Chapter 202 Leng Jiao's Shyness

Leng Jiao's exclamation directly put Empress Yuncang into a very embarrassing situation, and everyone's eyes turned to Empress Yuncang again.

Empress Yuncang smiled awkwardly, then silently withdrew her hand, pretending to be nonchalant and said: "It was just carelessness, just carelessness. His Royal Highness continued."

Mu Qiancheng immediately rolled his eyes when he heard her words, what did he say?He has already said what should be said, shouldn't it be time for her to do it?
"This palace has already made it very clear. As for this palace, I will not marry a woman I have never even met, let alone a woman who only knows to wear a veil all day long." Mu Qiancheng said At the same time, he threw two winks at Leng Jiao.

Leng Jiao saw that Mu Qiancheng was looking at her at this time, and a deep sense of joy rose in her heart instantly.She also gave Mu Qiancheng a shy and timid look.

Leng Jiao's affectionate look almost failed Mu Qiancheng's serious face.He hurriedly turned his face away, and looking further, he was afraid that he would spit out all the food he had just eaten.

Leng Jiao looked at Empress Yuncang, and asked her what to do with her eyes, she didn't want to take off the veil on her face.Because that face was swollen by Lao Gao yesterday from Leng Mingyi's beating, and the swelling hasn't subsided until now, the whole face is like a pig's head.

But if she doesn't pick it, she will miss Mu Qiancheng.

She likes Mu Qiancheng, he is good-looking, and looks very gentle and considerate.This is her type.

"Hey! How precious is this face? Even if you just glance at it, it's so secretive. Could it be that the face under the veil is a celestial figure, and you don't want me to wait for ordinary people like this to see it?"

Mu Qiancheng obviously did not let go of this activation, and continued to speak, as if teasing or complaining.

"His Royal Highness, my Jiao'er is really inconvenient, please forgive me. If it is not possible, our Jiao'er can stay in Wanling for a few more days. When our Jiao'er is better, take off the veil and show it to His Highness the Crown Prince to see what you think." ?”

Empress Yuncang scolded Mu Qiancheng for not knowing etiquette in her heart, she said so, but Mu Qiancheng still insisted on this matter.

"Oh! That's it! It seems that I still dislike me as a vulgar person, and I don't deserve to look at Princess Yuncang."

Mu Qiancheng shook his head and said with regret.His expression was so sincere that no one would suspect that what he said would be false.

Even Leng Jiao felt a sense of complacency in her heart.Look, even the Prince of All Souls bowed down under his pomegranate skirt.

She is the most beautiful woman in the world, not one of them.Mu Qianyu was nothing compared to her.

"Your Highness, please forgive me. Jiao'er has never thought of it that way. Please forgive me. Jiao'er happened for a reason."

Leng Jiao spoke in a whiny tone, as if she was being coquettish, but it really seemed so artificial to Mu Qiancheng's ears.

Mu Qiancheng saw Hua Qianying's playful eyes, and then stretched out the hand behind his back to make a movement towards Hua Qianying.

"Father, mother and concubine, I feel that I have drunk too much and want to go out for a walk. I will leave first."

Mu Yan, who was watching the play, was suddenly nominated by Mu Qiancheng, and then realized that he should not just watch the play, but should say something else.

He waved his hand, signaling Mu Qiancheng to hurry down.

(End of this chapter)

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