The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 199 Leng Linyuan's Suffering

Chapter 199 Leng Linyuan's Suffering
Leng Linyuan stepped back, knowing that his back was on the rockery, and there was no way to retreat.

His eyes were full of regret and self-deprecation.

Maybe Jun Jingyu is right, he is the most incompetent elder brother in the world, and the person least qualified to be forgiven by Leng Mingyi.

All because of him.His mother and concubine framed Concubine Ming time and time again and even killed Leng Mingyi in order to let him sit firmly in that seat. To put it bluntly, Leng Mingyi's miserable life was all because of him.

It turned out that he was the biggest disaster star, the one who would only leave disasters for others.

Ah!So it is!
Then what qualifications does he have to accuse Leng Mingyi of trying to cover up what happened?
To put it bluntly, it is only because of his selfishness and his existence that Leng Mingyi is suffering now.

"Brother Yu, that's enough, let's go back, shall we? Xiaoyi misses the doll, and wants to see the doll." Seeing that Jun Jingyu still wanted to step forward to beat Leng Linyuan, Leng Mingyi hurried forward and dragged Jun Jingyu away live.

Seeing Leng Mingyi acting like a baby, Jun Jingyu's anger subsided by half. He reached out and rubbed the top of Leng Mingyi's head, and said softly, "Good boy. Brother Yu will take you to find the doll."

Before they left, Leng Mingyi took one last look behind him, then turned and left without looking back.

Leng Linyuan looked at the direction where Leng Mingyi and Jun Jingyu left, his body gradually slid down the rockery, and finally sat on the ground.

He leaned on the rockery behind him and rested his head on the rockery.

His eyes closed slowly, and there was a little sparkling water in the corner of his eyes.

Tears slowly flowed down from the corners of the eyes, drawing two faint marks on the cheeks.Eventually it falls to the ground and gets buried in the soil.

"Master." Soon a person appeared near the rockery and stood in front of Leng Linyuan.

Leng Linyuan slowly opened his eyes, then calmly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and stood up.

"Cold wind. Do you think I shouldn't come here?"

He quietly looked around at everything around him, a look of desolation appeared in his eyes.

"Master, of course not. No matter what others think of you, you are the best master in Leng Feng's mind, the person who values ​​love the most." Leng Feng clenched his fists and said respectfully to Leng Linyuan.

"Okay, you don't need to comfort me, I know what I am like in my heart." Leng Linyuan sighed heavily, and then waved his hands towards Leng Feng.

He knew that only cold wind and cold wind had been with him all these years.

So they know a lot about him, so they can only listen to what they say, seeking comfort.

"Master, you have done a lot to His Royal Highness Yi Wang, and even turned against the empress. His Royal Highness Yi Wang just didn't understand the truth of the matter, as long as you explain it clearly?"

My master seems to be extremely indifferent to everyone, but in fact he is the most affectionate person.But only for those you care about.

But in the heart of the master, there are only two people who can be said to care.One is His Highness King Yi, and the other is Princess Qianyu.

But these two people are the ones who hurt the master the most, Leng Feng sighed secretly in his heart.

"Explanation? An explanation needs to be listened to. Do you think that this palace has no explanation? Do you think that this palace does not want to explain? Do you think that if this palace explains it, everything will be resolved?"

Leng Linyuan shook his head, a self-deprecating smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

If it's really that simple, what is he still doing here?
 Uh... no cutie commented for me!

  Why!If you are not happy, if you are not happy...

  Slap the table, slap the table! ! !

  Whoooo!Ask for comments, ask for votes!Ask for collection!Ask for a reward! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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