Chapter 222 Xiao Yi's Suffering
There was a hint of sarcasm in Leng Mingyi's eyes.

"Hui Yuncang?" Leng Mingyi's thin lips parted slightly, and said these three words again.

The word "back" is really ironic!back?If possible, he would never want to go back in his life.

"Yi, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run, so you should not go back.

After all, everyone in Yuncang believed the rumor back then, didn't they?In my previous life..."

Jun Jingyu looked at Leng Mingyi worriedly, he knew how much those things in his previous life had affected Leng Mingyi.

Even after living in Wanling for 14 years, he never forgot the harm those people caused him.

Leng Mingyi fell into his own memories, his thoughts drifted away, to his previous life...

The trajectory of the previous life was basically the same as that of this life before meeting Mu Qianyu.

He is repeating the same life every day.In Prince Yi's mansion, there are no servants and mothers to beat, scold and punish, and lead a precarious life.Because he doesn't know when he will die.

Those people took the money, clothes, and even the whole house of Prince Yi's mansion that should have belonged to him, doing things like insulting, beating and scolding the master at will.

All the food and money they have are in their pockets.All the servants are dressed in beautiful clothes and live a life of rich clothes and fine food.

And even if he is in the winter, there is only a thin summer clothes, because he is naughty, and he is often chased and beaten, no part of his clothes is intact.

When he returned to Prince Yi's mansion, he was scolded by them for various reasons, and was even locked in an extremely dark small black room.

He stayed there for several days and nights, because no one cared about his life or death deliberately.

Until one day, those people saluted him respectfully and were even willing to greet him with a smile.

They changed him into the brocade clothes that he had envied, dressed him up, and tidied him up neatly.

On that day, he met him, Leng Linyuan, his imperial brother, who had treated him so well in this cold world except for his nanny.

He would not dislike him for having blue eyes, or for being a "bad star" or "monster".

He would come to play with her whenever he had time, he would stand up to protect him when everyone was bullying him, and he would steal something to eat in the imperial dining room when he was unbearably hungry.

He felt that Leng Linyuan was the best and best person in the world to him after the sale. He was like a god, omnipotent, and had a very kind heart.

So he was looking forward to meeting this emperor brother again every day, and he sat at the place they had agreed to wait for him to come every day.

At that time, he was not a fool, he was very smart and actively faced everyone's insults and even beatings.

He has never given up, because there are at least two people who care about him in the world.With his nanny and imperial brother by his side, he felt that the lights of his world were still on.

At that time, Leng Linyuan would teach him how to read and draw, and even some poems were taught by Leng Linyuan in his own time.

He always knew that the empress didn't like him, so even if the two of them met, they would only secretly.

Such days lasted for about half a year. There is a saying that is true, people can never predict what will happen in the next moment.

He was four years old that year. After meeting Leng Linyuan, he returned to the cold palace where he originally lived.

(End of this chapter)

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