lake, so she didn't care about it afterwards.

It was precisely because of her ignorance that Qiao Luo's previous life was miserable.

So from the beginning of her rebirth, she has always felt guilty towards Qiao Luo.He subconsciously wanted to make up for it, to redeem the mistakes he had made.

She didn't want Qiao Luo to make the same mistakes again, and she didn't want the past mistakes to affect their relationship.

But what should she do now?One is her imperial brother, one is her best friend, and the other is her good friend.

(End of this chapter)

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