Chapter 249 I Only Like Dolls

"Well... When the baby comes in, Xiaoyi will come in, and Xiaoyi will protect the baby! If those older sisters bully the baby, the baby can beat them!"

Leng Mingyi stretched out his small fist and waved it around, Mu Qianyu covered his face in dumbfounding.

This guy is nothing short of a kid.

"Let's go!" He stretched out his hand to pull Leng Mingyi into it.

But as soon as they arrived at the door, they were surrounded by several girls from the building.

Leng Mingyi subconsciously blocked Mu Qianyu's body behind her, preventing those women from hurting her.

But it was obvious that he was thinking too much, who could hurt Mu Qianyu!In addition, since Mu Qianyu has come in, he must have a strategy to deal with it.

Soon, this was confirmed!
Those women obviously didn't want to go towards Mu Qianyu, their hands directly hugged Leng Mingyi's arm, and some women's bodies directly stuck to Leng Mingyi's body.

Leng Mingyi frowned, and threw those women to the ground. The farthest of those women were thrown several meters away, and they all screamed in pain.

"Pfft..." Mu Qianyu, who was watching a play behind Leng Mingyi, burst into laughter when he saw this scene.

"Xiao Yi, you don't know how to be gentle!" Mu Qianyu looked at the women who were lying on the ground, and for some reason felt a little excited in his heart.

"I don't like it! Dirty! I only like dolls!"

After hearing Leng Mingyi's words, Mu Qianyu's cheeks suddenly flushed red.

He turned his face aside.

This guy doesn't pay attention to the occasion when he talks, really!
"Who! Who is here to mess things up! Let me take a good look, who is it that dares to act wildly on the princess's territory." Cuihonglou's mother twisted her water snake waist and walked down slowly.

She held a small fan in her hand and fanned it slowly. The whole face could be described as heavy makeup.

"You're not afraid of offending the princess, I'll make you hungry!" Mom didn't know Leng Mingyi, and at this time Mu Qianyu had been hiding behind Leng Mingyi, so her mother didn't see Mu Qianyu either.

She cursed loudly: "I want to see who dares to act wild here! Someone, arrest him for me!"

"Who the hell can't eat and walk around? Huh?" Mu Qianyu crossed her arms and walked out from behind Leng Mingyi, with a trace of anger still shining in her eyes.

"Princess...princess? Why is it you! Oops! Your Highness, please forgive me, I don't know that you are coming today..."

"I don't know? You can bully the princess if you don't know? Or, if you kill the princess one day in the future, just because you don't know, the princess will acquit you?"

Mu Qianyu's aura poured out, scaring everyone into a cold sweat, and everyone present knelt on the ground.

An imperceptible smile flashed in Leng Mingyi's eyes, and his doll said that he was hers.

very nice!He is her man.How do you hear this sentence?he likes!

"Okay... the princess is here today to deal with business, not here to see how you get off your crimes, what to do!" Mu Qianyu yelled angrily, so no one dared to move.

"Can't understand people's words?"

Mu Qianyu's angry voice sounded again, and everyone who could escape escaped.

Soon the entire first floor was empty, only mother, Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi were left.

"What? Have you learned how to bully others now? Still think that the person behind me is my princess, so I have nothing to fear?"

(End of this chapter)

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