Chapter 235 Mu Qiancheng's Anger
Qiao Luo looked bitterly at the sky, the tears in her eyes were still falling down her cheeks, and finally fell to the ground.

When Mu Qiancheng arrived, he saw Qiao Luo sitting on the ground with a bitter smile.

He frowned, walked over slowly, and stood beside Qiao Luo.

In a daze, Qiao Luo saw Mu Qiancheng's handsome face. At this moment, he was bending over and looking down at her.

"Oh! Is it good-looking? Have you seen enough? Do you think I'm pitiful? Still pathetic?" Qiao Luo looked at Mu Qiancheng sarcastically.

Mu Qiancheng frowned tightly. He didn't speak, but just looked at Qiao Luo quietly.

"Perhaps you don't even have sympathy? Isn't there such a saying that a poor person must have something to hate! Isn't he talking about people like me? Anyway, you read it, shouldn't it be time to get out now?"


Mu Qiancheng felt a little pain in his heart seeing Qiao Luo's decadent appearance, but he still remained silent.

But he didn't know that it was his attitude that made Qiao Luo's emotions more intense.

"Yes, you are the prince, the one who should get out is not you, never you! It's me! This is not where I should be, so I should leave, yes, I should leave!"

Qiao Luo kept repeating the same words, she got up from the ground, suddenly thought of something, then walked towards Mu Qiancheng, and made a big gift.

"His Royal Highness, you are a high-ranking prince, and my courtier is just the daughter of a small minister, who is nothing, how can you let His Royal Highness go? If you say that you are a courtier, you should go!

The servant girl, get out now!Will never obstruct your eyes. "

"What are you doing? Get up!"

Mu Qiancheng forcibly suppressed his inner anger and scolded Qiao Luo.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Qiao Luo up from the ground. Although his movements were rough, anyone with a heart could tell that his hands were not strong, but rather cautious.

Qiao Luo pulled Mu Qiancheng's hand off, then stood up straight, tidied up his clothes carefully, and patted the dust off his body.

"Your servant, please leave." Qiao Luo gave Mu Qiancheng a blessing, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop! Qiao Luo, what are you making a fuss about? Do you know what you're doing now? Do you know what you're thinking?" Mu Qiancheng's eyes were full of anger, and even his voice had a slight tingle because of the anger. trembling.

"Oh! You know what you're doing, don't you? All you royals are the same, the same self-righteousness! The same obnoxiousness."

In her mind, the scene when Leng Linyuan said that she was despicable just now, her tears couldn't stop falling down.

When Mu Qiancheng saw her crying so sadly, the anger in his heart disappeared immediately, and he felt a sense of powerlessness.

"Tell me, what happened just now? I know you're not happy, why are you angry at me? I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so I'm not afraid of you hitting me a few times."

Qiao Luo looked at Mu Qiancheng in confusion. She didn't know why Mu Qiancheng said that, and she didn't know why he appeared here.

But what he said really instilled a little warmth into her cold heart at this moment.

"Yes, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have vented my anger on you. I shouldn't have said that." Qiao Luo felt a little embarrassed when he thought of the various angry words he had just said.

(End of this chapter)

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