Chapter 264 Anger

At the same time, in another room of Qingyou Palace

"What did you say? Didn't kill it? How did you do it? What's the use of you!"

In the room, there was a Leng Jiao's furious voice, followed by the sound of a whip being whipped.

"A bunch of trash! Trash! What use are you for? Just to kill a fool, to kill an unarmed woman, you guys are so good...Damn it! You all should die!" Leng Jiao's eyes were burning with raging anger.

The last time Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi brought her the humiliation, she hadn't returned it yet, but this time she failed again!

She is not reconciled!Not reconciled!

Mu Qianyu, this bitch!Damn it!Just be damned!

If she doesn't let out such a bad breath, she won't be Leng!
"You guys... Tell this princess what happened at that time. If this princess finds out that there is a little bit of falsehood, be careful of your dog heads!" Leng Jiao put away the whip in her hand, snorted coldly, Sit back in place.

"Back... back to Your Highness Princess, we were about to kill Mu Qianyu soon, but His Highness the Crown Prince suddenly appeared, and they had His Highness the Crown Prince Dong's body to protect them, so... so the servants did not dare to act rashly! "

"What? Brother Huang? It's him again! It's really good to fight against this princess, my biological sister, for an outsider time and time again!" A trace of resentment passed.

"Your Highness, Princess Qianyu even asked the servants to give a message to Her Highness." The man kneeling on the ground at the head said, hiding the fear in his heart.

"Oh? What are you talking about? This princess must listen carefully!"

snort!Mu Qianyu dared to fight against him, it was really desperate.

"Back to Your Highness Princess! Princess Qianyu said... that every inch of the land here belongs to all spirits. If you dare to behave wildly on the territory of all spirits, you must have the ability to bear the consequences."

"Presumptuous!" Leng Jiao slapped the table and stood up, the anger on his face became more and more obvious, he never thought that Yuu would say such a thing to her at the moment, he is my princess, no one has ever talked to her like this before.

How dare Mu Qianyu say such a thing, isn't he afraid of affecting the diplomatic relations between the two countries?
For Leng Jiao, this matter is an insult to him.

She was pampered by her father and mother since she was a child. No one had ever treated her like this before, and his anger was rising.

"When Mu Qianyu said this, was Brother Huang also present?"

Leng Jiao tried her best to restrain her anger and asked.

"Yes... yes! His Royal Highness was there at the time." The man kneeling on the ground looked at Leng Jiao tremblingly.

They have been living in Yuncang, so they are very aware of this princess's temper since she was a child. The emperor and queen have always loved this princess very much, so she has developed an arrogant and domineering temperament.

"Good job! All good job! Now even Brother Huang is helping that bitch."

Mu Qianyu, we have one more feud, and I will definitely return it one by one in the future.You just wait to be revenged by this princess!
This princess will never let you go easily!

"Get out! Get out of here, princess! Get out as far as you can!" Leng Jiao reached out and brushed away the teacups and decorations on the table, and all the things were thrown to the ground by Leng Jiao.

There was the sound of porcelain shattering.

The sound of "cracking" seemed so abrupt in a quiet room.

Every sound is like a blow to the heart of a person.

(End of this chapter)

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