Chapter 233 His Ruthlessness
She was sure that this was definitely the first time she had done such a bold thing after living so long in her life.

If someone told her before that you will fall in love with a man at first sight in the future, and you will stand in front of him and tell him that you like him, she will never believe it.

But at this moment it is happening, and all the impossible will no longer exist at this moment.Now that she has chosen to speak out, there is no room for maneuver anymore.

"I'll pretend you didn't say that." Leng Linyuan's cold voice was full of anger, if it wasn't because Qiao Luo was Luo Xiyan's friend, he would definitely not waste time here.

"No, you don't want to go, okay? At least... at least you can listen to me."

Qiao Luo ran up to Leng Linyuan and blocked his way.Leng Linyuan looked at Qiao Luo impatiently: "My meaning is not obvious enough? Or do you want to humiliate yourself?"

Qiao Luo looked up at Leng Linyuan, and saw the irony in his eyes, and the bitterness in his heart continued to spread in his heart.

Then he gave a wry smile, asking for shame?Isn't she just bringing shame on herself?
"You just don't want to give me a chance, do you? I just... just make you bored like this? You don't want to let you look at me more like this?"

Tears instantly filled Qiao Luo's eyes, and her realization gradually became blurred.

Leng Linyuan's face was slightly gloomy, and the words he spit out from his thin lips were like a sharp sword piercing straight into a person's heart.

"Please get out of the way, don't waste time on Ben Gong. Even if you are as beautiful as a fairy or Dong Shi, Ben Gong won't take a second look. Get out of the way."

Leng Linyuan walked straight past Qiao Luo, ignoring Qiao Luo.

"Is it because of her? I know you like Qianqian, but everyone can tell that she doesn't like you at all."

Qiao Luo's words made Leng Linyuan stop, only to hear Qiao Luo continue to speak: "Leng Linyuan, even a blind person can feel the difference between Qianqian and Leng Mingyi."

"I'm Qianqian's best friend. I know her well. She will never trust anyone or be nice to someone easily. You should know how she feels about Leng Mingyi, right?"

Qiao Luo's words made Leng Linyuan stunned in place, his eyes finally wavered a little, a little bit of bitterness appeared, but he quickly covered it up.

"What does this have to do with me? And what does it have to do with you? When will the daughter of a minister of all spirits interfere in the affairs of this palace? What are you?"

Leng Linyuan turned his body around to face Qiao Luo, with a sharp look in his eyes.

"I don't, I just want to tell you that Qianqian will never like you at all, and will not stay with you for a moment longer. Her heart has already lived in His Royal Highness King Yi..."

"Enough!" Leng Linyuan snapped and interrupted Qiao Luo.

"Do you think I dare not kill you? Do you know what you are doing now? Or are you trying to hide something from her? Or maybe your father has the idea of ​​the Wanling Emperor ?Ok?"

A cruel and bloodthirsty smile curled up on the corner of Leng Linyuan's mouth, and he stretched out his hand to grab Qiao Luo's neck.

Qiao Luo felt that the hands on her neck were gradually tightening. She felt a sense of fear and struggled subconsciously.

Leng Linyuan didn't pay attention to her struggle, her hands continued to tighten Qiao Luo's hand and didn't stay idle, she frantically beat the hand that was strangling her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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