Chapter 238

Mu Qianyu didn't notice the complexity in Leng Mingyi's eyes at that moment, she still maintained the posture of handing things over, waiting for Leng Mingyi to take what was in her hand.

Leng Mingyi opened the box, and his blue eyes shone brightly. He stared blankly at the contents of the box, and then raised his head to look at Mu Qianyu.

Mu Qianyu blinked at him, with a slight smile on his lips.

There is more than just a small person in this box.Or in other words, a scene and a picture.

This scene is exactly the picture of them swinging in the imperial garden.All the small items in the box are so small that it is impossible to identify what they are without looking carefully.

The scene set inside is not the current winter but spring and summer, the season of lush vegetation and colorful flowers.

Such a scene is beautiful, very beautiful.

There was a little girl sitting on the swing. The girl looked delicate and charming. The clothes on her body fluttered with the wind. There was a man behind him pushing the swing with one hand on the swing rope.

This scene reminded him of the scene when he was in the Royal Garden.

The same scene, different seasons, at that time the cold wind was still biting, and it hurt people's faces.

But because the palace was too boring, he couldn't find interesting things or interesting people at all. Sometimes Mu Qianyu was busy, so he could only be alone.

So Mu Qianyu took him to the imperial garden, where there were many trees that were still flourishing, and there were also many plum trees.

She took him to the front of the swing, let him sit on it, and she pushed it behind.

Because he has been living in Wanling, he has never seen it, and no one has ever asked him to play on this thing called a swing, so he subconsciously panicked.

Because he didn't hold on tight to the rope at the beginning, when Mu Qianyu pushed the swing, he fell directly from it.

He leaned forward and fell face down on the ground.

Seeing Leng Mingyi fall down, Mu Qianyu ran over and helped Leng Mingyi up.

He didn't dare to sit on the swing anymore, Mu Qianyu let him sit down, put his hand on the Qianqiu rope and held it tightly, and she walked around behind him.

She put her hand behind Leng Mingyi and pushed it gently.

Sitting on it, he felt Mu Qianyu's hand on his back. He felt stiff for a moment, and then returned to normal.

Gradually, he enjoyed the feeling of swinging on the swing like this, a feeling like flying, which was a feeling he had never experienced before.

He likes that feeling, and also likes the feeling of flying, it's so comfortable and novel.

"Do you like it?" Seeing a glint of light in Leng Mingyi's eyes, Mu Qianyu immediately felt better.

"I like it, I like it! Xiaoyi likes everything the doll gave me! Xiaoyi likes dolls the most!" Leng Mingyi carefully closed the box in his hand.

He directly stepped forward and hugged Mu Qianyu, and gave Mu Qianyu a "boo" on the face.

Mu Qianyu's body stiffened immediately, and her little face suddenly turned red.

"Cold, Leng Mingyi! What are you doing?" Mu Qianyu took a step back, touching her cheek that had been kissed, and glared at Leng Mingyi with round almond eyes.

Leng Mingyi saw Mu Qianyu looking at him coquettishly, like a frightened deer, which was cute and cute. His eyes were also stained with an imperceptible smile, which disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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