Chapter 207 You Come Back To Me

After Mu Qianyu finished what he wanted to say, he turned around and left without stopping at all.

What she said was the truth. In her heart, Xiao Yi was too clean, and she was only a child, so she could always be with him, as long as he needed her.

If one day he doesn't need her anymore, at least she can retreat and let Xiao Yi go.

Li Qingfeng propped his chin with one hand, and looked at the back of Mu Qianyu leaving with a thoughtful look.

He was thinking about what she said, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and he always felt that something was missing.

"Huh? That's right!" She still didn't seem to tell him why she knew his affairs so thoroughly!

"Hey! Come back!" Li Qingfeng yelled in the direction Mu Qianyu left, but there was no sign of Mu Qianyu there.

"This girl, you run really fast! I was asked to catch you!"


"Baby, baby, where have you been? Xiaoyi has been looking for you all the time." Leng Mingyi has been dragging Jun Jingyu to stroll in the imperial garden.

He wanted to find Mu Qianyu, wanted to see Mu Qianyu.He needs to see Mu Qianyu immediately, because only by Mu Qianyu's side can he feel a little peace of mind.

So as soon as Leng Mingyi saw Mu Qianyu's figure, he immediately rushed forward.

Mu Qianyu only saw a black shadow rushing towards him, followed by a warm and broad chest.

She didn't struggle, because she could feel that it was Leng Mingyi who was holding her, and his smell was easy to identify.

"Xiao Yi, how are you talking with Leng Linyuan? Did he bully you? And did you talk about it?"

What she was most worried about was that Leng Mingyi lost control, and that Leng Mingyi passed out or felt unwell like the previous few times.

Coupled with Leng Linyuan's pig brain, if he is asked to deal with any major national affairs, he will definitely be handy.

But he was always too impatient to appease Leng Mingyi, so not only would it not be good, but it might be counterproductive.

In fact, just as Mu Qianyu thought, Leng Linyuan did not persuade Leng Mingyi well.

"No, he's a bad guy. Xiao Yi doesn't like him, not at all." Leng Mingyi still hugged Mu Qianyu tightly with both hands and didn't let go, his head was still rubbing against Mu Qianyu's neck.

Mu Qianyu felt a furry thing on her neck sweeping her skin, and suddenly felt itchy.

She couldn't help shrinking her neck to escape the itching feeling.

"Xiao Yi, there are some things that you have to learn to face by yourself. Didn't you ever say that you want to learn to grow up? Learning to face everything is one of the things you must do on the way to grow up. And it must be The most important one. Got it?"

Mu Qianyu reached out and patted Leng Mingyi's back and didn't speak, but quietly waited for Leng Mingyi's answer.

"I don't understand, Xiao Yi doesn't understand. Xiao Yi only knows that Xiao Yi doesn't like him. He bullies Xiao Yi. So Xiao Yi doesn't like him at all."

Leng Mingyi's head rubbed against Mu Qianyu's shoulder, but he didn't realize that this movement made Mu Qianyu's neck itch.

She wanted to escape, but Leng Mingyi's strong and powerful arms wrapped around her waist tightly, holding her tightly in his arms and not letting go.

"Xiao Yi, be honest. Stop rubbing, let go of me, okay? I have something to say to Jun Jingyu. Be good and be obedient."

(End of this chapter)

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