Chapter 260 Confused
He now feels a sense of confusion in his heart, because he doesn't know whether it was right or wrong to allow Mu Qianyu to bring Leng Mingyi into Wanling Palace.

He had guessed very early on that Mu Qianyu was unusual for Leng Mingyi, and this unusualness was not unusual in the simple sense, but a kind of affection.

An inexplicable feeling was slowly fermenting. When he was young, he had only had that kind of feeling for a woman before.

That woman who took in Mu Qianyu's mother was the love of his life.Even though he has passed away for so many years, in his heart, no one can take her place.

She is one and only.

He thought that Mu Qianyu must have fallen in love with this silly, child-like man.

If it was any other man, or any man in Wan Ling, he would not be in such a difficult situation.

The point is that Leng Mingyi is a fool, and he feels uncomfortable when he thinks that his precious daughter will live with a fool for the rest of his life.

Another issue worthy of attention is that Leng Mingyi is the prince Yuncang.This identity is a matter of great concern.

Everyone in the world knows that although Yun Cang and Wan Ling have maintained a good relationship on the surface, in fact, the current relationship between the two countries has actually formed a state of fire and water in secret.

Besides, Emperor Yuncang's ambition is well known in the world, if he really marry Mu Qianyu, he can only be reduced to a tool to be used.

He must protect his children in this life. This is a promise to the queen, and it is his own responsibility as a father.

"Wait!" Leng Linyuan's indifferent voice resounded in the quiet environment, which seemed very abrupt.

Jun Jingyu coughed lightly, and said, "His Royal Highness! The girl knows how to measure, so you don't need to worry. No matter who happens to this kind of thing, it must not be easy to accept. Let's wait for the girl to come out and talk about it." !"

"Jun Jingyu, are you plotting against us? Leng Mingyi was fine before, so why did you arrive soon? Or did you two discuss it early in the morning?" Mu Qiancheng narrowed his eyes slightly, forming a Dangerous gap.

Jun Jingyu simply smiled, and made a courteous gift to Mu Qiancheng.

"His Royal Highness should pay more attention to the room, instead of suspecting others here and wronging the innocent. If this is spread, the world will definitely think that Prince Wanling is a reckless man who doesn't know right from wrong and doesn't understand the truth. At that time, I want to see how you convince the crowd!"

There was a meaningful smile in the corner of Jun Jingyu's mouth, and he was still mocking Mu Qiancheng with a vicious tongue.

"You..." A wave of anger rose in Mu Qiancheng's heart, and he clenched his fists towards Jun Jingyu, but his hand didn't get close to Jun Jingyu, and he heard a roar behind him.

"That's enough! What are you guys making a fuss about? Do you know it's noisy? One prince of one country, one prince, this is very interesting, isn't it?"

Leng Linyuan's icy voice seemed to freeze people to death.From the beginning to the end, Mu Yan didn't speak, and his eyes stayed on the door of the morning room without any diversion.

Jun Jingyu touched his nose and turned his face away. He was actually just joking and had no other meaning.Just want to ease the tension
Mu Qiancheng also took a deep breath, then turned around and returned to the original position to wait quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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