Chapter 227 Besieged by Dogs
So there are a lot of things that he doesn't know very well, and he only understands the general idea.

In recent years, Leng Mingyi has often had nightmares, not only about Mu Qianyu, but also about Yun Cang.Because he often heard Leng Mingyi calling "Nurse" and "Emperor Brother" in his sleep.

From that moment on, he knew that although Leng Mingyi never wanted to say it and always acted indifferent, in fact he still cared a lot.

"Later, those dogs divided the nanny's body. Even the bones couldn't be found. After I regained consciousness, I started looking for the nanny. All of them said that the nanny was dead, but I didn't believe it. I don't want to believe it at all, even if I saw it with my own eyes."

"So I wandered around the entire Yuncang Palace, looking for the nanny, looking for the dogs. Finally... I found the dogs."

Leng Mingyi's eyes were empty, like a dead lake, completely lifeless, it looked shocking.

There was no trace of emotion in the words that came out of his lips, but Jun Jingyu knew how much effort it took him to restrain his emotions.

"Those dogs are eating some bones, no, they should be grabbing them. I can recognize those dogs as the ones from that day." Leng Mingyi recalled the scene at that time in his mind.

The few bones were still stained with blood, and there were puddles of blood on the surrounding ground.The bright red blood was still not dry on the ground.

Under the sunlight, it emits a dazzling light, which is directly engraved into people's hearts.

At that time, he just looked at the pieces of blood quietly, the red hurt his eyes, and hurt his heart even more.


Jun Jingyu didn't open his mouth to speak, because he knew that what Leng Mingyi needed at this time was quietness, to quietly recall what happened back then, and everything that happened when he was a nurse.

This is his heart knot, something he has been reluctant to bring up, and has been subconsciously avoiding. He has been telling these things and burying them in his heart all these years, not telling anyone, hiding in the corner alone, hiding in the Debug the wound in the dark.

As long as he is willing to think about it again and try to reopen this matter, it will be very helpful to untie Leng Mingyi's heart knot.

At least he is willing to pay attention to it and face everything that happened back then.

"Later, I found a stick in the woods that was a little taller than mine, removed all the branches and leaves, and then returned the same way.

The dogs had been fighting over the few bones they had, so hadn't even noticed anyone was approaching. "

Jun Jingyu turned to look at Leng Mingyi, and saw a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Leng Mingyi's mouth. The bloodlust in his eyes seemed to be devouring, destroying everything.Under the light, those lake-blue eyes gradually became bloodshot and turned scarlet.

"I took advantage of their unpreparedness and directly hit one of the dogs with a stick in my hand."

"And then?" Jun Jingyu asked curiously.

"The stick was too thin, and it broke! So all the dogs heard the noise, and looked up at me from the scramble. In the end it was me alone fighting six or seven dogs."

Jun Jingyu's jaw was about to drop from shock.He thought about what he himself was doing when he was four years old!It seems to be secretly playing with mud.

Because he was in the royal family at that time, he had to abide by the so-called rules, so he didn't have time to play at all, and some of it was just reading and writing.

(End of this chapter)

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