Chapter 230 Analyzing the Pros and Cons
"This matter needs to be carefully considered. As for Xiaoyi, I will definitely not let him return to Yuncang, as long as he doesn't want to. Although the mother has never said anything or do anything publicly these years, but in In private, I have never wanted to let Xiao Yi go."

It was impossible for him to take this risk, he didn't want Xiao Yi to suffer so much grievance, and suffer alone what he shouldn't have to suffer.

Whether in Yuncang or Wanling these years, all the suffering Leng Mingyi suffered was caused by his mother and concubine, whether it was killing the concubine Ming or the nanny.

And that accident was also caused by his mother and concubine, which made Xiao Yi look so stupid.

In the final analysis, Yun Cang and him Leng Linyuan owed him, so she didn't want Xiao Yi to go back to Yun Cang's sad place.

"But master, the empress will not let it go! Otherwise, there would be no previous assassination. If His Royal Highness Yi Wang hadn't had a big fate, I'm afraid... you'd better make a plan earlier!" The cold wind who had been silent all the time Suddenly sounded a reminder.

Leng Linyuan was silent, he was thinking, thinking about what Leng Feng and Leng Feng said.What they said made sense and hit the point.

It's just that this matter is not so easy, it is impossible to avoid the queen, because he can arrange countless pairs of eyes to stare at Leng Mingyi.

She can send people to assassinate countless times, and if one fails, there can be a second time, and if it is unsuccessful, there can be a third or fourth time...

This kind of assassination will never end, and who can accurately predict which time Leng Mingyi will have an accident!

He didn't dare to think, let alone bet!Because he can't afford to gamble.

"In Wanling, there is at least a barrier to protect Xiaoyi. Even if it is an assassination, they dare not enter the Wanling Palace blatantly."

Not to mention that he knew Empress Yuncang very well, but with this level of identity and Wan Ling's strength alone, she would not dare to be presumptuous easily.

"This matter, I will personally explain to the queen mother. As for the rest, I can't guarantee it. I talked to Mu Qianyu yesterday, and she has agreed to keep Xiaoyi in Wanling, so as long as Mu Qianyu can Protecting Xiaoyi all the time, Xiaoyi is safe. The question I am most worried about is how to get Xiaoyi back to Yuncang."

"Don't think about it anymore, let's go! Go for a walk!" Leng Linyuan put aside all his thoughts, stood up and walked straight to the door.

Cold wind and cold wind looked at each other and hurriedly followed.


In the imperial garden, Leng Linyuan stood in the pavilion for a long time, the cold wind blowing made his consciousness clearer.

He thought a lot of things here this morning.Since coming to Wanling, it seems that there are various things.

Since he came to Wanling, many things have happened, and all kinds of things have emerged one after another, which made him feel unexpected.

And about Leng Mingyi, he always remembered what happened back then, and it was always deeply engraved in his heart.

It is not easy to untie his knot.But what else could he do?

After all, this matter will never be accomplished overnight.

"His Royal Highness! Wait a minute." When he turned to leave and walked out of the pavilion, he heard a woman's voice behind him.

Her voice was a little hasty and anxious, and it could be heard that he should be trotting over.

Leng Linyuan turned around and saw Qiao Luo who had already run to stand in front of him.She was panting lightly, and her face was also a little anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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