Chapter 252 Conversation
The corners of Mu Qianyu's lips curved slightly, and he looked at Qin Xue with endless sympathy and pity, as well as a hint of sarcasm.

"You're right. This princess has nothing left after her father and brother, but doesn't this princess have it? Why bother to think about those assumptions that don't exist? And you! You think you are the smartest in the world , the one who most deserves everything."

"But Qin Xue, have you ever thought about why you can get everything you want? How can you enjoy things stolen from others with peace of mind? Or do you just like to steal things? "

"Enough! Shut up! Shut up! No! I'm not like this!" Mu Qianyu's words strongly stimulated Qin Xue, and the anger in her heart was suppressed by the ultimate method, and she yelled at Mu Qianyu crazily.

"What's the use of playing lip service? If you have the ability, show some real skills! Oh! This princess even forgot, it seems that you only have this little house now!"

"Mu Qianyu, I'm going to kill you!" Qin Xueru got you up from the bed, and rushed straight to Mu Qianyu, only to lose weight halfway and fall to the ground.

"Qin Xue, this kind of life, this kind of place, why do you have to force me?" Mu Qianyu walked up to Qin Xue, and slowly squatted down.

"Didn't you just come to see my jokes? Enough! The door is there, this place is not for a rich man like you, please move away." There was a trace of sadness on Qin Xue's face, deep Point your arm in the direction of the door.

"I came here today just to see how my best, most trustworthy, and closest friend is doing. Since you don't welcome me, this princess will leave." Mu Qianyu's lips curled slightly, and she turned around and prepared leave.

"Stop! You say it so grandly, but after all, you just want to see how miserable my life is, don't you? Oh! You see it, don't you? Are you satisfied?"

Qin Xue slowly got up from the ground with difficulty, and stood in front of Mu Qianyu.

"I never thought that we would become like this in the end, Qin Xue, you have never been nice to yourself! Are you happy these years?"

Qin Xue was stunned and looked at Mu Qianyu in disbelief. He didn't understand why she said that.

"Think carefully, what do you want most? What is your favorite! You have never lived for yourself! Are you tired?"

Qin Xue looked up at Mu Qianyu, and saw the pity and sympathy in his eyes, and she was startled fiercely in her heart.

Did she live for herself?It seems not!Since she was sensible, she was forced by her mother to learn all kinds of things, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry, poetry, and various dances.

She invited a lot of teaching nuns to teach her the ways of the world, how to make everyone like her, and how to learn to pretend.

These years, she has been living in Mu Qianyu's shadow every day, and everyone compares her with Mu Qianyu, so she subconsciously only compares with Mu Qianyu and beats Mu Qianyu to be considered the real winner.

"Qin Xue, you know, if something like this hadn't happened this time and you pushed me into the lake because I didn't find out about it, what would your life trajectory look like?"

Mu Qianyu knew that his words had played a certain role, the corners of his lips curled slightly, he walked to the table and sat down.

Qin Xue was puzzled, she didn't know why Mu Qianyu said that, and then a sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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