Chapter 204 Do you hate her?

Li Qingfeng's eyes shrank violently, and he looked at Mu Qianyu in disbelief.

how can that be?No, even Emperor Yunli didn't know about their relationship, how could a girl who had never met face to face know?
Will not!Will not!
Li Qingfeng kept comforting himself in his heart.

Mu Qianyu quietly looked at Li Qingfeng's face full of disbelief, what was left in his eyes was nothing but calm.

"Li Qingfeng, do you hate her?"

Mu Qianyu's words brought Li Qingfeng back to his senses in an instant. He knew who the woman Mu Qianyu was referring to was referring to.

hate it?It should be hated!
How can you not hate it?
The woman he loved so much was still in his arms saying that she would never leave him, and the next moment she turned around and fell into the arms of other men.

How could he not hate?

"What's the use of hating? No! It's of no use at all!"

Mu Qianyu looked at Li Qingfeng's angry face, and didn't speak, but let him continue to release his inner emotions.

"You tell me? What should I do? Do you know that every time I see the two of them deliberately showing affection to me, I...I can't wait to kill them!"

Li Qingfeng's hand directly hit the pillar next to it, and a hole appeared on that pillar, imprinted with the mark of a fist.

"Is it useful to vent?" Just as Li Qingfeng wanted to continue to reach out and smash the pillar, Mu Qianyu's words made his hand freeze in the air.

He looked at her puzzled, only to hear Mu Qianyu continue to say: "Killing someone is so easy, but are you happy? In other words, if she dies, the traces of your betrayal can be completely erased." ?"

Li Qingfeng's body went limp, and he sat on the ground along the pillar.yes!Will he be happy?He doesn't seem to be able to.

Because even if they are all dead, it can't change the fact that he was greened by others, and what can't be cheated is the heart that is still hurting.

"Li Qingfeng, do you want revenge? I can help you. Help you get rid of those people! But you have to think clearly, the only one who can really help you is yourself."

Mu Qianyu knelt down and looked at Li Qingfeng.In his previous life, he and Li Qingfeng were friends who met at the time of life and death.

After Li Qingfeng entered Wanling's Heavenly Prison, she once visited him, and the two of them met in the Heavenly Prison.

He told her a lot of things he had experienced on the battlefield, as well as the story between him and that woman.

So she knew very well that there was a bond between Li Qingfeng and that woman, or the woman he loved.

And this bond was his first encounter with that woman.

In fact, there are some truths that even Li Qingfeng doesn't know now, and those things were only found out after Li Qingfeng's death.

"Li Qingfeng, I ask you a question, and you have to answer me honestly." Mu Qianyu looked at Li Qingfeng seriously and seriously, as if he had something important to say.

"go ahead."

"Do you really like Concubine Yun Gui, or when did you fall in love with her? When she saved you and took good care of you? Or when you opened your eyes and saw her for the first time?"

"No! Is there any difference?" Li Qingfeng said that now his mind is full of confusion and he can't understand Mu Qianyu's words at all.

"Please answer me seriously. This is about your future, and it is even more about the person you so-called love."

"It's not a girl, what do you mean? Do you know something?" Li Qingfeng raised his head, tightly grasping Mu Qianyu's clothes with both hands and questioning him.

(End of this chapter)

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