Chapter 241
Mu Qianyu looked at Mu Qiancheng's back in a daze.

Her thoughts were torn apart in her last life, because she did not help Qiao Luo in her previous life, Mu Qiancheng rushed to her palace to question her, begging her to save Qiao Luo.

At that time, she should have thought that Mu Qiancheng's feelings for Qiao Luo were unusual, but she didn't notice anything, and she put all her thoughts on Gu Ming and Qin Xue.

She believed them subconsciously, and believed everything they said so she didn't have it. She hurt the people around her time and time again, all the people who cared about her.

She disappointed her father, brother, and friends time and time again.Gradually she returned to Wan Ling, and even ruined all those who cared about her, and all those who cared about her on the opposite side.

Mu Qianyu sighed silently, took one last look at the somewhat gloomy sky, turned and walked into the room.


Leng Mingyi's room

"Hey! You still know how to come back! How long have you been out here? You don't know that your body may be in danger at any time now? Why don't you listen to advice!"

Jun Jingyu was half leaning on the chair, with his head resting on one straight arm, and the other hand took out grapes from the plate on the table and threw them into his mouth, feeling very comfortable.


Leng Mingyi didn't speak, but quietly looked at the small box in his hand, which was what Mu Qianyu gave him just now.

Obviously he should be happy, but for some reason, he just can't be happy, and there is an ominous premonition in his heart from time to time.

He wanted to ignore this feeling, but found that it seemed impossible.

"What are you thinking about? What is this? Come and show me!" Jun Jingyu got up and was about to snatch the black box from Leng Mingyi's hand.

But with a flash of Leng Mingyi's body, Jun Jingyu was caught in the air.

"What is so precious! Even my brothers can't see it? Did Mu Qianyu give it to you again? Huh!" Jun Jingyu turned his face away, and made a loud and cold "hum" to express own dissatisfaction.

Leng Mingyi's expression was normal, his blue eyes stared straight at the box in his hand.

"I always feel that something will happen these days, but I don't know what it is! Occasionally, I feel flustered for no reason."

Jun Jingyu turned his face around in disappointment, stretched out his hand to hold Leng Mingyi's hand, and put his hand on Leng Mingyi's wrist to feel his pulse.

"The breath is a little weak, which should be the reason why you forcibly rushed out of the barrier, and the poison in your body has basically been cured, there is still some residual poison, but it is not a serious problem."

"That's not what I'm talking about. I don't have any problems with my body for the time being, but the flustered feeling has not diminished. I suspect that something major will happen recently." Leng Mingyi's deep eyes flashed with a trace of panic.

"You mean, what danger do you think Mu Qianyu will encounter recently?" Jun Jingyu rested his chin on his hand, thoughtfully.

Basically, the things that can scare Leng Mingyi must have something to do with Mu Qianyu.

"I'm not sure, I don't know when I will return to the enchantment again, I hope I'm just being supercilious."

"You're just thinking about nothing, what can you do? Besides, you'd better hide tomorrow night, or you'll be in big trouble! Do you want me to take you out of the palace to hide for two days? Or really? It's not a solution." Jun Jingyu frowned and looked at Leng Mingyi worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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