Chapter 247 The Quiet Night
And in the dark behind them, there are two figures hidden, and their eyes are staring straight at the direction of Leng Mingyi and Mu Qianyu
It's just that Mu Qianyu never noticed it, and Leng Mingyi discovered it when this line of sight appeared.

He could feel how familiar the eyes and breath behind him were, but between them, there was no way to go back to the past.

No matter what happened when they were young or what happened in their previous life, for the two of them, it has become an insurmountable gap.

And they are destined to be on opposite sides of this divide.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Leng Mingyi standing still, Mu Qianyu frowned and said.

"It's okay! Let's go over there baby, shall we?"

Leng Mingyi pointed to Meilin who was not far away, and then ran over on his own.

Mu Qianyu stared at Leng Mingyi's back thoughtfully.

Is it her illusion?Why does he feel that there is something wrong with Leng Mingyi today!

But she didn't seem to be able to tell what was wrong, she just felt a strange feeling.

She shook her head, put aside all her thoughts, and followed up.

After they left, two figures stepped out from the darkness.

"Master, are you really going to give up Princess Qianyu? Are you really going to surrender like this?" Leng Feng looked at Leng Linyuan in astonishment, a little unbelievable.

"Lengfeng, there are some things that we must not do if we don't want to, it's not that I want to give up, it's just because there is no place for me in Qianqian's heart.

Can't you see how nice she is to Xiao Yi?This kind of feeling is not something I can have, so why bother to ask for it? "

Looking at the disappearing figure in the distance, Leng Linyuan sighed secretly in his heart.

"It's better not to mention this matter again, after all, it is not good for anyone! You go first, I will stay here alone for a while."

"Master..." Leng Feng wanted to say something more, but Leng Linyuan reached out to stop him and waved him to leave.

Leng Feng secretly sighed in his heart, turned and left.

Leng Linyuan's eyes never left the direction where Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi left, but he didn't know what he was thinking.


In the silent night, the cold wind was blowing bitterly, as if it was howling, or someone was crying.

A figure shuttled through the endless night like a phantom so fast that it was hard to notice someone passing by.

The figure soon arrived at Mu Qianyu's palace and walked in quietly.

At this time, Mu Qianyu was still deep in sleep, unaware that someone else's breath had appeared in this room.

The man was dressed in night clothes, even his own face was covered, so people couldn't see his real appearance clearly.

He quietly slowed down his steps, walked slowly to Mu Qianyu's bed, and sat on the edge of the bed.

He didn't do anything, just quietly looked at the sleeping woman who was lying on the bed at this moment.

The quiet sleeping face is like a sleeping beauty, a little less playful and cute, but also a little less forceful and sharp, and more of a quiet and beautiful feeling.

Looking at this woman like this, there is an inexplicable peace of mind in my heart, maybe all men will feel this way when they treat the woman they love deeply...

The man thought secretly in his heart.

He stretched out his hand to gently caress Mu Qianyu's cheek, and there was an almost greedy look in his eyes.He quietly looked at Mu Qianyu's sleeping face, a little lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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